Practical Research 1

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Research 1
Nature of Inquiry and Research

Inquiry and Research are two terms that

are almost the same in meaning. Both involve
investigative work in which you seek information
about something by searching or examining the
object of you research.
Inquiry is to look for information by asking
various questions about the thing that you are
curious about while

Research is to discover truths by investigating

on your chosen topic scientifically, meaning, by going
through a systematic way of doing things wherein
you are to begin from the simplest to the most
complex modes or patterns of thinking.
Connecting Concepts
Activity 1: Making Words Meaningful

Direction: Group Work. Complete the bubble graph or

concept map by writing words associated with the
middle word. Be guided by the clues provided.
The witness’ statement is
crucial to the solution of
the case.

The continuous presence of

your name on the Dean’s List
guarantees a good future.

The detective need more

time to inquire about the
The class will present their assignment to the class. They will be graded using the
rubrics below.
Evaluating Groups’ Presentation
Developed by Information Technology Evaluation Services, NC Department of Public Instruction
1 2 3 4
Organization Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Student presents Student presents
understand following presentation information in logical information in logical,
presentation because because student sequence which interesting sequence
there is no sequence jumps around. audience can follow. which audience can follow.
of information.
Subject Student does not have Student is Student is at ease with Student demonstrates full
Knowledge grasp the information; uncomfortable with expected answers to knowledge (more than
students cannot information and is all questions but fails required) by answering all
answer questions able to answer only to elaborate. class questions with
about subject. rudimentary explanations and
questions. elaboration.
Graphics Student uses Students occasionally Student’s graphics Students’ graphics explain
superfluous graphics uses graphics that relate to text and and reinforce screen text
or no graphics. rarely support text and presentation. and presentation.
Mechanics Students’ Presentation has Presentation has no Presentation has no
presentation has three misspellings more than two misspellings or
four or more and/or grammatical misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
spelling errors errors. grammatical errors.
and/or grammatical
Eye contact Student reads all of Student occasionally Student maintains Student maintains
report with no eye uses eye contact, eye contact most of eye contact with
contact. but still reads most the time, but audience, seldom
of report. frequently returns returning to notes.
to notes.
Elocution Student mumbles Student’s voice is Student’s voice is Student uses a clear
incorrectly low. Student clear. Student voice and correct,
pronounces terms incorrectly pronounces most precise
and speaks too pronounces terms. words correctly. pronunciation of
softly for students Audience members Most audience terms so that all
in the back of the have difficulty members can hear audience members
class to hear. hearing presentation. can hear
presentation. presentation
Total Points:

How Research differ from

What is Inquiry-
based Learning?
Inquiry-Based Learning
Learning is your way of obtaining knowledge about your
surroundings. This takes place in many ways, and one of these is
inquiry, which many people in the field of education consider

Inquiry is a learning process that motivates you to obtain

knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events.
- It requires you to collect data, meaning, facts and
information about the object of your inquiry and examine such
data carefully.
In your analysis, you execute varied thinking strategies that
range from lower-order to higher-order thinking skills such as:
- inferential
- critical
- integrative and
- creative thinking skills

These are top-level thinking strategies that you ought to

perform in discovering and understanding the object of your
inquiry. Encouraging yourself in many ways of thinking, you come to
conclude that inquiry is an active learning process.
Putting you in a situation where you need to probe,
investigate or ask questions to find answers or solution to
what you are worried or doubtful inquiry is a problem-solving

Solving a problem by being Inquisitive, you tend to act

like scientists who are inclined to think logically or
systematically in seeking evidence to support their conclusion
about something.

Beginning with whatever experience or background you

have, you proceed like a scientist in your inquiry by
imagining, speculating, interpreting, criticizing and creating
something out of what you discovered.
Inquiry elevates your thinking power. It makes
you think in different ways, enabling you to arrive
at a particular idea or understanding that will
motivate you to create something unique, new or
innovative for your personal growth as well as for
the world. It does not go in linear fashion; rather it
operates in an interactive manner.
Solving a problem, especially social issues, does
not necessarily involve yourself but other members
of society too. Hence, inquiry is a problem solving
technique, includes cooperative learning because
any knowledge from members of society can help
make the solution. Whatever knowledge you have
about your world bears the influence of your
cultural, sociological, institutional, or ideological
understanding of the world. (Badke 2012)
Governing Principle or foundation of Inquiry
Inquiry-based learning get its support from these three
educational theories serving as its foundation:

• John Dewey’s theory of connected experiences for exploratory

and reflective thinking;

• Lev Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) that stresses

the essence of provocation and scaffolding in learning; and

• Jerome Bruner’s theory on learners varied world perceptions for

their own interpretative thinking of people and things around
Inquiry as a way of learning, concerns itself with these
• Changing knowledge
• Creativity
• Subjectivity
• Socio-cultural factors
• Sensory experience
• And higher order thinking strategies

All of these are achievable through the inquiry methods of

fieldwork, case studies, investigations, individual group project, and
research work. (Small 2012)
Benefits of Inquiry Based Learning
1. Elevates interpretative thinking through graphic skills
2. Improves students learning abilities
3. Widens learners’ vocabulary
4. Facilitates problem-solving acts
5. Increases social awareness and cultural knowledge
6. Encourages cooperative learning
7. Provides mastery of procedural knowledge
8. Encourages higher-order thinking strategies
9. Hastens conceptual understanding
Educators businessman, and other professionals
consider all these benefits of inquiry-based learning in
various field of knowledge to be crucial to the success of
anyone in the 21st Century.

Therefore knowing the ins and outs of inquiry-based

learning guide you in deciding which learning method
will guarantee successful learning in the present world,
which is tagged by many as the Era of Globalization, Age
of Knowledge Explosion, Age of Consumerism, Digital
Age, Age of Instant World, etc.
Direction: INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY. Explain your understanding about
inquiry by answering the following questions intelligently. Choose only
one question and explain.
1: How do you learn something through inquiry.

2: In your opinion, is Inquiry-based Learning an effective

learning method? Why or Why not?

3: Do you agree that inquiring on something means you are

researching about it? Explain your point.

4: Why is Inquiry a scientific way of thinking?

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