Business Model Canvas For Powerpoint

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Business Model Canvas

Partners Key Resources Value Proposition Customer Customer Segments

 Add partners here…  Add your resources  Add your value  What customer
here proposition here  Add you customer segments do you
relationships here… pursue

Key Activities Channels

 Add your business  List the channels
activities here

Costs Revenue
 Add your business costs here  List your revenue streams here

For more information on the canvas please visit its creators website: - Powerpoint template by @sealeyd
Customer Empathy Map

What do they hear? What do they think & feel? What do they see? What do they say and do?
From friends? What really counts Environment Attitude in public
From influencers? Major preoccupations Friends Appearance
From their boss? Worries & aspirations What the market offers Behaviour toward others

 List what your customer is  List how your customer thinks and  List what your customer sees  List what they say
hearing feels

Pains  List the pains they feel Gains  List the gains they hope to achieve
Fears Wants/needs
Frustrations Measures of
Obstacles success

For more information on the canvas please visit its creators website: - Powerpoint template by @sealeyd

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