Business Model Canvas For Powerpoint
Business Model Canvas For Powerpoint
Business Model Canvas For Powerpoint
Costs Revenue
Add your business costs here List your revenue streams here
For more information on the canvas please visit its creators website: - Powerpoint template by @sealeyd
Customer Empathy Map
What do they hear? What do they think & feel? What do they see? What do they say and do?
From friends? What really counts Environment Attitude in public
From influencers? Major preoccupations Friends Appearance
From their boss? Worries & aspirations What the market offers Behaviour toward others
List what your customer is List how your customer thinks and List what your customer sees List what they say
hearing feels
Pains List the pains they feel Gains List the gains they hope to achieve
Fears Wants/needs
Frustrations Measures of
Obstacles success
For more information on the canvas please visit its creators website: - Powerpoint template by @sealeyd