Plant Design

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Module -2

Plant Design
•Layout procedure
•Study of Approaches- Immer, Nadler,
muther, Apple James and Reeds approach
•Systematic layout planning
•Constructing the activity relationship chart
•Activity relationship diagram
Plant Design/layout
• Plant layout is a plan of an optimum
arrangement of facilities including.
• Personnel
• Operating equipment
• Storage space
• MHE and
• All other supporting services along with the
design of best structure to contain all these
Plant layout designer should study the
• Minimize investment in equipment, overall
production time & MHE
• Utilize existing space most effectively
• Provide for employee convience,safety and
• Maintain flexibility of arrangement and oprations.
• Facilitate the manufacturing process
• Facilitate the organizational structure.
Facility layout procedures:
• Naddler’s Ideal system approach—1961
• Immer’s Basic steps—1950
• Apple’s plant layout procedure—1977
• Reed’s plant layout procedure—1961
• Muther’s systematic layout planning--1961
Reed’s plant layout procedure
1 Analyze the product or process to be produced.
2. Determine the process required to manufacture the
3. Prepare layout planning charts.
4. Determine work stations.
5. Analyze storage area requirements.
6. Establish minimum aisle widths
7. Establish office requirements
8. Consider personnel facilities and services
9. Survey plant services
10. Provide for future expansion.
Apples plant layout procedure:
Apple recommended that the fallowing detailed
sequence of steps be used in designing a plant
1. Procure the basic data
2. Analyze the basic data
3. Design the productive process
4. Plan the material flow pattern.
5. Consider the general material handling plan.
6. Calculate the Equipment requirements.
7. Plan individual workstations.
Apples plant layout …….contd.
8.Select specific material handling equipment.
9. C0-ordinate group of related operations.
10. Design activity relationships
11. Determine storage requirements
12. Plan service and auxiliary activities
13. Determine space requirments.
14. Allocate activities to total space
15. Consider building types.
16. Construct master layouts
Apples plant layout …….contd.
17. Evaluate, adjust and check the layout with
the appropriate persons.
18. Abtain approvals
19. Install the layout
20. Fallow up on implementation of the layout.

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