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Sex Determinan

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Sex Linkage, and

Sex Determination
Sex Linkage
The phenotypic expression of an allele related to the
chromosomal sex of the individual

Sex Determination
A biological system that determines the development of a sexual
characteristics in an organism
Eukaryotic Chromosomes
 Eukaryotes have multiple linear chromosomes in a number
characteristic of the species. Most have two versions of
each chromosome, and so are diploid (2N).
Diploid cells are produced by haploid (N) gametes that
fuse to form a zygote. The zygote then undergoes
development, forming a new individual.
Examples of diploid organisms are humans (23 pairs)
and Drosophila melanogaster (4 pairs).
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is haploid (16
Eukaryotic Chromosomes
Chromosome pairs in diploid
organisms are homologous
chromosomes. One member
of each pair (homolog) is
inherited from each parent.
Chromosomes that have
different genes and do not
pair are nonhomologous
Eukaryotic Chromosomes
 Animals and some plants have male and female cells with
distinct chromosome sets, due to sex chromosomes. One
sex has a matched pair (e.g., human females with XX) and
the other has an unmatched pair (human male with XY).
 Autosomes are chromosomes other than sex
Sex Chromosomes:
A chromosome that men and women have different amounts of.
(X and Y in humans.)

Autosomal Chromosomes:
All the other chromosomes BESIDES the sex chromosomes.
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
1. By the beginning of the 20th century, cytologists had
observed that chromosome number is constant in
all cells of a species, but varies widely between
2. Sutton and Boveri (1902) independently realized the
parallel between Mendelian inheritance and
chromosome transmission, and proposed the
chromosome theory of inheritance, which states
that Mendelian factors (genes) are located on
Sex Chromosomes
1. Behavior of sex chromosomes offers support for the
chromosomal theory. In many animals sex chromosome
composition relates to sex, while autosomes are constant.
2. Independent work of McClung, Stevens, and Wilson
indicated that chromosomes are different in male and
female insects.
a. Stevens named the extra chromosome found in females “X.”
b. In grasshoppers, all eggs have an X, and half of the sperm produced have
an X, and the other half do not. After fertilization, an unpaired X produces a
male, while paired X chromosomes produce a female.
3. Other insects have a partner for the X chromosome.
Stevens named it “Y.” In mealworms, for example, XX
individuals are female, and XY are male.
Sex Chromosomes
4. In both humans and fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
females have two X chromosomes, while males have X and
a. Males produce two kinds of gametes with respect to sex chromosomes (X
or Y), and are called the heterogametic sex.
b. Females produce gametes with only one kind of sex chromosome (X) and
are called the homogametic sex.
c. In some species the situation is reversed, with heterogametic females and
homogametic males.
5. Random fusion of gametes produces an F1 that is 1⁄2 female
(XX) and 1⁄2 male (XY).
Sex Chromosomes
X chromosome

Colourblindness Y chromosome

900-1600 genes 70-200 genes

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), an
organism used extensively in genetics
Inheritance pattern of X and Y
chromosomes in organisms where the
is XX and the male is XY:
Production of the F1 generation
Sex Linkage
The gene for the trait is located on either the X or Y chromosome.

1. Morgan (1910) found a mutant white-eyed male fly, and used it in

a series of experiments that showed a gene for eye color located
on the X chromosome.
a. First, he crossed the white-eyed male with a wild-type (red-eyed) female.
All F1 flies had red eyes. Therefore, the white-eyed trait is recessive.
b. Next, F1 were interbred. They produced an F2 with:
i. 3,470 red-eyed flies.
ii. 782 white-eyed flies.
c. The recessive number is too small to fit Mendelian ratios (explanation
discovered later is that white-eyed flies have lower viability).
d. All of the F2 white-eyed flies were male.
X-linked inheritance of white eyes in
Drosophila: Red-eyed female 
white-eyed male

Peter J. Russell, iGenetics: Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
Sex Linkage
e. Morgan’s hypothesis was that this eye color gene is located on the X
chromosome. If so,
i. Males are hemizygous, because there is no homologous gene on the Y. The original
mutant male’s genotype was w/Y (hemizygous with the recessive allele).
ii. Females may be homozygous or heterozygous. The wild-type female in the original
cross was w+/w+ (homozygous for red eyes).
iii. The F1 flies were w+/w (females) and w+/Y (males) (females all heterozygous, males
hemizygous dominant).
iv. The F2 data complete a crisscross inheritance pattern, with transmission from the
mutant fly through his daughter (who is heterozygous) to his grandson. The F2 were:

w+ Y
w+ w +/ w + w +/ Y
Red-eyed females Red-eyed males
w w +/ w w/ Y
Red-eyed females White-eyed males
Sex Linkage
v. Morgan’s hypothesis was confirmed by an experiment reciprocal to the
original cross. A white-eyed female (w/w) was crossed with a wild-
type male (w+/Y). Results of the reciprocal cross:
(1) All F1 females had red eyes (w+/w).
(2) All F1 males had white eyes (w/Y).
vi. These F1 results are different from those in the original cross, where
all the F1 had red eyes. When the F1 from the reciprocal cross interbred,
the F2 were:
w Y

w+ w+/ w w+/ Y
Red-eyed females Red-eyed males

w w/ w w/ Y
White-eyed females White-eyed males
Reciprocal cross : Homozygous
white-eyed female  red-eyed
(wild-type) male
Reciprocal cross : The F1 flies are
interbred to produce the F2s
Sex Linkage
2.Morgan’s discovery of X-linked inheritance showed that
when results of reciprocal crosses are different, and
ratios differ between progeny of different sexes, the
gene involved is likely to be X-linked (sex-linked).
3. This was strong evidence that genes are located on
chromosomes. Morgan received the 1933 Nobel Prize
for Physiology or Medicine for this work.
Sex-Linked Characteristics

• X-linked characteristics
• Z-linked characteristics
• Y-linked characteristics
X-Linked White Eyes in
• Appearance of rare phenotypes was associated with the
inheritance of particular chromosomes
• Sex-linked genes are located on the X chromosome
• The wild-type eye color of Drosophila is dull red, but pure
lines with white eyes are available.
• Allele for white is recessive
• White-eyed females would possess two X chromosomes
and one Y and that red-eyed males would possess a single
X chromosome
X-Linked Color Blindness in
• Human eye detects only three colors—red, green
and blue
• Affected woman passes the X-linked recessive trait
to her sons but not to her daughters
• Affected man passes the trait to his grandsons
through his daughters but never to his sons
• Pattern of inheritance exhibited by X-linked
recessive characteristics is sometimes called
crisscross inheritance
Result from a defect in one of three genes found on X
Red–green color blindness is inherited as an X-linked recessive
trait in humans
Inheritance of
an individual that has two alleles, one damaged one and
one regular
Z-Linked Characteristics

• In organisms with ZZ-ZW sex determination

• males are the homogametic sex (ZZ)
• Females are the heterogametic sex (ZW)
• Same as that of X-linked characteristics, except that the
pattern of inheritance in males and females is reversed
• Z-linked characteristic is the cameo phenotype in Indian
blue peafowl
Inheritance of the cameo phenotype in Indian blue peafowl is
inherited as a Z-linked recessive trait
Y-Linked Characteristics

• Exhibit a distinct pattern of inheritance

• Present only in males
• All male offspring of a male with a Y-linked trait
inherit the trait
• Relatively little genetic information on the Y
Recognizing Sex-linked
• Alleles on sex chromosomes are inherited in
predictable patterns
• Y-linked trait can be inherited only from the
paternal grandfather (the father’s father),
never from the maternal grandfather
• X-linked characteristics also exhibit a
distinctive pattern of inheritance
When writing alleles that are sex-linked, we use a convention like
that more complicated one from back at the beginning: we write
the X or Y normally, and make the allele itself a superscript.
• If the A gene is on the X chromosome, then genotypes can
have one of these alleles: XA, Xa, and Y.
• If there’s no allele, the Y becomes sort of like the “free square” in
the middle of a bingo board. It doesn’t affect the phenotype at all.
• So a man who is XAY will have the dominant version of the trait,
and a man who is XaY will have the recessive version of the trait.
He doesn’t have two little-a’s, true, but there’s also no dominant
allele to “drown out” the recessive allele.

• if the gene is on the Y chromosome, we could have the

alleles X, YA, or Ya.
• if the gene is on the Y chromosome, we could have the
alleles X, YA, or Ya.
• Phenotype:
• XX - Will not have the trait, whatever it is.
• XYA - Dominant phenotype
• XYa - Recessive phenotype

• Phenotypes for people with a gene on the X-

• XBXB - Dominant
• XBXb - Dominant
• XbXb - Recessive
• XBY - Dominant
• XbY - Recessive
• Punnett Squares for sex-linked traits work like normal,
except that you use the superscripts.
• A Punnett Square for a cross of XBXb with XBY:

50% girl with dominant phenotype
XB XB XB XB Xb 25% boy with dominant phenotype

Y XBY XbY 25% boy with recessive phenotype

Sex Determination

Some mechanisms of sex determination

a. Genotypic sex determination, in which
sex is governed by genotype.
b. Genic sex determination, in which sex
chromosomes are not involved.
Genotypic Sex Determination
Genotypic sex determination may occur two
different ways:
a. In the Y-chromosome mechanism of sex-determination
(e.g., in mammals), the Y chromosome determines sex,
conferring maleness.
b. In the X chromosome-autosome balance system (e.g.,
Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans) the ratio between
number of X chromosomes and number of sets of
autosomes determines sex. Y is required for male fertility,
but does not determine sex.
Sex Determination in
1.Mammals use the Y-chromosome mechanism
of sex-determination, in which the Y
chromosome determines sex by conferring
2.Sex of mammals is determined by a gene on
the Y chromosome, testis-determining factor.
In the absence of this gene, gonads develop
into ovaries.
Evidence for the Y Chromosome Mechanism
of Sex Determination
1. Understanding of the Y chromosome mechanism of sex
determination came from the study of individuals with unusual
chromosome complements. In humans these aneuploidies include:
a. XO individuals, who are sterile females exhibiting Turner syndrome.
Most XO fetuses die before birth. Surviving Turner syndrome
individuals become noticeable at puberty, when secondary sexual
characteristics fail to develop. Other traits include:
i. Below average height.

ii. Weblike necks.

iii. Poorly developed breasts.
iv. Immature internal sexual organs.
v. Reduced ability to interpret spatial relationships.
Evidence for the Y Chromosome
Mechanism of Sex Determination
b. XXY individuals, who are male and have Klinefelter syndrome.
Other traits include:
i. Above average height.
ii. Breast development in about 50% of XXY individuals.
iii. Subnormal intelligence in some cases.
c. XYY individuals are male, and tend to be taller than
average. Fertility is sometimes affected.
d. XXX individuals are usually normal women,
although they may be slightly less fertile and a few
have below average intelligence.
Evidence for the Y Chromosome
Mechanism of Sex Determination
e. Higher numbers of
X and/or Y
chromosomes are
sometimes found,
including XXXY,
The effects are
similar to Klinefelter
Dosage Compensation Mechanism for
X-Linked Genes in Mammals
1. Gene dosage varies between the sexes in mammals, because
females have two copies of X while males have one. Early in
development, gene expression from the X chromosome must be
equalized to avoid death. Different dosage compensation systems
have evolved in different organisms.
2. In mammals, female somatic cell nuclei contain a Barr body (highly
condensed chromatin) while male nuclei not. The Lyon hypothesis
explains the phenomenon:
a. Barr body is a condensed and (mostly) inactivated X chromosome.
Lyonization of one chromosome leaves one transcriptionally active X,
equalizing gene dose between the sexes.
b. An X is randomly chosen in each cell for inactivation early in development (in
humans, day 16 postfertilization).
Dosage Compensation Mechanism for
X-Linked Genes in Mammals
c. Descendants of that cell will have the same X inactivated, making
female mammals genetic mosaics. Examples are:
i. Calico cats, in which differing descendant cells produce
patches of different color on the animal.
ii. Women heterozygous for an X-linked allele responsible for
sweat glands, who have a mosaic of normal skin and patches
lacking sweat glands (anhidrotic ectodermal displasia).
d. Lyonization allows extra sex chromosomes to be tolerated well.
No such mechanism exists for autosomes, and so an extra
autosome is usually lethal.
e. The number of Barr bodies is the number of X chromosomes
minus one
Dosage Compensation Mechanism for
X-Linked Genes in Mammals
h. Selection of an X for inactivation is made by the X-controlling
element (Xce) in the Xic region. There are different alleles of Xce,
and each allele has a different probability that the X chromosome
carrying it will be inactivated.
i. The gene Xist is required for X inactivation. Uniquely, it is
expressed from the inactive X.
i. The Xist gene transcript is 17-kb. Although it has no ORFs, it receives
splicing and a poly(A) tail.
ii. During X inactivation, this RNA coats the chromosome to be
inactivated and silences most of its genes.
iii. Inactivation itself is not well understood, but it is known that it
initiates at the Xic and moves in both directions, ultimately resulting
in heterochrmatin.
Dosage Compensation Mechanism for
X-Linked Genes in Mammals
f. X-inactivation involves three steps:
i. Chromosome counting (determining number of Xs in the cell).
ii. Selection of an X for inactivation.
iii. Inactivation itself.
g. Counting the chromosomes involves the X-inactivation center
(XIC in humans, Xic in mice). Experiments in transgenic mice
show that:
i. Inactivation requires the presence of at least two Xic sequences, one
on each X chromosome.
ii. Autosomes with an Xic inserted are randomly inactivated, showing
that Xic is sufficient for chromosome counting and initiation of
Sex Determination in Drosophila
1. An X-chromosome-autosome balance system is used.
2. Drosophila has three pairs of autosomes, and one pair of sex chromosomes. Like
humans, XX is female and XY is male. Unlike humans, Y does not determine sex.
3. An XXY fly is female, and an XO fly is male. The sex of the fly results from the
ratio of the number of X chromosomes (X) to the number of sets of autosomes
a. In a normal (diploid) female Drosophila, A=2 and X=2. The X:A ratio is 1.0.
b. In a normal (diploid) male Drosophila, A=2 and X=1. The X:A ratio is 0.5.
c. In cases of aneuploidy (abnormal chromosome numbers):
i. When the X:A ratio is ≧1.0, the fly is female.
ii. When the X:A ratio is≦0.5, the fly is male.
iii. A ratio between 0.5 and 1.0 results in a sterile intersex fly with mixed male
and female traits.
4. Dosage compensation in Drosophila results in more expression of X-linked
genes in males, so the level of transcription equals that from a female’s two X
Sex Determination in Caenorhabditis
1. C. elegans, the nematode, also uses the X-chromosome-
autosome balance system to produce its two sexes,
hermaphrodites and males.
a. Self-fertilization in a hermaphrodite generally produces more hermaphrodites;
only 0.2% of the offspring are male.
b. Cross-fertilization between a hermaphrodite and a male produces
approximately equal numbers of hermaphrodites and males.
2. Both hermaphrodites and males have five pairs of autosomes,
so hermaphrodites (XX) have an X-chromosome-autosome ratio
of 1.0, while males (XO) have a ratio of 0.5.
3. Dosage compensation limits transcription from each X
chromosome of the hermaphrodite to 1⁄2 the level transcribed
from the single X chromosome in the male.
Sex Chromosomes in Other
1. Sex chromosome composition in birds, butterflies, moths and
some fish is opposite that of mammals, with the male the
homogametic sex (ZZ) and the female heterogametic (ZW). Z-
linked genes behave like X-linked genes in mammals, but the
sexes are reversed.
2. . In plants, the arrangement of sex organs varies:
a. Dioecious species (e.g., ginkgo) have plants of separate sexes, one
with male parts, the other with female
b. Monoecious species have male and female parts on the same plant.
i. Perfect flowers (e.g., rose, buttercup) have both types of parts in
the same flower..
Sex Chromosomes in Other
ii. Imperfect flowers (e.g., corn) have male and female parts in different
flowers on the same plant.
3. Some dioecious plants have sex chromosomes and use an X-
chromosome-autosome balance system, but many other sex
determination systems also occur in dioecious plants.
4. Other eukaryotes use a genic system instead of entire sex
chromosomes. A single allele determines the mating type
(e.g., MATa and MATα in Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
Genic Sex Determination

1. Other eukaryotes use a genic system instead of entire

sex chromosomes.
2. A single allele determines the mating type (e.g., MATa
and MATa in Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
3. Yeast mating types have identical morphologies, but
are able to fertilize gametes only from the opposite
mating type.
Sex Determination Chart
Not every animal has the same sex chromosomes.
Type Example Male Female Homogametic Heterogametic

XY Humans & XY XX Female Male

Fruit Flies
2N/ N Bees N NN Male and --
XO Grasshopper XO XX Female Male

ZW Birds ZZ ZW Male Female

ZO Chickens ZZ ZO Male Female

Environmental Sex
Determination Systems
1. A few species use environmental sex determination systems,
in which environmental factors affect the sex of progeny.
2. Some types of turtles are an example. Eggs incubated above
32° develop into females, while those below 28° become
3. Eggs between these temperatures produce a mix of the two
sexes. Details will vary with each species using this system.
3. In this system, the environment triggers a developmental
pathway which is under genetic control.
Analysis of Sex-Linked Traits in
1. X-linked traits, like autosomal ones, can be analyzed using
2. Human pedigree analysis, however, is complicated by
several factors:
a. Data collection often relies on family recollections.
b. If the trait is rare and the family small, there may not be enough affected
individuals to establish a mechanism of inheritance.
c. Expression of the trait may vary, resulting in affected individuals being
classified as normal.
d. More than one mutation may result in the same phenotype, and
comparison of different pedigrees may show different inheritance for the
“same” trait.
X-Linked Recessive Inheritance
1. Human traits involving recessive alleles on the X chromosome are
X-linked recessive traits. A famous example is hemophilia A among
Queen Victoria’s descendants
2. X-linked recessive traits occur much more frequently among males,
who are hemizygous. A female would express a recessive X-linked
trait only if she were homozygous recessive at that locus.
3. Some characteristics of X-linked recessive inheritance:
a. Affected fathers transmit the recessive allele to all daughters (who are therefore carriers), and to none of
their sons.
b. Father-to-son transmission of X-linked alleles generally does not occur.
c. Many more males than females exhibit the trait.
d. All sons of affected (homozygous recessive) mothers are expected to show the trait.
e. With a carrier mother, about 1⁄2 of her sons will show the trait and 1⁄2 will be free of the allele.
f. A carrier female crossed with a normal male will have 1⁄2 carrier and 1⁄2 normal daughters.

4. Other X-linked recessive traits are Duchenne muscular dystrophy

and two forms of color blindness.
X-Linked Recessive Inheritance
1. Human traits involving recessive alleles on the X chromosome are
X-linked recessive traits. A famous example is hemophilia A among
Queen Victoria’s descendants
2. X-linked recessive traits occur much more frequently among males,
who are hemizygous. A female would express a recessive X-linked
trait only if she were homozygous recessive at that locus.
3. Some characteristics of X-linked recessive inheritance:
a. Affected fathers transmit the recessive allele to all daughters (who are therefore carriers), and to none of
their sons.
b. Father-to-son transmission of X-linked alleles generally does not occur.
c. Many more males than females exhibit the trait.
d. All sons of affected (homozygous recessive) mothers are expected to show the trait.
e. With a carrier mother, about 1⁄2 of her sons will show the trait and 1⁄2 will be free of the allele.
f. A carrier female crossed with a normal male will have 1⁄2 carrier and 1⁄2 normal daughters.

4. Other X-linked recessive traits are Duchenne muscular dystrophy

and two forms of color blindness.
Pedigree of Queen Victoria (III-2) and her
descendants, showing the X-linked recessive
inheritance of hemophilia

Peter J. Russell, iGenetics: Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
X-Linked Dominant Inheritance
1. Only a few X-linked dominants are known.
2. Examples include:
a. Hereditary enamel hypoplasia (faulty and discolored tooth
b. Webbing to the tips of toes.
c. Constitutional thrombopathy (severe bleeding due to lack
of blood platelets).
3. Patterns of inheritance are the same as X-linked
recessives, except that heterozygous females
show the trait (although often in a milder form).
Pedigree showing the transmission of the
X-linked dominant trait of faulty tooth

Peter J. Russell, iGenetics: Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
Y linked inheritance
(Holandric traits)
• There are far fewer Y-linked than X-linked
genetic disorders
• This is not surprising given that the Y
chromosome is smaller and has many less
genes than the X chromosome.
• Y-linked inheritance shows a pattern of
transmission of the mutant phenotype from
father to son, and it is never observed in
• An example of a Y linked phenotypic trait is
hairy ears.
Sex limited inheritance

• Y-linked inheritance is often confused with sex-

limited inheritance.
• Sex-limited traits can only occur in one sex because
the feature affected is unique to that sex.
• For example, premature baldness is an autosomal
dominant trait, but presumably as a result of female
sex hormones, the condition is rarely expressed in
the female, and then usually only after menopause.
• During the growth and development of females’ cells, one X
chromosome is inactivated in each body cell.
• The inactivated X chromosome is visible in a female’s cells as a Barr
• Which of the two X chromosomes becomes inactive in a cell is a matter
of chance, therefore heterozygous females express different alleles in
different cells.
• This is generally not noticeable in the phenotype – for example a
woman heterozygous for the recessive condition haemophilia A will
produce sufficient clotting factor VIII.
• Tortoise shell cats are an example where X inactivation is visible in the
phenotype as one of the genes which controls coat colour is sex-linked.
• One of the genes that controls coat colour in cats is sex-linked.
• It has alternative alleles Xo (orange) and Xb (black)
• If Xo are inactivated will produce dark fur.
• If Xb is inactivated will produce orange fur.
Pedigree Analysis
The technique of looking through a family tree (of humans or other organisms) for the
occurrence of a particular characteristic in one family over a number of generations.
• Can be used to determine the likely mode of inheritance:
• Autosomal dominant
• Autosomal recessive
• X-linked dominant
• X-linked recessive

• When looking at pedigrees, incomplete penetrance is occasionally observed.

• Incomplete penetrance describes the situation where a proportion of a population with a
particular genotype does not show the expected phenotype.
• Complete penetrance of a phenotype means that all individuals with a particular
genotype will show the affected phenotype.
Symbols used in drawing pedigrees
Autosomal Dominant Pattern
• An idealised pattern of inheritance of an autosomal dominant trait includes the
following features:
• both males and females can be affected
• all affected individuals have at least one affected parent
• transmission can be from fathers to daughters and sons, or from mothers to
daughters and sons
• once the trait disappears from a branch of the pedigree, it does not reappear
• in a large sample, approximately equal numbers of each sex will be affected.
Examples include:
 Huntington disease
 Achondroplasia (a form of
 Familial form of Alzheimer
 Defective enamel of the teeth
 Neurofibromatosis (the ‘Elephant
man’ disease)
Autosomal Recessive Pattern
• An idealised pattern of inheritance of an autosomal recessive trait includes the following

• both males and females can be affected

• two unaffected parents can have an affected child

• all the children of two persons with the condition must also show the condition

• the trait may disappear from a branch of the pedigree, but reappear in later generations

• over a large number of pedigrees, there are approximately equal numbers of affected
females and males.

Examples include:
 Albinism
 Cystic fibrosis
 Thalassaemia
 Tay-Sachs disease
 Phenylketonuria
 Red hair colour
X linked Dominant Pattern
• An idealised pattern of inheritance of an X-linked dominant trait includes the
following features:
• a male with the trait passes it on to all his daughters and none of his sons

• a female with the trait may pass it on to both her daughters and her sons

• every affected person has at least one parent with the trait

• if the trait disappears from a branch of the pedigree, it does not reappear

• over a large number of pedigrees, there are more affected females than males

Examples include:
 Vitamin D resistant rickets
 Incontinentia pigmenti, a
rare disorder that results in
the death of affected
males before birth
X linked Recessive Pattern
• An idealised pattern of inheritance of an X-linked recessive trait includes the following
• all the sons of a female with the trait are affected

• all the daughters of a male with the trait will be carriers of the trait and will not show the trait; the trait
can appear in their sons

• none of the sons of a male with the trait and an unaffected female will show the trait, unless the
mother is a carrier

• all children of two individuals with the trait will also show the trait

• in a large sample, more males than females show the trait.

Examples include:
 Ichthyosis, an inherited skin disorder
 One form of red–green colour-blindness
 One form of severe combined
immunodeficiency disease
 Haemophilia
 Fragile X syndrome
 Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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