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G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 1, MIMD

MIMD Computers or Multiprocessors

There are several terms which are often used in a confusing way.
Multiprocessors are computers capable of running multiple instruction
streams simultaneously to cooperatively execute a single program.

Multiprogramming is the sharing of computing equipment by many
independent jobs. They interact only through their requests for the same
resources. Multiprocessors can be used to multiprogram single stream

A process is a dynamic instance of an instruction stream. It is a
combination of code and process state, for example program counter and
the status words.

Processes are also called tasks, threads, or virtual processors.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 2, MIMD

Multiprocessing is either:

a) running a program on a multiprocessor

(it may be a sequential one),
[not of interest to us],


b) running a program consisting of multiple

cooperating processes.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 3, MIMD

Two main types of MIMD or multiprocessor architectures.

Shared memory multiprocessor Distributed memory multiprocessor

Distributed memory multiprocessors are also known as explicit

communication multiprocessors.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 4, MIMD
Notations: A summary of notations used in the following figures are given

L: Link a component that transfers information from one place to

another place.

K: Controller, a component that evokes the operation of other

components in the system.

S: Switch, constructs a link between components. It has associated

with it a set of possible links, it sets some and breaks other links to
establish connection.

T: Transducer, a component that changes the i-unit (information)

used to encode a given meaning. They don’t change meaning, but

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 5, MIMD

Some Example Configurations
Fully Shared Memory Architecture:

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 6, MIMD

Adding private memories to the previous configuration produces a hybrid

Shared Plus Private Memory Architecture:

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 7, MIMD

If local memories are managed by hardware, they are called

NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access ) Machines:

There is an important impact on performance if some locations in

shared memory take longer to access than others.

UMA (Uniform Memory Access ) Machines:


Is referred to connecting few processor shared memory

multiprocessors, often called clusters, using a communication
network accessed by send and receive instructions.

The shared memory of a cluster is private WRT other clusters

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 8, MIMD

Characteristics of Shared memory multiprocessors:

Interprocessor communication is done in the memory interface by

read and write instructions.

Memory may be physically distributed, and reads and writes from

different processors may take different amounts of time and may
collide in the interconnection network.

Memory latency (time to complete a read or write) may be long and

Messages through the interconnecting switch are the size of single
memory words (or perhaps cache lines).

Randomization of requests (as by interleaving words across

memory modules) may be used to reduce the probability of

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 9, MIMD

Characteristics of Message passing multiprocessors:

Interprocessor communication is done by software using data

transmission instructions (send and receive).

Read and write refer only to memory private to the processor

issuing them.

Data may be aggregated into long messages before being sent into
the interconnecting switch.

Large data transmissions may mask long and variable latency in the
communications network.

Global scheduling of communications can help avoid collisions

between long messages.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 10, MIMD

Distributed memory multiprocessors are characterized by their network

Both Distributed and Shared memory multiprocessors use an


The distinctions are often in the details of the low level switching protocol
rather than in high level switch topology:

Indirect Networks: often used in shared memory architectures, resources

such as processors, memories and I/O devices are attached externally to a
switch that may have a complex internal structure of interconnected
switching nodes

Direct Networks: more common to message passing architectures,

associate resources with the individual nodes of a switching topology

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 11, MIMD

Ring Topology

An N processor ring topology can take up to N/2 steps to transmit a

message from one processor to another (assuming bi-directional ring).

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 12, MIMD

A rectangle mesh topology is also possible:

An N processor mesh topology can take up to steps to transmit a message

from one processor to another.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 13, MIMD

The hypercube architecture is another interconnection topology:

Each processor
connects directly with
log2N others, whose
indices are obtained by
changing one bit of the
binary number of the
reference processor
(gray code). Up to
log2N steps are needed
to transmit a message
between processors.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 14, MIMD
Form of a four dimensional hypercube

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 15, MIMD

Classification of real systems
Overview of CM* Architecture, An early system

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 16, MIMD

Five clusters with ten PEs each were built.

The cm* system illustrates a mixture of shared and distributed memory

There are 3 answers to the question:
Is cm* a shared memory multiprocessor?

1. At the level of mcode in the K.map, there are explicit send and
receive instructions and message passing software \ No it is not shared

2. At the level of LSP-11 instruction set, the machine has shared

memory. There are no send and receive instructions, any memory address
could be accessed by any processor in the system \ Yes it is shared

3. 2 operating systems were built for the machine. STAROS and

MEDUSA. The processes which these operating systems supported could
not share any memory. They communicated by making operating system
calls to pass messages between processors \ No it is not shared memory.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 17, MIMD

The architecture of the Sequent Balance system similar to Symmetry and
Encore Multimax illustrates another bus based architecture.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 18, MIMD

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 19, MIMD
Sequent Balance

System bus: 80 Mbytes/second system bus. It links CPU, memory,

and IO processors. Data and 32-bit addresses are time-
multiplexed on the bus. Sustain transfer rate of 53

Multibus: Provides access to standard peripherals.

SCSI: Small Computer System Interface, provides access to

low-cost peripherals for entry-level configurations and
for software distribution.

Ethernet: Connect systems in a local area network.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 20, MIMD

Sequent Balance
Atomic Lock Memory, ALM:
User accessible hardware locks are available to allow mutual
exclusion of shared data structures.

There are 16K such hardware locks in a set.

One or more sets can be installed in a machine, one/multibus

adapter board.

Each lock is a 32-bit double word. The least significant bit

determines the state of a lock:

locked (1), and unlocked (0)

Reading the lock returns the value of this bit and sets it to 1,
thus locking the lock.
Writing 0 to a lock, unlocks it.

Locks can support a variety of synchronization techniques including:

busy waits, Counting/queuing semaphores, and barriers.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 21, MIMD

Alliant FX/8: Was designed to exploit parallelism found in scientific programs

Up to 8 processors called Computational Elements (CE’s) and up to 12

Interactive Processors (IP’s) shared a global memory of up to 256 Mbytes.

All accesses of CE’s and IP’s to the bus are through cache memory.

There can be up to 521 Kbytes of cache shared by CE’s and up to 128 Kbytes
of cache shared by IP’s. Every 3 Ip’s share 32 Kbytes of cache.

CE’s are connected together directly through a concurrency control bus.

Each IP contains a Motorola 68000 CPU. IP’s are used for interactive
processes and IO.

CE’s have custom chips to support M68000 instructions and floating point
instructions (Weitek processor chip), vector arithmetic instructions, and
concurrency instructions.

The vector registers are 32-element long for both integers and floating point
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 22, MIMD
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 23, MIMD
Programming Shared Memory Multiprocessors
Key Features needed to Program Shared memory MIMD Computers:

• Process Management:
– Fork/Join
– Create/Quit
– Parbegin/Parend
• Data Sharing:
– Shared Variables
– Private Variables
• Synchronization:
– Controlled-based:
» Critical Sections
» Barriers
– Data-based:
» Lock/Unlock
» Produce/Consume

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 24, MIMD

In the introduction to the MIMD pseudo code we presented minimal
extensions for process management and data sharing to
sequential pseudo codes. we saw:

Fork/Join for basic process management

Shared/Private storage class for data sharing by


We will discuss these in more details a little later, but

Another essential mechanism for programming shared memory

multiprocessors is synchronization.

Synchronization guarantees some relationship between the rate of

progress of the parallel processes.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 25, MIMD

Lets demonstrate why synchronization is absolutely essential:
Assume the following statement is being executed by n processes in a
parallel program:


Sum: Shared variable, initially 0

Psum: Private variable.

Assume further that

P1 calculates Psum = 10
P2 calculates Psum = 3

Therefore, the final value of Sum must be 13.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 26, MIMD
At the assembly level Pi’s code i

load Ri2, Sum; Ri2  Sum

load Ri1, Psum; Ri1  Psum
add Ri1, Ri2; Ri1  Ri1 + Ri2
store Sum, Ri1; Sum  Ri1

Where Rix refers to register x of process i.

The following scenario is possible when two processes execute the

statement concurrently:

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 27, MIMD

Synchronization operations can be divided into 2 basic classes:

• Control Oriented:
Progress past some point in the program is controlled.(Critical Sections)

• Data Oriented:
Access to data item is controlled by the state of the data item. (Lock and

An important concept is atomicity. The word atomic is used in the sense

of invisible.

Definition: Let S be a set of processes and q be an operation, perhaps

composite. q is atomic with respect to S iff for any process P S which
shares variables with q, the state of these variables seen by P is either
that before the start of q or that resulting from completion of q. In other
words, states internal to q are invisible to processes of S.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 28, MIMD

Synchronization Examples

Control Oriented Synchronization:

Critical section is a simple control oriented based synchronization:

Process 1 Process 2

••••••• •••••••
Critical Critical
code body1 code body2
End critical End critical

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 29, MIMD

Software Solution:

We first implement the critical section using software methods only.

These solutions are all based on the fact that read/write (load/ store) are
the atomic machine level (hardware) instructions available.

We must ensure that only one process at a time is allowed in the

critical section, and once a process is executing in its critical
section, no other process is allowed to enter the critical section.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 30, MIMD

We first present a solution for 2 process execution only.
Shared variable:
Var want-in[0..1] of Boolean;
turn: 0..1;

Initially want-in[0] = want-in[1] = false

turn = 0

Next, we present a software solution for N processes.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 31, MIMD
Bakery Algorithm (due to Leslie Lamport)


• Before a process enters its critical section, it receives a number.

The process holding the smallest number is allowed to enter the critical

• Two processes Pi and Pj may receive the same number. In this

case if i < j, then Pi is served first.

• The numbering scheme generates numbers in increasing order

of enumeration.
For example: 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7,...

• (A,B) < (C, D) if:

1. A < C or
2. A = C and B < D

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 32, MIMD

Bakery Algorithm:
Shared Data:
VAR piknum: ARRAY[0..N-1] of BOOLEAN;
number :ARRAY[0..N-1] of INTEGER;
piknum[i] = false, for i = 0, 1, ..., N-1
number[i] = 0, for i = 0, 1, ..., N-1

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 33, MIMD

Hardware Solutions:

Most computers provide special instruction to ease implementation of

critical section code. In general an instruction is needed that can read and
modify the contents of a memory location in one cycle. These instructions,
referred to as rmw (read-modify-write), can do more than just a read (load)
or write (store) in one memory cycle.

Test&Set -- is a machine-level instruction (implemented in hardware) that

can test and modify the contents of a word in one memory cycle.
Its operation can be described as follows:

Function Test&Set(Var v: Boolean): Boolean;

Test&Set := v;
v:= true;

In other words Test&Set returns the old value of v and sets it to true
regardless of its previous value.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 34, MIMD

Swap -- Is another such instruction. This instruction swaps the contents of
two memory locations in one memory cycle. This instruction is common in
IBM computers. Its operation can be described as follows:

Procedure Swap(Var a, b : Boolean);

Var temp: Boolean;
temp:= a;
a:= b;
b:= temp;

Now we can implement the critical section entry and exit sections using
Test&Set and Swap instructions:

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 35, MIMD

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 36, MIMD
The implementation with Swap requires the use of two variables,
one shared and one private:

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 37, MIMD

The above implementation suffer from Busy Waiting. That is
while a process is in its critical section, the other processes
attempting to enter their critical section are waiting in either the
While loop (Test$Set case) or in the Repeat loop (Swap case).
The amount of busy waiting by processes is proportional to the
number of processes to execute the critical section and to the
length of the critical section.

When fine-grain parallelism is used, then busy-waiting of

processes may be the best performance solution. However, if
most programs are designed with coarse-grain parallelism in
mind, then busy-waiting becomes very costly in terms of
performance and machine resources. The contention
problems resulting from busy-waiting of other processes, will
result in degraded performance of even the process that is
executing in its critical section.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 38, MIMD
Semaphores are one way to deal with cases with potentially large amounts
of busy-waiting. Usage of semaphore operations can limit the amount of
busy-waiting .

Semaphore S is a
• Shared Integer variable and
• can only be accessed through 2 indivisible operations P(S) and V(S)
P(S) : S:= S - 1;
If S < 0 Then Block(S);

V(S) : S:= S + 1;
If S  0 Then Wakeup(S);

• Block(S) -- results in the suspension of the

process invoking it.

• Wakeup(S) -- results in the resumption of exactly

one process that has previously invoked Block(S).

Note: P and V are executed atomically.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 39, MIMD
Given the above definition, the critical section entry and exit can be
implemented using a semaphore as follows:

Shared Var mutex : Semaphore;

Initially mutex = 1

Critical section


G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 40, MIMD

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 41, MIMD
Semaphores are implemented using machine-level instructions such asTest&Set
or Swap.

Shared Var lock : Boolean

Initially lock = false

• P(S): While Test&Set(lock) Do { };

S:= S - 1;
If S < 0 Then
Block process;
lock := flase;

• V(S): While Test&Set(lock) Do { };

S := S + 1;
If S  0 Then
Make a suspended process ready;
lock := flase;
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 42, MIMD

Implement the semaphore operations

using the Swap instruction.

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Shared Var lock
Initially lock = false

Private Var key

•P(S): key = true;

Swap(lock, key);
Until key = false;
S := S - 1;
If S < 0 Then
Block process;
lock := flase
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 44, MIMD
Data Oriented Synchronization:

• LOCK L - If LOCK L is set then wait; if it is clear, set it

and proceed.

• UNLOCK L - Unconditionally clear lock L.

Using Test&Set LOCK and UNLOCK correspond to the following:

LOCK L: Repeat y = Test&Set(L) Until y=0


G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 45, MIMD

Relationship between locks and critical sections:
Critical sections are more like locks if we consider named
critical sections. Execution inside a named critical section
excludes simultaneous execution inside any other critical
section of the same name. However there may be
processes that are exectuing concurrently in critical sections
of different names.
A simple correspondance between locks and critical
sections is:

Critical max LOCK max

critical code critical code
End critical UNLOCK max

Both synchronizations are used to solve the mutual

exclusion problem. However,
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 46, MIMD
Locks are more general than critical sections, since UNLOCK does
not have to appear in the same process as LOCK.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 47, MIMD

Asynchronous Variables:

A second type of data oriented synchronization. These variables have

both a value and a state which is either full or empty.

Asynchronous variables are accesses by two principal atomic operations:

• Produce: Wait for the state of the Asynch variable

to be empty, write a value, and set the
state to full.

• Consume: Wait for the state of the Asynch variable

to be full, read the value, and set the
state to emply.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 48, MIMD

A more complete set of operations on Asynchronous variables
are those provided by the Force parallel programming

Produce asynch var = expression

Consume private var = asynch var

Copy private var = asynch var - wait for full, read value,
don’t change state.
Void asynch var - Initialize the state to empty.

Asynchronous variables can be imlemented in terms of critical


G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 49, MIMD

Represent an asynchronous variable by the following data structure:
V value
Vf state -- true corresponds to full,
false corresponds to empty
Vn name
Pseudo code to implement the Produce operation is:
1. L: Critical Vn
2. privf := Vf
3. If not(privf) Then
4. Begin
5. V := vlue-of-expression;
6. Vf := true;
7. End;
8. End critical
9. If privf Then goto L;

Note: Private variable privf is used to obtain a copy of the shared Vf, the state of
the asynch variable, before the process attempts to perform the Produce operation.
This way if the test in statement number 3 reveals that the state is full, then the
process returns to 1 and tries again.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 50, MIMD
Problem (4-11):

A multiprocessor supports synchronization with lock/unlock hardware.

The primitives are represented at the compiler language level by two
subroutine calls, lock(q) and unlock(q). The lock(q) operation waits
for the lock to be clear, sets it and returns, while unlock(q) clears the
lock unconditionally. It is desired to implement produce and consume
on full/empty variables where produce(x,v) waits for x empty, writes it
with value v and sets full while consume(x,v) waits for x full, copies its
value to v and sets x to empty.
Using sequential pseudo code extended by the two operators lock(q)
and unlock(q), write code sections which implement produce(x,v)
and consume(x,v) on an asynchronous variable x and normal
variable v. Carefully describe your representation for an asynchronous
variable. No synchronization operations other than lock and unlock
may be used.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 51, MIMD

First Solution
We will represent the asynchronous variable X by a record of three
items: the value of X, a boolean full flag and a unique lock for the
variable X.
record X{value : real;
full : boolean;
l : lock }

Produce and consume can then be implemented as follows:

procedure produce(X,V) {
R : lock(X.l)
if X.full then
{ unlock(X.l) ;
goto R }
{X.full := true ;
X.value := V ;
unlock(X.l) } }
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 52, MIMD
procedure consume(X,V)
R : lock(X.l)
if not X.full then
{ unlock(X.l) ;
goto R }
{ V := X.value ;
X.full := false ;
unlock(X.l) }

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 53, MIMD

(Alternate Solution)

A simpler solution is possible by using only the lock operation to do a wait,

but only if it is recognized that one lock is not enough. Two different
conditions are being waited for in produce and consume, so two locks are

record X { value : real ; State X.f X.e

f : lock ; full 1 0
e : lock } empty 0 1
locked 1 1
unused 0 0

procedure produce(X,V) { procedure consume(X,V) {

lock(X.f) ; lock(X.e);
X.value := V; V := X.value;
unlock(X.e) } unlock(X.f) }

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 54, MIMD

Control oriented: Barrier Implementation:
Initial state and values: unlock (barlock)
lock (barwit)
barcnt = 0
lock (barlock)
if (barcnt < NP -1 ) then All processes except the
barcnt := barcnt +1 ; last will increment the
unlock (barlock) ; counter and wait at the
lock (barwit) ; lock(barwit).
endif ;
if (barcnt = NP -1) then Last process executes
… the code body and
code body unblocks barwit.
endif ;
if (barcnt = 0) then
unlock (barlock) ;
else All processes except the
barcnt := barcnt -1 ; last, will decrement the
unlock (barwit) ; counter and unlock (barwit)The
endif last process unlocks barlock for
correct state of the next barrier
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 55, MIMD
Alternatives for Process Management:

Different systems provide alternative ways to fork and join processes. Some
common alternatives are outlined bellow:

• Instead of Fork Label, the Unix fork gives two identical processes
returning from the fork call with a return value being the only distinction between
the two processes.

• The join operation may combine process management and

synchronization. New processes can just quit when finished and some other
operation may be used to synchronize with their completion. Therefore, if
processes are to wait for other processes to complete before they can quit, we
may use a barrier synchronization before the join.

• Parameter passing can be included in a fork using a create statement

(as was done in the HEP multiprocessor). The create statement is similar to a
subroutine call, except that a new process executes the subroutine in parallel with
the main program, which continues immediately.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 56, MIMD

Multiprocessors provide some basic synchronization and process
management tools (machine dependent). On these machines,
sequential language must be extended so that parallel programming
becomes possible.

Fortran for example can be extended by a coherent set of

synchronization and process management primitives to allow for parallel

Lets use:

CREATE subr (A, B, C, ...) starts a subroutine in parallel with the main
program. parameters are passed by reference.

RETURN in a created subroutine means quit. While RETURN in a called

subroutine means a normal return to the calling program.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 57, MIMD

Parameter passing to parallel programs has
some pitfalls:

Consider the following:

Do 10 I = 1, N-1
10 CREATE sub(I)

The intent is to assign and index value to each of the created



G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 58, MIMD

By the time the subroutine gets around reading I, it will
have changed!!

In parallel processing call-by-reference and call-by-value

are not the same, even for read-only parameters.

To come up with a solution remember that neither the

subroutine nor the program may change the parameter
during parallel execution.

Next we show how to pass an argument by value to a

created subroutine:

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 59, MIMD

The main program: The created subroutine

Asych Integer II Private Integer IP

Private Integer I
Shared Integer N
Void II
• • • • • • • • • •

Do 10 I = 1, N-1 Subroutine sub(II)

Produce II = I Consume IP = II

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 60, MIMD

Implementing an N-way fork and join

Assume integers IC, N and logical DONE are in Shared Common, the main
program executes the code:

Void IC
Produce IC=N
Do 10 I = 1, N-1 forks N stream of
10 CREATE proc(...) processes
CALL proc(...) calling process continues

• • • • •

C The process doing the forking returns here and does

C part of the join operation.

Consume F= DONE
DONE was voided initially
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 61, MIMD


The rest of the join operation is done at the end of the subroutine proc.
At the end of proc, processes will execute the following:

Consume J= IC IC was initialized to N.

J=J-1 decrement number of
If (J .ne. 0) Then processes in the critical
Produce IC = J section.
RETURN quit if it was a created
Endif process, return if called.
Produce DONE = .true. last process will execute
RETURN the last 2 statements.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 62, MIMD

Single Program, Multiple Data, or SPMD

We will decouple process creation from parallel program code.

Processes can be created at the beginning of the program, execute a

common set of code that distributes work in the parallel loop by either
prescheduling or self scheduling, and terminate at the end of the program.

Multiple processes, each with a unique process identifier, 0  id  P-1,

execute a single program simultaneously but not necessarily synchronously.

Private data may cause processes to execute if-then-else statements

differently or to execute a loop a different number of times.

The SPMD style of programming is almost the only choice for managing
many processes in a so-called massively parallel processor (MPP) with
hundreds or thousands of processors.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 63, MIMD

Process creation for a SPMD program
P: shared, number of processes
id: private, unique process identifier, available to all the processes
executing the parallel main program (parmain),
id is passed by value.
processes may be required to synchronize before ending parmain, or
exit may be able to automatically wait for processes that have not
finished (join).
shared P;
private id;
for id := 0 step 1 until P-2
create parmain(id, P);
id := P-1;
call parmain(id, P);
call exit();
P and id make up a parallel environment in which the MIMD processes

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 64, MIMD

SPMD program for the recurrence solver

procedure parmain(value id, P)

shared P, n, a[n, n], x[n], c[n];
private id, i, j, sum, priv; In forall, no value of i
should be assigned to
forall i := 1 step 1 until n a process before all
void x[i]; preceding values
barrier; have been assigned.
forall i := 1 step 1 until n
begin This prevents infinite
sum := c[i]; waits at the copy
for j := 1 step 1 until i-1 operation.
{copy x[j] into priv;
sum := sum + a[i, j]*priv;} Some use doacross
produce x[i] := sum; this purpose and
end doall for completely
barrier; independent body
 code to use x[]  instances (forall
end procedure here).

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 65, MIMD

Work distribution

Parallel regions are most often tied to a forall construct,

Which indicates that all instances of a loop body for different
index values can be executed in parallel.

The potential parallelism is equal to the number of values of

the loop index (N) and is
usually much larger than the number of processors (P)
(or processes if there is time multiplexing)
used to execute the parallel region.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 66, MIMD

Prescheduled loop code for an individual process

Block mapping

shared lwr, stp, upr, np;

private i, lb, ub, me;

/* Compute private lower and upper bounds from lwr, upr,

stp, process number me and number np of processes.*/

for i := lb step stp until ub

loop body(i);

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 67, MIMD

Prescheduled loop code for an individual process

Cyclic mapping

shared lwr, upr, np;

private i, me;

for i := lwr + me*stp step np*stp

until upr
loop body(i);

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 68, MIMD

SPMD code for one of np processes
having identifier me
executing its portion of a prescheduled loop

forall i := lwr step stp until upr

Block mapping requires

computing lower and upper bounds
for each process.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 69, MIMD

self-scheduling code for one process executing the same forall

shared lwr, stp, upr, np, isync;

private i;
void isync;
produce isync := lwr;
end barrier
while (true) do
consume isync into i;
if (i > upr) then
{produce isync := i;
break;}/* End while loop */
{produce isync := i + stp;
loop body(i);}

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 70, MIMD

Parallelizing a simple imperfect loop nest

Serial imperfect two loop nest Split into parallel perfect nests

for i := 0 step 1 until n-1 forall i := 0 step 1 until n-1

begin s[i] := f(i);
s := f(i); forall k := 0 step 1 until m*n-1
for j := 0 step 1 until m-1 i := k/m;
loop body(i, j, s); j := k mod m;
end loop body(i, j, s[i]);

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 71, MIMD

Adaptive Quadrature Integration Method

A simple example to show the dynamic scheduling concept where the amount of
work to be done depends on the outcome of the ongoing computation.

In this method two basic operations are needed:

First the integral is approximated on the interval (a, b),

Then the error is estimated in the approximation on $ (a, b)

a b
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 72, MIMD
Sequential procedure for this integration can be described with
the following steps:

1) Apply the approximation to the interval,

approx(a, b, f)

2) Apply the error estimate. Accurate(a, b, f)

a. If the error is small enough add contribution to
the integral.
b. If not, split the interval in two and recursively
do each half.

4) Return from this recursion level.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 73, MIMD
To parallelize this procedure, step 3 can be revised as follows:

a. If the error is small enough cooperatively add to
the integral and quit.
b. If not, split interval into two, create a process to
do one half, and do the other half.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 74, MIMD

Therefore, one process starts the integration and every time the interval
is split a new process is created.

The unlimited recursive creation of processes will

produce a breath first expansion of a exponentially
large problem, and is unnecessary. In spite of virtual
processes, no parallel system will execute this
approach efficiently.

The method to implement the adaptive quadrature integration efficiently

is to allow a single process to be responsible for integrating a
subinterval. Define two intervals for a process:

Interval (a, b) for which the process is responsible for

computing an answer.

Interval ( au, bu) which is the currently active subinterval.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 75, MIMD
A high level description of the algorithm can now be presented.

0. Initialize (au, bu) to (a, b) .

1. Apply approximation to (au, bu) .

2. Estimate the error on (au, bu) .

a. If the result is accurate add it to the total integral,
report process free and quit.

b. If not accurate enough, split (au,bu) and make the

left half the new active interval.

4. Assign a free process, if there is one, to integrate a

remaining inactive interval.

5. Go to step 1.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 76, MIMD
approx(a, b, f): Returns an approximation to the integral of f
over the interval (a, b),

accurate(a, b, f): Returns true if the approximation is accurate

enough and false otherwise.

workready(): Returns true if the work list is not empty and

false otherwise,

getwork(task): Returns true and a task from the work list is not
empty and false otherwise,

putwork(task): Puts a new task on the work list, returning false

if the list was full and true otherwise.

task is a structure consisting of:

Interval endpoints: task.a and task.b,
and the function: task.f.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 77, MIMD

Initially, the program starts with :
one task, (a, b, f) on the shared work list
idle = P, number of idle processors, shared
Other variable:

Integral: Result of the integration of function f, shared

More: true if work list is not empty, private

T: approximate integral over an interval, private

Ok: true if approximation is accurate enough, private

Cent: midpoint for interval splitting, private

Task, task1, task2: current task and the two tasks (1 & 2) resulting
from task split, private
shared P, idle, integral;
private more, t, ok, cent, task, task1, task2;

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 78, MIMD

while (true) begin
critical work;
more := workready() or (idle  P);
if (more) then idle := idle - 1;
end critical;
if (not more) then break;
while (getwork(task)) begin
t := approx(a, b, f); ok := accurate(a, b, f);
if (ok) then
critical int;
integral := integral + t;
end critical;
else begin
cent := (task.a + task.b)/2.0;
task1.a := task.a; task1.b := cent;
task2.a := cent; task2.b := task.b;
task1.f := task2.f := task.f;
if (not putwork(task1) or not putwork(task2)) then
Report no room in task set.;
end; /* of while loop over available tasks */
critical work;
idle := idle + 1;
end critical;
end; /* of while loop over available tasks or active processes. */
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 79, MIMD
The inner while loop terminates when there is no more work in the list,
but there is a chance more work will be added if any processes are still
executing tasks,

so the outer while does not terminate until all processes have failed to
find more work to do (break statement).

The order of putting work onto, and taking it from, the list is important.

This is similar to traversing a binary tree constructed as intervals are

split in two.
Managing the work list in last-in, first-out order gives depth-first
traversal, while using first-in, first-out order gives breadth-first traversal.

Breadth-first order adds more and more tasks to the work list, generating
new work much faster than work is completed until the end of the
computation nears. NOT DESIRABLE.
Properly managed, the framework of a set of processes cooperatively
accessing a shared work list can be a very effective form of dynamic
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 80, MIMD
• A language extension
• Extensions exists for C, C++. And Fortran
• OpenMP constructs are limited to compiler
directives and library subroutine calls
(!$OMP), so the base language, so
OpenMP programs also correspond to
legal programs in the base language.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 81, MIMD

OpenMP has
• one process management construct,
the parallel region,
• three parallel variable scopes,
shared, private, and threadprivate,
• four work distribution constructs,
loops, sections, single execution, and master
• six synchronization methods,
locks, critical sections, barriers, atomic update,
ordered sections, and flush.

This moderate sized set of constructs is sufficient for simple

parallelization of sequential programs, but may present
challenges for more complex parallel programs.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 82, MIMD
The OpenMP Fortran Applications Program Interface (API)

Parallelism is introduced into an OpenMP program by the

parallel region construct

!$OMP PARALLEL [clause[[,] clause ]


block is a single entry, single exit group of statements

executed by all threads of the team created on entry to the
parallel region in SPMD fashion.
Branching into/out of the block is illegal, except for
subroutine or function calls, but different threads may follow
different paths through the block.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 83, MIMD
The number of threads, num_threads, is set by calling


where the integer argument may be an expression.

The number of running threads is returned by


Each thread gets its own unique integer between 0 and

num_threads - 1 by calling


The integer 0 is always assigned to the master thread.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 84, MIMD

The parallel scope of variables inside a parallel region is specified by
clauses attached to the !$OMP PARALLEL directive,

except that threadprivate common blocks are specified by a directive.

A list of variables or labeled common blocks can be specified as

private by the clause


or shared by the clause


All copies of private variables disappear at the end of the parallel

region except for the master thread’s copy.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 85, MIMD

A more complex parallel scope specification is that for
reduction variables

REDUCTION({operator | intrinsic}: list)

A variable X in list will appear inside the parallel region only

in reduction statements of the form

X = X operator expression
X = intrinsic(X, expression)

operator may be +, *, -, .AND., .OR., .EQV., or .NEQV. and

intrinsic may be MAX, MIN, IAND, IOR, or IEOR. The
variable has shared scope,
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 86, MIMD
A Simple Example

REAL A(10), X
X = X + A(K+1)
PRINT *, ‘Sum of As: ‘, X

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 87, MIMD

Constructs of the OpenMP Fortran API
Thread management constructs in OpenMP Fortran

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 88, MIMD

Thread management constructs in OpenMP Fortran

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 89, MIMD

Thread management constructs in OpenMP Fortran
Run-time library routines


Set number or max number of threads.

Return number of threads in use
Return max number of threads

Return number of the calling thread


Return number of processors available.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 90, MIMD

Thread management constructs in OpenMP Fortran


True if called from dynamic extent of a parallel region.

Allow (true) or disallow (false) dynamic change in number of threads.
Return true or false setting of dynamic
Allow nested parallelism or not


Return true if nested parallelism allowed

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 91, MIMD

Parallel data scope specification in OpenMP Fortran

!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/cb/[, /cb/])

Specifies that previously declared common blocks cb are
Clauses private and persist across parallel regions

PRIVATE(list) Variables or common blocks in list are private in block

introduced by the directive.
SHARED(list Variables or common blocks in list are shared
DEFAULT(PRIVATE|SHARED|NONE) Default scope for all variables in block

FIRSTPRIVATE(list) Private variables in list are initialized to values on entry to

LASTPRIVATE(list) The values of variables on list are set to values written by
last iteration or section.
REDUCTION({operator | intrinsic}: list) Reduce across threads by specified operation.

COPYIN(list) Initialize threadprivate variables or common blocks on list to

master’s value on entry.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 92, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran work distribution constructs



G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 93, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran work distribution constructs


Prescheduling with chunk size of 10 iterations
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 94, MIMD
OpenMP Fortran work distribution constructs


G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 95, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran work distribution constructs


G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 96, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran work distribution constructs

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 97, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran synchronization constructs

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 98, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran synchronization constructs

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 99, MIMD
OpenMP Fortran synchronization constructs

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 100, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran synchronization constructs

Run-time library routines

SUBROUTINE OMP_INIT_LOCK(var) Create and initialize lock with name var

Destroy lock var, where var is type integer
SUBROUTINE OMP_SET_LOCK(var) Wait until lock var is unset, then set it

SUBROUTINE OMP_UNSET_LOCK(var) Release lock var owned by this thread.


Attempt to set lock var; return .TRUE.

on success and .FALSE. on failure.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 101, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran combined process management and work distribution



G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 102, MIMD

OpenMP Fortran combined process management and work distribution

OpenMP Fortran combined process management and work distribution



G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 103, MIMD

An OpenMP Example
A particle dynamics program to compute position, p, velocity, v,
Acceleration, a, force, f, potential and kinetic energy pot and kin.

n particles are represented by four 3 by n arrays

First dimension for x, y, z space dimension
Second for particles

Time stepping loop central to the main particle dynamics program

do i = 1, nsteps
call compute(n, pos, vel, mass, f, pot, kin)
call update(n, pos, vel, f, a, mass, dt)

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 104, MIMD

pot = 0.0
kin = 0.0 Body of the compute subroutine
!$OMP& PRIVATE(i, j, k, rij, d)&
!$OMP& REDUCTION(+: pot, kin)
do i = 1, n
do k = 1, 3
f(k, i) = 0.0
do j = 1, n
if (i .ne. j) then
call dist(pos(1, i), pos(1, j), rij, d)
pot = pot + 0.5*v(d)
do k = 1, 3
f(k, i) = f(k, i) - rij(k)*dv(d)/d
kin = kin + dot(vel(1, i), vel(1, i))
kin = kin*0.5*mass
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 105, MIMD
Body of the update subroutine
!$OMP& PRIVATE(i, k)
do i = 1, n
do k = 1, 3
pos(k,i) = pos(k,i) + vel(k,i)*dt + 0.5*dt*dt*a(k,i)
vel(k,i) = vel(k,i) + 0.5*dt*(f(k,i)/mass + a(k,i))
a(k,i) = f(k,i)/mass

This is a minimal change to the program, but threads are created and
terminated twice for each time step. If process management overhead is
large, this can slow the program significantly.
A better method is described in the text, see Program 4-13,
We will present the idea of global parallelism by introducing the
FORCE Parallel Language
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 106, MIMD
Development of Parallel Programming Languages

Issues to consider:

• Explicit vs. Implicit Parallelism

• Efficiency of Parallel Constructs

• Portability of Programs to Multiprocessors of the

Same Type

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 107, MIMD

Main Features of the Force:

• Parallel constructs as extensions to Fortran

Single program executed by many processes

• Global parallelism:
parallel execution is the norm,
sequential execution must be explicitly specified

• Arbitrary number of processes:

Execution with one process is fine,
it allows program logic bugs to be separated
synchronization bugs.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 108, MIMD
Main Features of the Force continued:

• Process management is suppressed:

There are no fork, Join, Create or Kill operations.
Only the rate of progress is influenced by

• All processes are identical in their capability

• Data is either private to one, or uniformly shared

by all processes.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 109, MIMD

Main Features of the Force continued

• Generic Synchronizations:
Synch. operations do not identify specific
processes. They use quantifiers such as all, none,
only one, or state of a variable.

• The Force supports both fine and coarse grain


• Force is designed as a two-level macro processor.

The parallel construct macros are machine
independent, are built on top of a hand-full of
machine dependent macros. To port Force to a
new platform, few macros need to be re-written

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 110, MIMD

Force has been ported to:
Encore Multimax,
Sequent Balance and Symmetry,
Alliant Fx8,
IBM 3090,
Cray multiprocessors,

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 111, MIMD

c Establish the number of processes requested by the execute
c command, and set up the parallel environment.
Force PROC of NP ident ME
Shared real X(1000), GMAX
Private real PMAX
Private integer I
End Declarations
Barrier *********************
read(*,*)(X(I), I=1,1000) Strictly sequential

End barrier *********************

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 112, MIMD

c *********************
PMAX=0.0 Replicated sequential
Presched Do 10 I = 1,1000 *********************
If ( X(I) .gt. PMAX) PMAX = X(I)
Multiple sequential
10 End presched do *********************
Critical MAX *********************
Strictly sequential
End critical *********************
write(*,*) GMAX
End barrier

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 113, MIMD

Compilation of Force programs in Unix environment

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 114, MIMD

Compilation of Force programs in Unix environment

1. The SED pattern matcher translates the Force statements into

parameterized function macros.

2. The M4macro processor replaces the function macros with Fortran

code and the specific parallel programming extensions of the
target Fortran language. The underlying Fortran language must
include mechanisms for process creation, memory sharing among
processes, and synchronized access to shared variables.

3. The Fortran compiler translates the expanded code, links it with

the Force driver and multiprocessing libraries.

4. The Force driver is responsible for creation of processes, setting

up the Force parallel environment, and shared memory.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 115, MIMD

Program Structure:"
Force <name> of <NP> ident <process id>
<declaration of variables>
[Externf <Force module name>]
End declarations
<Force program>

Forcesub <name> ([parameters]) of <NP> ident <process id>

[Externf <Force module name>]
End declarations
<subroutine body>

Forcecall <name>([parameters])
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 116, MIMD
Variable Declarations (6 Types):

Private <Fortran type> <variable list>

Private Common /<label>/ <Fortran type> <variable list>

Shared <Fortran type> <variable list>

Shared Common /<label>/ <Fortran type> <variable list>

Async <Fortran type> <variable list>

Async Common /<label>/ <Fortran type> <variable list>

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 117, MIMD

Work Distribution Macros (9 Constructs, 2 commonly used):
Presched Do <n> <var> = <i1>, <i2> [,<i3>]
<loop body>
<n> End Presched Do

Prescheduled DOALLs require no synchronization;

Each process computes its own index values; Best performance is achieved
when the amount of work for each index value is the same. Indices are
allocated in a fixed way at compile time.

Cyclic mapping:
Shared i1, i2, np;
Private var, me;
for var := i1+ me*i3 step np*i3 until i2,
loop body

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 118, MIMD

VPresched Do <n> <var> = <i1>, <i2> [,<i3>, <b2>]
<loop body>
<n> End Presched Do

Block mapping:

Shared i1, i2, i3, np;

Private var, lb, ub, me;
/* Compute private lower & upper bounds (lb, ub) from
i1, i2, i3, me and np */
for var := lb, i3, until ub
<loop body.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 119, MIMD

Selfsched Do <n> <var> = <i1>, <i2> [,<i3>]
<loop body>
<n> End Selfsched Do

Pre2do <n> <var1> = <i1>, <i2> [,<i3>];

<var2> = <j1>, <j2> [,<j3>]
<doubly indexed loop body>
<n> End Presched Do

Selfscheduled DOALLs adapt to varying workload.

Synchronized access to a shared index is needed.

Each process obtains the next index value by

incrementing a shared variable at run time.

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 120, MIMD

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 121, MIMD
self-scheduling code for one process executing the same forall

shared lwr, stp, upr, np, isync;

private i;
void isync;
produce isync := lwr;
end barrier
while (true) do
consume isync into i;
if (i > upr) then
{produce isync := i;
break;}/* End while loop */
{produce isync := i + stp;
loop body(i);}

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 122, MIMD

Work Distribution Macros continued

Self2do <n> <var1> = <i1>, <i2> [,<i3>];

<var2> = <j1>, <j2> [,<j3>]
<doubly indexed loop body>
<n> End Selfsched Do

Askfor Do <n> Init = <i> /* # of initial work units*/

<loop body>
Critical <var>
More work <j> /* add j work units to loop*/
<put work in data structure>
End critical
<loop body>
<n> End Askfor Do

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 123, MIMD

Work Distribution Macros continued

Pcase on <var> Scase on <var>

<code block> <code block>
[Usect] [Usect]
<code block> <code block>
[Csect (<condition>)] [Csect (<condition>)]
. .
. .
End Pcase End Scase

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 124, MIMD

Resolve into <name>
Component <name> strength <number or var>
Component <name> strength <number or var>

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 125, MIMD


Consume <async var> into <variable>

Produce <async var> = <expression>
Copy <async var> into <variable>
Void <async var>

Isfull (<async var>)

Critical <lock var>
<code block>
End critical

<code block>
End barrier

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 126, MIMD

Consume waits for the state of the variable to be full,
reads the value into a private variable and
sets it to empty.

Produce waits for the state of the variable to be

empty, sets its value to the expression and
sets it to full.

Copy waits for the asynchronous variable to

become full, copies its value into a private
variable, but leaves its state as full.

Void sets the state of its asynchronous variable

to empty regardless of its previous state.

Isfull Returns a boolean value indicating whether

the state of an asynchronous variable is full
or empty.
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 127, MIMD

• Data oriented:

procedure produce(x, expr);

shared struct {real var; boolean f} x;
private ok;
ok := false;
if (not x.f) then
{ok := true;
x.f := true;
x.var := expr;};
end critical;
until ok;
end procedure;

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 128, MIMD

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 129, MIMD
Control oriented: Barrier Implementation:
Initial state and values: unlock (barlock)
lock (barwit)
barcnt = 0
lock (barlock)
if (barcnt < NP -1 ) then All processes except the
barcnt := barcnt +1 ; last will increment the
unlock (barlock) ; counter and wait at the
lock (barwit) ; lock(barwit).
endif ;
if (barcnt = NP -1) then Last process executes
… the code body and
code body unblocks barwit.
endif ;
if (barcnt = 0) then
unlock (barlock) ;
else All processes except the
barcnt := barcnt -1 ; last, will decrement the
unlock (barwit) ; counter and unlock (barwit)The
endif last process unlocks barlock for
correct state of the next barrier
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 130, MIMD
Forcesub bsolve(n) of nprocs ident me
Shared common /matrix/real a(500,500),b(500)
Async common /sol/ real x(500)
Private integer i,j
Private real psum,temp
End declarations

c Initialize the asynchronous vector x to empty.

Presched Do 100 i=1,n

Void x(i)
100 End presched do

G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 131, MIMD

c The back solve process

c Produce value of x(n) to be used in the first loop iteration

Produce x(n)=b(n)/a(n,n)
End Barrier

Selfsched Do 200 i= n-1, 1, -1


Do 150 j=n, i+1, -1

c wait for X(j) to become full and copy its value
Copy x(j) into temp
psum = psum + a(i,j) * temp
150 continue
c produce the value of x(i) and mark it as full.
Produce x(i)=(b(i) -psum)/a(i,i)
200 End Selfsched Do
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 132, MIMD
G. Alaghband Fundamentals of Parallel 133, MIMD

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