Management of A Boar
Management of A Boar
Management of A Boar
• Purchase boars at least 45-60 days before they are needed for
• This allows ample time to locate the superior animals and, once
they are selected, to check their health, acclimate to new
environmental conditions, and test-mate or evaluate them for
reproductive soundness.
• Boars should be ready for use when they are about 8 months of
• The practice is run only boars of the same age and size together
between breeding seasons, provided they are placed together at a
young age and their tusks are kept clipped. Older boars should
have their tusks removed each year before the breeding season, or
as needed. Bolt cutters, hoof trimmers, or a hack saw are
instruments suitable for doing this job.
QUARANTINE- the situation of being kept away from others
to prevent a disease from spreading.
1. Before buying a boar, require a negative test for brucellosis and vaccination for
2. Be sure the boar has been vaccinated for erysipelas.
3. Watch the boar closely during the isolation period for signs of illness.
4. If boar becomes ill and has an extremely high temperature, do not use him for 8-10 weeks
after the fever has subsided.
5. To maintain and keep vigorous, healthy program is the best that can be provided.
6. Remove all antibiotics from the ration three weeks after arrival for one month before
breeding to see if a disease is being suppressed.
7. Rotate the new boar to sow lot three weeks to one month prior to breeding and three
weeks after isolation.
8. Exposed the new boar to health conditions in your herd before breeding by allowing him to
run with bred sows or in lots used by sows to be bred to him.