Calendar Lesson Budget by Quarter English
Calendar Lesson Budget by Quarter English
Calendar Lesson Budget by Quarter English
1ST Quarter Grade 9 English AUGUST (21)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 EN9G-Ih-1.6/1.7: Use 2 EN9LC-Ii-3.14: Summarize 3 EN9LT-Ii-14: Analyze literature 4
appropriate punctuation marks and information from the text listened to as a means of discovering the self
capitalization to convey meaning. EN9VC-Ii-1.5/2.5: Draw generalizations EN9LT-Ii-3: Explain how a selection
EN9G-Ih-18: Use interjections to and conclusions from the material may be influenced by culture, history,
convey meaning viewed EN9V-Ii-12.3: Note types of environment, or other factors
EN9RC-Ii-18: Identify advance context clue (restatement, definition, EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use literary devices
organizers, titles, sub-titles, synonyms, antonyms) used for a given and techniques to craft poetic forms
illustrations, etc. given in a text word or expression
audience while delivering lines in a
Readers Theatre or in a Chamber
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
18 EN9RC-IIe-19: Get 19 EN9V-IIe-27: Give the 20 EN9LT-IIe-2.2.2: Explain the 21 EN9OL-IIe-5: Use the 22 .
information from various print appropriate communicative styles for literary devices used. appropriate prosodic features of
media like brochures, pamphlets, various situations (intimate, casual, . EN9WC-IIe-10: Distinguish the speech when delivering lines in a
periodicals, and audio-video conversational, consultative, frozen). features present in poetry and in prose. Readers Theatre or in a Chamber
recordings. EN9LT-IIe-15: Analyze literature as a Theatre EN9G-IIe-20: Use
EN9LC-IIe-12: Make a stand means of valuing other people and conditionals in expressing arguments
based on the text listened to. their various circumstances in life.
EN9VC-IIe-22: Agree or disagree
with the ideas presented in the
material viewed.
25 EN9RC-IIf-11.1: Sense 26 EN9V-IIf-28: Determine the 27 EN9WC-IIf-9: Compose forms 28 EN9OL-IIf-5: Use the 29
the difference between linear and vocabulary or jargons expected of a of literary writing. appropriate prosodic features of
non-linear texts. communicative style. EN9LT-IIf-15: EN9WC-IIf-9.2: Identify types and speech when delivering lines in a
EN9LC-IIf-8.7: Draw conclusions Analyze literature as a means of Readers Theatre or in a Chamber
based on the text listened to. valuing other people and their various features of short prose. Theatre. EN9G-IIf-20: Use
EN9VC-IIf-23: Share personal circumstances in life. conditionals in expressing arguments
opinion about the ideas presented EN9LT-IIf-2.2.3: Determine tone,
mood, technique, and purpose of the
in the material viewed. author.
2nd Quarter Grade 9 English October (15)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 EN9RC-IIg-5: Interpret 3. EN9LT-IIg-15: Analyze literature 4 EN9OL-IIg-2.6: Employ effective 5 World 6
Teachers’ Day
information found in non-linear as a means of valuing other people and appropriate non-verbal
texts such as diagrams, maps, and their various circumstances in communication to convey meaning in a
charts, etc EN9LC-IIg-3.13: life. Readers or Chamber Theatre.
React and share personal opinion EN9LT-IIg-2.2.3: Determine tone, EN9G-IIg-20: Use conditionals in
about the ideas listened to. mood, technique, and purpose of the
EN9VC-IIg-23: Share personal author. EN9WC-IIg-9: Compose expressing arguments.
opinion about the ideas presented forms of literary writing.
in the material viewed. EN9V-IIg- EN9WC-IIg-9.2: Identify types and
28: Determine the vocabulary or features of short prose.
jargons expected of a
communicative style .
6 EN9V-IIIa-29: Get familiar 7 EN9WC-IIIa-9: Compose forms 8 EN9OL-IIIa-3.7: Employ varied 9 EN9RC-IIIb-20: Analyze a one- 10
with the technical vocabulary for of literary writing verbal and non-verbal strategies while act play
drama and theatre (like stage EN9WC-IIIa-9.4: Identify types and performing in a one-act play EN9LT-IIIb-20.1: Explain how the
directions) features of a play synopsis. EN9F-IIIa-3.11: Produce the English elements specific to a one-act play
EN9LT-IIIa-16: Analyze literature sounds correctly and effectively when contribute to the development of its
as a means of connecting to the theme
world. .
delivering lines in a one-act play EN9LC-IIIb-6.3: Reflect on the ideas
EN9LT-IIIa-16.1: Identify the EN9G-IIIa-21: Use verbals. of the speakerEN9VC-IIIb-1.2/2.2:
distinguishing features of Anglo- Interpret the message conveyed in a
American one-act plays material viewed
3rd Quarter Grade 9 English November (19)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
13 EN9V-IIIc-29: Get familiar 14 EN9WC-IIIc-9: Compose 15 16 EN9RC-IIId-20: Analyze a 17
with the technical vocabulary for forms of literary writing EN9OL-IIIc-5: Use the appropriate one-act play
drama and theatre (like stage EN9WC-IIIc-9.4: Identify types and prosodic features of speech when EN9LT-IIId-2.1.5: Express
directions) features of a play synopsis. delivering lines in a one-act play appreciation for sensory images used
EN9LT-IIIc-16: Analyze literature EN9LT-IIId-20.2: Explain the literary
as a means of connecting to the EN9G-IIIc-21: Use verbals. devices used
EN9LT-IIIc-16.1: Identify the EN9LC-IIId-6.5: Recognize faulty
distinguishing features of Anglo- logic, unsupported facts, and
American one-act plays emotional appeal EN9VC-IIId-4.3/5.3:
Analyze the information contained in
the material viewed
20 EN9V-IIId-29: Get 21 EN9WC-IIId-9: Compose 22 EN9OL-IIId-5: Use the 23 EN9RC-IIIe-20: Analyze a one- 24
familiar with the technical forms of literary writing appropriate prosodic features of speech act play
vocabulary for drama and theatre EN9WC-IIId-9.4: Identify types and when delivering lines in a one-act play EN9LT-IIIe-2.1.5: Express
(like stage directions) features of a play synopsis EN9G-IIId-21: Use verbals. appreciation for sensory images used
EN9LT-IIId-16: Analyze literature EN9LT-IIIe-20.2: Explain the literary
as a means of connecting to the devices used EN9LC-IIIe-3.13:
world Provide appropriate and critical
EN9LT-IIId-2.3: Draw similarities feedback/ reaction to a specific
and differences of the featured context or situation EN9VC-IIIe-
selections in relation to the theme 4.3/5.3: Analyze the information
contained in the material viewed
3rd Quarter Grade 9 English November (19)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
27 EN9V-IIIe-29: Get familiar 28 EN9WC-IIIe-9: Compose 29 EN9OL-IIIe-5: Use the 30
with the technical vocabulary for forms of literary writing appropriate prosodic features of speech
drama and theatre (like stage EN9WC-IIIe-9.5: Use literary devices when delivering lines in a one-act play
and techniques to craft a play
directions) EN9LT-IIIe-16: EN9G-IIIe-21: Use verbals.
Analyze literature as a means of synopsis
connecting to the world EN9LT-
IIIe-2.3: Draw similarities and
differences of the featured
selections in relation to the theme
3rd Quarter Grade 9 English DECEMBER (15)
4 EN9VC-IIIf-4.3/5.3: Analyze 5 EN9LT-IIIf-16: Analyze literature 6 Use literary devices and 7 EN9LT-IIIg-2.11: Determine 8
the information contained in the as a means of connecting to the techniques to craft a play synopsis tone, mood, technique, and purpose
material viewed EN9V-IIIf-29: Get world of the author EN9LC-IIIg-2.10: Share
familiar with the technical EN9LT-IIIf-2.3: Draw similarities and communication strategies personal opinion about the ideas
vocabulary for drama and theatre differences of the featured selections listened to
in relation to the theme EN9VC-IIIg-24:
(like stage directions) Provide critical feedback to the idea
presented in the material viewed
3rd Quarter Grade 9 English DECEMBER (15)
18 EN9LC-IIIi-8.2: 19 20 21 22
Judge the relevance EN9LC-IIIi-8.6: Form EN9VC-IIIi-24: Provide SCHOOL
and worth of decisions based on critical feedback to the ACTIVITY START OF
information/ ideas the ideas mentioned idea presented in the CHRISTMAS
material viewed
25 26 27 28 29
3rd Quarter Grade 9 English JANUARY (21)
5 EN9RC-IVe-2.18: Relate text 6 EN9LC-IVe-8.8: Compare and 7 EN9VC-IVe-1.3/2.3: Formulate 8 understanding unchanging 9
content to particular social values in a changing world
issues, concerns, or dispositions contrast ideas listened to predictions based on the material EN9LT-IVe-2.2.2: Explain the literary
in real life viewed EN9V-IVe-29: devices used
Get familiar with the technical non-verbal communication strategies
vocabulary for drama and theater (like
stage prohibition
directions) writing an evaluation
4TH Quarter Grade 9 English FEBRUARY (19)
5 EN9G-IVg-1: Change direct 6 EN9V-IVh-29: 7 EN9OL-IVh-3.10: Use appropriate 8 EN9OL-IVg-1.14: Use the 9
to indirect speech and vice versa Get familiar with the tvocabulary for multi-media appropriate suprasegmentals: pitch,
toEN9RC-IVh-2.22: Judge the drama and theater (like stage resources appropriately, effectively stress, juncture, intonation, etc.
relevance and worth of ideas, directions) EN9G-IVh-24: Use words to express soundness of author’s reasoning, and
brought up in the material viewed echnical evaluation EN9RC-IVi-2.22: Judge the the effectiveness of the presentation
EN9LT-IVh-17: Analyze literature as relevance and worth of ideas,
EN9RC-IVh-2.22: Judge the a means of understanding soundness of author’s reasoning, and EN9LC-IVi-8.7: Make
relevance and worth of ideas, unchanging values in a changing the effectiveness of the presentation
brought up in the material viewed world generalizations
EN9LT-IVh-2.3: Draw similarities and
differences of the featured selections
in relation to the themeEN9WC-IVh-
11: Compose a play review
4TH Quarter Grade 9 English MARCH (20)
19 20 21 22 23
4TH Quarter Grade 9 English MARCH (20)
9 10 11 12 13