Second Order System
Second Order System
Second Order System
• From the above expression it is clear that the error of the signal is of
oscillation type with exponentially decaying magnitude when ζ d and
the time constant of exponential decay is 1/ζωn. Where, ωd, is
referred as damped frequency of the oscillation, and ωn is natural
frequency of the oscillation. The term ζ affects that damping a lot and
hence this term is called damping ratio.
There will be different behaviors of output signal,
depending upon the value of damping ratio and
let us examine each of the cases, one by one.
• When damping ratio is zero, we can rewrite the above expression of
output signal as
•Settling time (t ) is the time required for a response to become steady. It is defined as
the time required by the response to reach and steady within specified range of 2 % to
5 % of its final value.
•Steady-state error (e ) is the difference between actual output and desired output at
Where T =
In general x% error
Then ts=ln(x%)* T
Steady State Errors
•R(s) is the Laplace transform of the reference Input signal r(t)r(t)
•C(s) is the Laplace transform of the output signal c(t)