Insight Mining: Most Important Step Creative Development

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Insight Mining

Most important step creative development

Those who are involved with the product

are greedy

My product has
My product
three new
does this and
that and this as

My product
should appeal to
all men and Don’t forget
women, in those
urban and rural endorsements!
Poor Briefs are more product focused than

consumer focused

“This is what we
have invented!”
consumer needs
are fulfilled”
Some tips on writing a good brief

 Outside in thinking: be consumer focused.

 Ban the “AND” word: don’t let the second idea creep in. Be focused
on one idea, one thought.
 Make some real DISCOVERIES about how the consumer thinks
and feels.
 Don’t exceed the single page!
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t is in g
C l ie n t Job no

Pr o duc t

D e s c r ip t io n

R e q u ir e m e n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

T he role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?

Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

T he desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

What is the core brand insight?

T he surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight Mining TM

What should the advertising say?

T he single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?

Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

Ap p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g

Why are we
C l ie n t Job no

Pr o duc t

D e s c r ip t io n

R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?

The roles and goals of the

Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

advertising in meeting the

What is the core brand insight?
The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM

What should the advertising say?

marketing and
The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?
Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g

Who are we talking to

C l ie n t Job no

Pr o duc t

D e s c r ip t io n

(and what do we know

R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?

Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them. about them)?
What do we want them to think or do?
The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

Relevant insights about the

What is the core brand insight?
The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM

What should the advertising say?

target and their

The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

involvement with the

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?
Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

brand/category that will

Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

help advertise to them.

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g
C l ie n t

Pr o duc t
Job no

What do we want them to

think or do?
D e s c r ip t io n

R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

The desired change in their

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?
Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

What is the core brand insight?

The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM thinking or behaviour that
will occur as a result of the
What should the advertising say?
The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?

Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone. advertising.
What executional considerations are there?
Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

What is the core brand

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g
C l ie n t Job no

Pr o duc t

D e s c r ip t io n

R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The surprising, new

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?

Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

insightful connection which

What do we want them to think or do?
The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

What is the core brand insight?

The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM

What should the advertising say?

The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way. springs from
Why should anyone believe it?
Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?

Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

Insight MiningTM
Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g
C l ie n t

Pr o duc t
Job no

What should the

advertising say?
D e s c r ip t io n

R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

The single-minded
Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?
Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

What is the core brand insight?

The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM
proposition for this
campaign that expresses
What should the advertising say?
The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?

Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone. the brand insight in the
most persuasive way.
What executional considerations are there?
Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g

Why should anyone

C l ie n t Job no

Pr o duc t

D e s c r ip t io n

believe it?
R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?

Support points, rationale,

Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

whether based in consumer

What is the core brand insight?
The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM

What should the advertising say?

insight, competitive
The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

advantage or product
What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?
Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g
C l ie n t

Pr o duc t
Job no

What is the desired tone and

manner of the advertising?
D e s c r ip t io n

R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Reflected in the brand

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?
Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.

What is the core brand insight?

The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM
personality, but more specific
to the advertising tone.
What should the advertising say?
The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?

Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
The Lowe Creative Brief:

Eight Questions to answer in one page.

C r e a t iv e B r ie f
a d v e r t i s in g
C l ie n t

Pr o duc t

D e s c r ip t io n
Job no

What executional
considerations are there?
R e q u ir e me n t A ir / In s e r t io n d a t e

Why are we advertising?

The role and the goals for the advertising in meeting marketing and communications objectives.

Who are we talking to (and what do we know about them)?

Relevant insights about the target and their involvement with the brand/category that will help advertise to them.

What do we want them to think or do?

The desired change in their thinking or behaviour that will occur as a result of the advertising.
Legal, branding, logistical and
What is the core brand insight?
The surprising, new insightful connection which springs from Insight MiningTM

What should the advertising say?

directional input.
The single-minded proposition for this campaign that expresses the brand insight in the most persuasive way.

Why should anyone believe it?

Support points, rationale, whether based in consumer insight, competitive advantage or product performance.

What is the desired tone and manner of the advertising?

Reflected in the brand personality, but more specific to the advertising tone.

What executional considerations are there?

Legal, branding, logistical and directional input.

A p p r o v a l o f B r ie f
S t r a t e g y a n d T im in g

A c c o u n t D ir

P l a n n in g D ir

Ma n a g e me n t

C r e a t iv e
D ir e c t o r

F ir s t R e v ie w

Dat e D a t e is s u e d C r e a t iv e t e a m F in a l R e v ie w

W r it t e n b y t r a f f ic budget C l ie n t
P r e s e n t a t io n
Consumer Insight is the most important
value addition we can make to a client’s
Consumer Insight:
The heart of our strategy

Consumer Brilliant Consumer Impactful

Understanding Innovation Insight Communication

“The English are always degrading truths into facts.

When a truth becomes a fact it loses all intellectual
Oscar Wilde
Fact Vs.Truth
Facts are Cold!
Truths are electrifying!
Milk goes with many things!
You only notice milk when it isn’t there!
Candies are for sharing.
When you have some tasty candies, the last
piece is the most precious!
Discovering the insights to change behavior

Current behavior Future behavior


BECAUSE: If we make them

think/ feel
Currently think/

Communication Development process



An Insight is a deeply felt human truth that
bonds our brand to our consumer.
Every man dreams of the woman making the
first move!
Generation X’ers think it’s cool to believe
that Image is Unimportant!
Lipton Cup-a-Soup:

The eager beaver is secretly envied by most


When you are under pressure, you need to

feel cool and in-control to come through!
Thank you
Discovering Insights

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