CPL Weight and Balance
CPL Weight and Balance
CPL Weight and Balance
Commercial Pilot
To provide the student with a thorough
understanding of the key terminology, the
effects of various weight and balance
conditions, and the methods of performing
and amending loading computation.
Effects of Overloading:
Performance is reduced.
Fuel consumption
Endurance of the aircraft
Takeoff and landing distance
Climb gradient
Wing root stresses will increase.
Maneuverability will reduce. (Less responsive to
control inputs and more difficult to fly.)
Tire and brake wear and tear.
Weight limits:
Maximum Ramp weight
Maximum zero fuel weight
Maximum take-off weight (MTOW)
Maximum landing weight.
Effects of CG Position on
Airplane Handling
Center of gravity:
The point that the total weight of the aircraft is
said to act through
The point of balance
The point that the aircraft maneuvers about in air
The point that the three axes of the aircraft pass
(w)(d) = (WT)(ΔCG)
Sample Problem
CG limits of an aircraft are from -4 to +3 inches
from the datum. It is loaded as shown below:
BEM 2,800 2 5,600
Crew 340 -20 -6,800
Fuel 600 10 6,000
Forward Hold 0 -70 0
Aft Hold 150 80 12,000
Total Weight 3,890 Total Moment 16,800
w = 34.232 lb