Enhancing Digital Images: Some Basics: STEM Earth Central August, 2005 Mort Sternheim, Holly Hargraves
Enhancing Digital Images: Some Basics: STEM Earth Central August, 2005 Mort Sternheim, Holly Hargraves
Enhancing Digital Images: Some Basics: STEM Earth Central August, 2005 Mort Sternheim, Holly Hargraves
Some Basics
Channels: 3 (RGB)
Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
• Numbers in inches (7.573, 5.68) define the size
if the photo is printed.
• The width and height in pixels (2272 x 1704)
define how it will fit on a screen
• The resolution (pixels per inch or ppi) how
good the print will be; it means nothing for
onscreen viewing.
• Channels (RGB) color, not grayscale
Changing Image Size for Screen Use
Select Image Resize Image Size
Make sure Constrained Proportions is
For Width, enter 800
Height should automatically change to 600.
Note the file size is now 1.37M (was 11.1M)
Click on OK
Note: You can resize a batch of files all at
once using File Process Multiple Files
Saving the Image File
Open 1ibis.jpg
Click on Window and on Layers to display the
Layers palette
Right click on the Text tool in the toolbar
Select horizontal type
Position the cursor somewhere near its head
Type the word “head”
Changing the appearance of text