Induced breeding is a technique used to breed fish in captivity using hormones. It involves injecting mature female and male fish with pituitary gland extracts or synthetic hormones like HCG, Ovaprim, and Ovatide to stimulate the release of eggs and sperm. This allows controlled breeding. The pituitary glands secrete hormones that cause maturation and spawning. For injection, glands are extracted and extracts are prepared or synthetic hormones are used. After injection, fish are placed in breeding hapas and spawn within hours. The fertilized eggs are then transferred to hatching hapas and hatch within days. Induced breeding addresses issues with conventional breeding and allows commercial scale fish seed production.
Induced breeding is a technique used to breed fish in captivity using hormones. It involves injecting mature female and male fish with pituitary gland extracts or synthetic hormones like HCG, Ovaprim, and Ovatide to stimulate the release of eggs and sperm. This allows controlled breeding. The pituitary glands secrete hormones that cause maturation and spawning. For injection, glands are extracted and extracts are prepared or synthetic hormones are used. After injection, fish are placed in breeding hapas and spawn within hours. The fertilized eggs are then transferred to hatching hapas and hatch within days. Induced breeding addresses issues with conventional breeding and allows commercial scale fish seed production.
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A descriptive PPT on breeding in fishes and culture.
Induced breeding is a technique used to breed fish in captivity using hormones. It involves injecting mature female and male fish with pituitary gland extracts or synthetic hormones like HCG, Ovaprim, and Ovatide to stimulate the release of eggs and sperm. This allows controlled breeding. The pituitary glands secrete hormones that cause maturation and spawning. For injection, glands are extracted and extracts are prepared or synthetic hormones are used. After injection, fish are placed in breeding hapas and spawn within hours. The fertilized eggs are then transferred to hatching hapas and hatch within days. Induced breeding addresses issues with conventional breeding and allows commercial scale fish seed production.
Induced breeding is a technique used to breed fish in captivity using hormones. It involves injecting mature female and male fish with pituitary gland extracts or synthetic hormones like HCG, Ovaprim, and Ovatide to stimulate the release of eggs and sperm. This allows controlled breeding. The pituitary glands secrete hormones that cause maturation and spawning. For injection, glands are extracted and extracts are prepared or synthetic hormones are used. After injection, fish are placed in breeding hapas and spawn within hours. The fertilized eggs are then transferred to hatching hapas and hatch within days. Induced breeding addresses issues with conventional breeding and allows commercial scale fish seed production.
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ADITYA RUDRA DR. Deepali 2017LSC1075 Dept. Of Zoology INTRODUCTION
Induced Breeding (IB) is the most significant
advancements in the field of aquaculture to induce reproduction in fishes.
Technique to stimulate ripe fish breeders by pituitary
hormone or any other synthetic hormone to breed in captive condition by promotion of timely release of sperms and eggs. Necessity of Induced Breeding
Spawn collected from natural water is not pure
Presence of some undesirable wild species Sorting of pure seed is quite impossible Availability of seed is quite uncertain IB fulfill any quantity of demand in any time Carps attain full maturity in confined water but do not breed. Easily learnt by layman without much training Cost of expenditure very low than the natural collections of spawns Technique of induced breeding
Four main types of materials to give injections
to fishes – Pituitary gland extractions Ovaprim HCG Ovatide Induced breeding with pituitary gland extraction
Very effective and dependable way to obtain pure
seed of cultivable fishes Practiced an extensive scale in India and other countries in the world It involves injecting mature female and male fishes with extracts of pituitary glands taken from other mature fishes Role of pituitary gland in induced breeding Pituitary gland secretes the gonadotrophins i.e.,Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Both hormones secreted through out the year, but proportionally correlated with the cycle of gonadal maturity FSH causes growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in females and spermatogenesis in the testes of males LH cause Luteinization in females and promote the production of testosterone in males These hormones are not species specific, However, there is great variability in its effectiveness in different species Collection of pituitary gland Proper selection of the donor fish is essential for success of IB
Pituitary collected from fully ripe gravid fishes
Glands from immature or spent fishes do not give
satisfactory results
The glands usually collected from freshly sacrificed fishes
but ice-preserved specimens also used
May to July months, most suitable time in India for
collection of pituitary glands of major carps Techniques for collection of pituitary glands : A. Open dorsal side of the skull B. Open brain cavity through foramen magnum
Fig: 1 Pituitary gland collection Fig: 2 Tools used
for pituitary by exposing brain case gland collection Preservation of pituitary gland Pituitary gland preserved by two methods: a) absolute alcohol preservation b) Acetone preservation Alcohol preservation: After collection glands immediately put in absolute alcohol for defatting and dehydration After 24 hours glands washed with absolute alcohol and kept again in fresh abs. alcohol Store in refrigerator upto 2-3 years or at room temperature upto 1 year Acetone preservation: Glands kept in fresh acetone or in dry ice-chilled acetone inside a refrigerator at 100 C for 36-48 hours 2-3 changes of acetone at about 8-12 hours intervals Glands are taken out of acetone, put on filter paper and dried at room temperature for one hour Stored in refrigerator at 100 C Largely practiced in USSR and USA. Preparation of Pituitary Gland Extract Extract of the gland prepared just before injection
Gland weighed and homogenised in distilled water or
0.3% saline
Final volume should be 0.2ml/kg BW of the fish
Centrifuged the suspension
Supernatant used for injection
Technique of Breeding Dosage of pituitary extract : Female given 2 doses 1. Preparatory dose / initial dose: 2- 3mg/kg body weight 2. Resolving dose / final dose: 5-8mg/ body weight Male given only 1 dose at the time of the 2nd dose given to female (2- 3mg/kg body weight) For females of Indian major carps Fig:3 The course of induced one initial and after 5-6 hours final ovulation dose given Method of Injection Intra-cranial injections preferred in USSR and intra-peritoneal in USA and Japan. Intra-muscular injection is most common practice in India Intra-muscular injection given at the caudal peduncle or shoulder regions near the base of the dorsal fin Intra-peritoneal injections given at the Fig: 4 Technique of administration base of the pelvic fin or pectoral fin of intra peritonial injection
Injections given to the carps at an
angle of 450 Breeding hapa and spawning After injection breeders released immediately inside breeding hapa
Breeding hapa is generally made
of fine cloth closed in all the sides excepting a portion at the top Fig: 5 Breeding hapa in Pond
Size - 3.5 x 1.5 x 1.0 m for larger
breeders and 2.5 x 1.2 x 1.0 m for breeders weighing less than 3 kg
One set of breeders released inside
each breeding hapa Fig:6 Breeding hapa in Triveni Hatchery Spawning occurs within 3-6 hours after the second injection Fertilised eggs of major carps appear like shining glass beads of crystal clear appearance Unfertilised eggs look opaque and whitish Size of eggs from the same species of different breeders varies At least 4-5 hours after spawning to allow eggs to get properly water-hardened Stripping or artificial insemination also followed Technique of hatching the eggs Eggs collected from breeding hapas transferred into the hatching hapas A hatching hapa consists of two separate smaller in size and fitted inside the outer hapa. The outer hapa made up of a thin cloth with standard size of 2 x 1 x 1 m Inner hapa made of round meshed mosquito net cloth in the dimension of 1.75 x 0.75 x 0.5 m. About 75,000 to 1,00,000 eggs are uniformly spread inside each inner hapa The eggs hatch out in 14-20 hours at a temperature range of 24-31C. After hatching, the hatchlings escape into the outer hapa through the meshes of the inner hapa. The inner hapa containing the egg shells and the dead eggs removed when the hatching complete Hatching Hapa
Farmer can not measure the potency of the available gland
Serious difficulties in large scale collection and storage of pituitary Large gap between the supply and demand of pituitary Basic equipments like chemical balance,centrifuge and refrigerator normally not available in several farms Pituitary gland very costly in market Induced Breeding with H.C.G. To overcome these problems, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (H.C.G) used as an alternative for pituitary gland
Produced by the placenta and excreted through the urine during
early stages of pregnancy (2-4 months)
H.C.G comprises of 2 sub-units a and b and molecular size of
45,000- 50,000 daltons
Consist of 17 amino, of which alanine , proline, serine, cystine
and histidine important Advantages of H.C.G More or less similar in character and function to FSH and LH Fish attains maturity faster with H.C.G Number of spawn increased and ensures better survival of spawn Reduces the time gap between preparatory and final doses, More economical and long shelf life, easily available from a standard source, Ensure better health and increase in weight and gonadal development Used more than once for induced breeding in the same season, Mortality rate of hatchlings negligible Recent work shows combination of H.C.G and P.G. more recommendable than H.C.G or P.G alone Induced Breeding with Ovaprim Dr. Lin of China and Dr. Peter of Canada, developed a reliable technology , called ‘LNPE’method Wherein an analogue of LHRH combined with a dopamine antagonist M/s Syndel Laboratories Limited, Canada manufactured a new drug called as ovaprim In India marketed by Glaxo India Ltd., Bombay Ovaprim consists of sGnRH-a and dopamine receptor antagonist,domperidone Advantages of ovaprim treatment Rates of fertilization and hatching higher Size of eggs after water hardening always considerably bigger in Ovaprim treated fish Hatchlings obtained more healthier More economical than pituitary. Post-spawning mortality of fish negligible Little or no effects on reproductive cycles Male and female can be injected only once and recommended dose 0.5mg/kg of fish Not require refrigerated storage and preserved at ambient temperature Induced Breeding with Ovatide Synthetic compound launched by Hermmopharma, Bombay Combined of GnRH analogue with dopamine antagonist pimozide Table No.1- Recommended dose in fishes: Fishes Male(ml/kg body wt.) Female(ml/kg body wt.)
Catla 0.2-0.3 0.4-0.5
Rohu 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.4 Mrigal 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.4 Silver carp 0.2-0.25 0.4-0.5 Grass carp o.2-0.25 0.4-0.5 Induced breeding with ovopel Developed by university of Godollo in Hungary Combined of mammalian GnRH analogue and dopamine receptor antagonist metaclopramide Recommended dose 1-2 pellet/kg of fish in rohu and mrigal
Other Substances used for Induced Breeding
Other substances like LH-RH analogues, steroids, and clomiphene also used for IB
Environmental factors like temperature, water condition, light,
meteorological conditions, etc. are important factors controlling the reproduction of fish. BIBLIOGRAPHY •
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