Salesforce Presenataion
Salesforce Presenataion
Salesforce Presenataion
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Business Strategy used by Salesforce
1)Blue Ocean Strategy- The main strategy used by salesforce is the blue ocean strategy in the B2B area. The
managers are often found locked into providing products of certain types only to intermediate customers. But
the use of blue ocean strategy has led to value innovation which is focused on three main platforms such as
product, service and delivery. So now the products are sold to all levels of customers at affordable rates.
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2)Feedback Strategy- Another important strategy used by salesforce is
learning and understanding from the end users and using their
feedback to improve the products. To achieve this objective salesforce
conducts user conferences all over the world and use their feedback to
make improvements to the product in real time and deploy them with
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updated features.
Product Deployment in
End User Feedback
Improvement Real Time
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Solutions Provided by Salesforce
1)The integration of health cloud with
salesforce is a solution designed for
hospitals, so the details and history of
the patients are directly connected to
the doctor in a single pace. As it is
integrated to the health cloud even
after the patients discharge from the
hospital the doctors and care teams can
keep an eye on the patients to prevent
future diseases.
Salesforce-Workforce of the Future
2) End to end integration of process is a solution provided
by salesforce to integrate SAP and salesforce by using a
community cloud which helps to do business more
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6 Things we Didn’t Know About SALESFORCE
1) The tallest building in San Francisco is salesforce tower.
3) Salesforce market capitalization is 98.75 billion and their revenue is 13.28 billion.
5) Salesforce brought MuleSoft for 6.5 billion dollars and acquired 48 different companies since 2006.
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Customer Success Stories
1)VMware sees 641% ROI with Salesforce
" We s t a r t e d r e t h i n k i n g t h e w a y o u r b u s i n e s s w a s w o r k i n g
in the cloud and as part of that we had to speed up and we
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Thank You
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