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Cindy Claudia
LI 1
Anatomi MATA
Moore Clinical Oriented Anatomy
Eyelids & Lacrimal APPARATUS
Moore Clinical orieted anatomy
Innervation of
Lacrimal gland
Layers of eyeball
 Occupies most of the anterior portion of the episcleral space (a potential space)
the orbit, suspended by six extrinsic lies between the fascial sheath and the
muscles that control its movement, outer layer of the eyeball, facilitating
and a fascial suspensory apparatus. movements of the eyeball within the
fascial sheath.
 It measures approximately 25 mm in
diameter. The three layers of the eyeball are the
1. Fibrous layer (outer coat), consisting of
 The connective tissue layer is composed the sclera and cornea.
: 2. Vascular layer (middle coat), consisting
 posteriorly of the fascial sheath of the of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris.
eyeball (bulbar fascia or Tenon 3. Inner layer (inner coat), consisting of the
capsule) which forms the actual retina, which has both optic and non-
socket for the eyeball & anteriorly of
bulbar conjunctiva. visual parts.

 A very loose connective tissue layer

Extraocular Muscle of the orbit
Nerves of the orbit
 The optic nerves begin at the lamina cribrosa of the sclera, where the
unmyelinated nerve fibers pierce the sclera and become myelinated, posterior
to the optic disc exit canal optic
 the optic nerves are surrounded by extensions of the cranial meninges and
subarachnoid space,the latter occupied by a thin layer of CSF.

 optic nerve (CN II), the nerves of the orbit include those that enter through the
superior orbital fissure and supply the ocular muscles: oculomotor (CN III),
trochlear (CN IV), and abducent (CN VI) nerves). A memory device for the
innervation of the extra-ocular muscles moving the eyeball is similar to a
chemical formula: LR6SO4AO3
Vasculature of the Orbit
Veins of orbits
LI 2
Histologi MATA
Difiore Atlas of Histology
Junquiera Basic Histology TEXT & Atlas 13th edition c
Junquiera Basic
Histology TEXT &
Atlas 13th edition c
Junquiera Basic Histology TEXT & Atlas 13th edition c

Junquiera Basic
Histology TEXT &
Atlas 13th edition c
Retina / Tunika Neuralis
 Dari sisi luar yg brbatasan dgn koroid dalam :
 Epitel pigmen
 Lapis batang & krucut
 Mmbran limitan luar
 Lapis inti luar
 Lapis pleksiform luar
 Lapis inti dalam
 Lapis pleksiform dalam
 Lapis sel ganglion
 Lapis serat nervus optikus
 Membran limitan dalam
Diverse function of Pigmented
■■ The pigmented layer absorbs scattered light that passes through the neural layer,
supplementing the choroid in
this regard.
■■ With many tight junctions, cells of the pigmented epithelium form an important part of the
protective blood-retina
barrier isolating retina photoreceptors from the highly vascular choroid and regulating ion
transport between
these compartments.

■■ The cells play key roles in the visual cycle of retinal regeneration, having enzyme systems
that isomerize
all-trans-retinal released from photoreceptors and produce 11-cis-retinal that is then transferred
back to the photoreceptors.
■■ Phagocytosis of shed components from the adjacent photoreceptors and degradation of this
material occurs in these epithelial cells.
■■ Cells of pigmented epithelium remove free radicals by various protective antioxidant
activities and support the neural retina by secretion of ATP, various polypeptide growth
factors, and immunomodulatory factors.
Accessories structure of the eye
LI 3
Phsyiology Laurelee sherwood
Proses Refraksi
Phototransduction by retinal cells (
convert light stimuli  neural signals)
1. An outer segment, which lies closest to the eye’s exterior,
facing the choroid. It detects the light stimulus.

2. An inner segment, which lies in the middle of the

photoreceptor’s length. It contains the metabolic machinery
of the cell.

3. A synaptic terminal, which lies closest to the eye’s interior,

facing the bipolar cells. It transmits the signal generated in the
photoreceptor on light stimulation to these next cells in the
Visual pathway.
Visual Pathway
Review of Medical Phsyiology
LI 4
Penurunan visus perlahan : 9. Buta senja
1. Retinopati diabetikum 10. Degenerasi makula
2. Katarak 11. Hipertensi retinopati
3. Miopia 12. Anisometropi
4. Hipermetropi 13. Diplopia
5. Presbiopi 14. Keratokonus
6. Glaukoma 15. Strabismus
7. Astigmatisme 16. Retinitis pigmentosa
8. Ambliopia
 is a progressive disorder in which central or paracentral
corneal stromal thinning occurs, accompanied by apical
protrusion and irregular astigmatism.
 Approximately 50% of normal fellow eyes will progress to
KC within 16 years.
 It can be graded by the highest axis of corneal power on
keratometry as
 mild (<48 D)

 moderate (48–54 D)

 severe (>54 D)
 Diagnosis
 Symptoms. Unilateral impairment of vision due to progressive
myopia and astigmatism; occasionally, initial presentation is with
acute hydrops.
 Signs :
 Direct ophthalmoscopy shows a fairly well delineated ‘oil
droplet’ reflex
 Retinoscopy shows an irregular ‘scissoring’ reflex.
 Slit lamp biomicroscopy shows very fine, vertical, deep
stromal stress lines, which disappear with pressure on the
 Epithelial iron deposits, best seen with a cobalt blue filter, may
surround the base of the cone (Fleischer ring)
 Progressive corneal protrusion in a cone configuration, with
thinning maximal at the apex.
 LASIK is contraindicated
 patients should be screened for KC prior to corneal refractive surgery.
 Eye rubbing should be avoided.
 Spectacles or soft contact lenses are generally sufficient in early
 Rigid contact lenses, sometimes scleral, are required for higher
degrees of astigmatism.
 Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL), using riboflavin drops to
photosensitize the eye followed by exposure to ultraviolet-A light,
may stabilize or even reverse ectasia.
 Intracorneal ring segment implantation using laser or
mechanical channel creation
 Keratoplasty, either penetrating or deep anterior lamellar
(DALK), may be necessary in patients with severe disease.
 Anisometropia is a difference in refractive error between the
two eyes
 major cause of amblyopia because the eyes cannot
accommodate independently and the more hyperopic eye is
chronically blurred
 Refractive correction of anisometropia is complicated by
differences in size of the retinal images (aniseikonia)
 Correction
 Spectacle  difference in retinal image size of
approximately 25%, which is rarely tolerable
 Contact lens  difference in image size to approximately
6%, which can be tolerated
 Intraocular lens  difference of less than 1%
 is a degenerative disorder
affecting the macula.  Risk factors :

 It is characterized by the  Age

presence of specific clinical  Race
findings, including drusen and
RPE changes, in the absence of  Heredity
another disorder.  Smoking

 Later stages of the disease are  Dietary factors.

associated with impairment of  Aspirin

 The prevalence increases with
age and symptoms are rare in
patients under 50 years of age.
 degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium, linked to oxidative stress
 Changes in the adjacent extracellular matrix of Bruch's membrane and the
formation of subretinal deposits
 diffuse thickening of Bruch's membrane 

 oxygen diffusion into retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors ↓ 

 release of growth factors and cytokines 

 growth of choroidal new vessels 
 grow through into the subretinal space 
 choroidal neovascular membrane 
 new vessels leak serous fluid and/or blood  distortion and reduction of
clarity of central vision 
 progression of the degenerative process to cell death and atrophy of the
retinal pigment epithelium  visual loss
 Conventionally, AMD has been divided into two main
 Dry (non-exudative, non-neovascular) AMD is the most
common form, comprising around 90% of diagnosed
 Geographic atrophy (GA) is the advanced stage of dry
 Wet (exudative, neovascular) AMD is much less common
than dry, but is associated with more rapid progression to
advanced sight loss.
Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Late Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Prophylactic Therapy
 Recommended daily supplementation based on AREDS2:
 Vitamin E (400 IU).
 Vitamin C (500 mg).
 Lutein (10 mg).
 Zeaxanthin (2 mg).
 Zinc (25–80 mg)
 Copper (2 mg).
 A liberal green leafy vegetable intake confers a lower risk of
 Cessation of smoking should be advised.
 Protective measures against exposure to excessive sunlight
should be considered.
Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular
 Conventional retinal laser Bevacizumab
photocoagulation  Surgery (part of clinical trial)
 photodynamic therapy  surgical removal of the
 anti-VEGF therapy choroidal neovascular
 Pegaptanib (intravitreal membrane, macular
injection every 6 weeks) translocation, and retinal
pigment epithelial
 binds the major pathogenic
isoform of vascular
endothelial growth factor,
 Ranibizumab
 able to bind all isoforms of
 Stiap keadaan kekeruhan lensa  Kelainan sistemikyg dpt
yg dpt terjadi akibat hidrasi ( mnimbulkan katarak :
pe+ cairan) lensa,denaturasi DM,galaktosemi,distrofi
protein lensa atau ke2 nya miotonik
 Ktarak jg dpt ditemukan dlm
 Kekeruhan mengenai ke2 mata keadaan tnpa adanya kelainan
& berjalan progresif /dpt tdk mata /sistemik
mengalami prubahan dlm wktu  Fisik
yg lama  Kimia
 Pnyakit pd usia lanjut (  Pnyakit predisposisi
umumnya)  Genetik & gg perkembangan
 E:  Infeksi virus saat janin
 Bahan toksik (kimia /fisik)  Usia
 Kracunan bbrp jenis obat :
kortikosteroid ,ergot
eserin,antikolinesterase topikal

 Gejala: mungkin,tonometri
 Psien dgn katarak mngluh
pnglihatan berasap &
tajam pnglihatan mnurun  Klasifikasi katarak:
progresif  Berdasarkan usia katarak
 Lensa keruhlensa tdk
dpt diklasifikasikan dlm:
transparan pupil bsa  Katarak
berwarna putih /abu kongenitalkatarak yg
terjdi pd usia dibwh 1 thn
 Katarak juvenilkatarak yg
 Px yang dilakukan pd terjdi > 1 thn
psien katarak : px slit  Katarak sensil katarak
stlh usia 50 thn
lamp ,funduskopi pd ke2
mata bila
Katarak Senil
 Kekeruhan lensa yg terdapat bertambah besar dan berat
pd usia lanjut ( diatas 50  Bengkak dan vakuolisasi
thn) mitokondria yg nyata
 Serat lensa:
 Prubahan lensa pd usia  Lbh ireguler
lanjut :  Pd kortek jelas kerusakan
 Kapsul serat sel
 Menebal & krg elastis ( ¼  Brown sclerotic nucleus ,sinar
dibanding anak2) uv lama kelamaan mrubah
 Mulai presbiopia protein nukleus ( histidin dll)
 Bentuk lamel kapsul lensa
berkurang  Korteks tdk berwrna karena:
 Trlihat bahan granular kadar a.askorbat tinggi &
mnghalangi fotooksidasi
 Epitel makin tipis  Sinar tdk bnyak mngubah
 Sel epitel pd ekuator protein pd serat muda
Acquired cataract
 Age Related Cataract  associated with myopia due to an increase in
a) Subcapsular Cataract the refractive index of the nucleus.
 Anterior subcapsular cataract lies directly  Nuclear sclerotic cataract is characterized by
under the lens capsule a yellowish hue
 due to the deposition of urochrome pigment,
 associated with fibrous metaplasia of the (best assessed with an oblique slit lamp beam)
lens epithelium.
 Posterior subcapsular opacity lies just in c) Cortical Cataract :
front of the posterior capsule and has a
granular or plaque-like appearance typically  Cortical cataract may involve the anterior
appears black and vacuolated /posterior lens cortex.
(retroilumination)  The opacities start as clefts and vacuoles
 Common symptom : glare & reduced vision between lens fibres due to cortical
under bright lighting condition symptoms hydration
are increased by:  Opacification result inwedge shaped
 miosis, such as occurs during near visual /radial spoke like opacities ( inferonasal
activity and in bright sunlight. quadrant
b) Nuclear sclerotic cataract :
 Nuclear cataract is an exaggeration of
normal ageing change

Kanski Clinical Opthalmology

Vaughan & Ashbury
Fig. 9.2 Age-related cataract. (A) Cortical;
Cataract Maturity
Cataract maturity
• Immature cataract is one in which the
lens is partially opaque.

• Mature cataract is one in which the lens

is completely opaque

• Hypermature cataract has a shrunken

and wrinkled anterior capsule ( due to
leakage of water out of the lens.
• Morgagnian cataract is a hypermature
cataract in which liquefaction of the
cortex has allowed the nucleus to sink
Cataract in Systemic Disease
a) Diabetes Mellitus b) Atopic dermatitis
 Hyperglycaemia is reflected in a high level of  About 10% of patients with severe atopic
glucose in the aqueous humour  diffuses into dermatitis develop cataracts
the lens.
 glucose is metabolized into sorbitol, which  these are often bilateral and may mature
accumulates within the lens, resulting in secondary quickly.
osmotic overhydration.
 may affect the refractive index of the lens with
consequent fluctuation of refraction  Shield-like dense anterior subcapsular
 Cortical fluid vacuoles develop and later evolve plaque that wrinkles the anterior capsule is
into frank opacities. characteristic.
 Classic diabetic cataract, which is actually rare,
consists of snowflake cortical opacities.
Secondary Cataract
A secondary (complicated) cataract develops as a
result of other primary ocular disease.
 Chronic anterior uveitis is the most common cause

of secondary cataract, the incidence being related to

the duration and intensity of inflammation.
 High myopia

 Acute congestive angle closure

 Operasi katarak ekstrakapsular
 Dilakukan pngeluaran isi lensa dgn memcah /mrobek
kapsul lensa anterior shingga masa lensa dan korteks lensa
dpt keluar
 Trmsk: ekstraksi linear,aspirasi &irigasi
 Pnyulit yg dpt timbul: katarak sekunder

 Operasi katarak intrakapsular:

 P’mbedahan dgn mngeluarkan sluruh lensa bersama kapsul
 KI  tdk boleh dilakukan pd ps krg dari 40 thn
 Pnyulit: astigma,glaukoma,uveitis,endoftalmitis dan
 Glaukoma berarti hijau mata/dicelah pupil ( glaukoma
kebiruan yg mmberikan kesan hambatan pupil)
wrna pd pupil ps glaukoma  Pd glaukoma akan ada
 Kelainan mata glaukoma lemahnya fungsi mata dgn cacat
ditandai dgn mningkatnya lapang pandang & krusakan
tekanan bola mata,atrofi papil anatomi ( brupa ekskavasi serta
saraf optik & mnciutnya lapang degenerasi papil saraf optik
pandang )kebutaan
 Pnyakit yg ditandai dgn  Luas /dlmnya ekskavasi (
pninggian tekanan intraokular pnggaungan) pd glaukoma
kongenital dipakai sbg indikator
ini disebabkan o/ progresifitas glaukoma
 Ber+ produksi cairan mata oleh
bdn siliar
 br – nya pngeluaran cairan mata
didaerah sudut bilik

Klasifikasi Glaukoma
 Klasifikasi Vaughen:
 Glaukoma primer
 Glaukoma sudut terbuka
 Glaukoma sudut smpit
 Glaukoma kongenital
 Primer /infantil
 Mnyertai kelainan kongenital lain
 Glaukoma sekunder:
 Prubahan lensa Fig. 10.51 Moderate to marked glaucoma.
 Kelainan uvea
 Trauma
 Bedah
 Steroid
Pathophysiology of Glaucoma
 Major mechanism of visual loss TIO reache 60-80 mmhg (
in glaucoma retinal ganglion resulting in acute ischemic
cell apoptosis thinning of the damage to the iris with corneal
inner nuclear & nerve fiber layers edema & optic nerve damage)
of retina & axonal loss in optic
 In primary open angle glaucoma
 The TIO does not usually rise
 Optic disc becomes atrophic ,with above 30 mmHg & retinal
enlargment of optic cup ganglion cells may susceptible to
damage ( from TIO pressure in
the normal range) /major
 The effect of raised TIO are mechanism of damage  optic
influenced by the time course & nerve head ischemia .
magnitude of the rise TIO

 In acute angle closure glaucoma

Vaughan & Ashbury
Clinical opthalmology
Primary open angel glaucoma
 Primary open-angle glaucoma  Race :4x more common develop
(POAG) is a commonly bilateral at earlier age
disease of adult onset.  Family history of POAG
It is characterized by:  DM
 IOP >21 mmHg at some stage.  Myopia ( speculated that this
 Glaucomatous optic nerve may be due to mechanical
damage. factors ( optic disk)
 An open anterior chamber angle.  Contraceptive pill  long term
oral contraceptive pill
 Characteristic visual field loss
as damage progresses.  Vascular disease (ex
,hypertension,poor ocular
 Absence of signs of secondary perfusion )
glaucoma or a nonglaucomatous
cause for the optic neuropathy.  Translaminar pressure gradiant
 Optic disc area
 Ocular perfusion presure
 IOP higher the IOP ,the
greater glaucoma ( IOP of 4
mmhg or more)
Pathogenesis of glaucomatous
optic neuropathy
 Retinal ganglion cell may be involved:
death in glaucoma occurs  Direct mechanical
predominantly through damage to retinal nerve
apoptosis (programmed fibres at the optic nerve
cell death) head.
 Ischaemic damage,
 After injury cascade of
proliferation in astrocyte possibly due to
compression of blood
& glial cell ,matrix vessels supplying the optic
extracellular & nerve head.
 Common pathways of
 One or both of the damage.
following mechanisms
 History  Visual acuity
 Visual symptoms  Pupils

 Previous opthalmic history  Colour vision

 Family history  Slit lamp

 Past medical history  Tonometry

 Current medication  Gonioscopy

 Social history including  Optic disc examination

smoking & alcohol intake
 Allergies

 Examination:
Treatment Goals
Treatment goals  Initial treatment is usually with one type
 Proportional reduction. An alternative
of medication, typically a prostaglandin
strategy is to aim for a reduction in IOP analogue or beta-blocker.
by a certain percentage – often 30% – and
then monitor, aiming for a further  N/review after starting medication 4-8
reduction if progression occurs. weeks
 Response to progression  Response to the drug against the target
Medical Therapy  If the response satisfactory asses set
further 3-6 months
Commencing medical therapy
○ Any drug chosen should be prescribed in the  Surgery trabeculectomy
lowest concentration consistent with the
desired therapeutic effect, and  PROGNOSIS
administered as infrequently as possible.  Ps will not become blind in their lifetime

 Ideally the drug with the fewest potential  POAG the lifetime chance of blindness in
side effects should be used. both eyes has historically been 5–10%;
Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
 angle closure’ refers to occlusion of the
trabecular meshwork by the peripheral iris
(iridotrabecular contact – ITC) obstructing
aqueous outflow.
 Classification
 Primary angle closure suspect (PACS)
 Gonioscopy (shows posterior meshwork ITC in 3/
more quadrant)
 Normal IOP,optic disc & visual field
 Pigment smudging /narrow angle approach (20

 Primary angle closure ( PAC)

 Gonioscopy shows 3 /more quadrant of ITC with
raised IOP /excessive pigment smudging
 Normal optic disc & field
 Primary angle closure glaucoma
 ITC in 3/more quadrant
 Optic nerve damage from an episode of severe IOP
 Mechanism involved can be categorized according anatomical level
 Relative pupilary block
 Failure of aquos flow throw pupil lead to a pressure differential between
anterior & posterior chamber resulting anterior bowing of the iris
 Relieved by iridotomy ( equalize anterior & posterior chamber pressure)
 non pupillary block
 Associated with deeper anterior chamber
 Ptient with non pupillary block (particulary those with plateau iris)
 Plateau irisuncommon condition which CAO depth is normal but anterior
chamber angle is very narrow becausee of anterior position of ciliary
 Reduced aqueous outflow
 Appositional obstruction of iris
 Risk Factors around light) ( due corneal
epithelial edema)
 Age (relative pupillary block
 Acutely with decrease
about 60 years ) vision,redness,headache
 Gender ( Female>>)  Precipitating factor:
 Race (far eastern )  Watch tv in dark room
 Family history  Pharmacological
 Refraction eyes with “  topiramate
pure” pupillary block are  Sign:
typically hypermetropic
 Acute primary angle closure
 Axial length ( short eyes  VA 6/60
tend to have shallow AC)  IOP usually high ( 50-100
 Diagnosis  Conjunctival hyperami
 Symptoms with circumcorneal
 Asymtomatic (include
intermittenly/chronic  Corneal epithelial edema
elevated IOP)  Anterior chamber
 Intermittent mild symptoms  Unreactive mid-dilated
of blurring (“smoke filled vertically oval pupil
room) & haloes ( rainbow
 Anterior Segment OCT :  If treatment IV an additional
ultrasound biomicroscopy oral dose of acetazolamid (
may be given ps is not low
 Anterior chamber depth body weight)
measurement  KI: sulfonamid allergy &
angle closure secondary to
 Biometry topiramat
 Posterior segment USG  Apraclonidine 0,5%-1%
,timolol 0,5 % & prednisone
 Provocative test 1% /dexamethasone 0,1%
affected eye ( leaving 5
 THERAPY minutes each)
 PACS laser iridotomy  Pilocarpine 2-4 % ( one drop
 APAC to affected eye ,repeated after
half an hour)
 Acetazolamid 500 mg is
given IV if IOP > 50 mmhg &
orally if IOP <50 mmhg
Normal Tension Glaucoma
is characterized by:  RISK Factors:
 IOP consistently equal to or  Age
less than 21 mmHg.  Gender
 Signs of optic nerve damage in  Race
a characteristic glaucomatous  Family history
pattern.  CCT (lower in ps with NTG)
 An open anterior chamber  Abnormal vasoregulation
angle.  Systemic hypotension
 Visual field loss as damage  Obstructive sleep apnea
progresses  Autoantibody level
 No features of secondary  Ocular perfusion pressure ( may
glaucoma or a non- be lower in POAG)
glaucomatous cause for the  Myopia
Retinopati Diabetikum
 Kelainan retina ( retinopati) yg ke dlm retina (ireguler
ditemukan pd penderita DM )(kekuningan)
 Retinopati akibat DM brupa  Soft exudate cotton wool
aneurismata,melebarnya vena patches (iskemia retina)
,perdarahan & eksudat lemak  Pmbuluh darah baru pd retina
biasanya trletak dipermukaa
 Retinopati mrupakan gejala DM jaringan
utama pd mata:  Neovaskularisasi ( proliferasi sel
 Mikroaneurisma endotel pmbuluh darah)
 Perdarahan dlm bntuk  Edema retina dgn tanda
titik,garis,bercak yg biasanya hilangnya gmabaran retina
trletak dkat mikroaneurisma di trutama daerah makula (shingga
polus posterior gg tajam pnglihatan)
 Dilatasi p.d balik dgn lumenny
ireguler dan berkelok2  Hiperlipidemia
 Hard exudate infiltrasi lipid
 Biasany dit bilateral,simetris &  Klasifikasi retinopati diabetes :
progresif 3 bntk:  Derajat 1 : mikroanerisma dgn /tnpa
eksudat lemak pd fundus okuli
 Mikroaneurisma,prdarahan bercak
,edema  Derajat 2 : mikroaneurisma ,perdarahan
bintik dan bercak dgn /tnpa eksudat lemak
 Makulopati: edema retina & gg fungsi pd fundus okuli
makula  Derajat 3 mikroaneurisma ,perdarahan
 Proliferasi: vaskularisasi retina & bdn bintik danb ercak trdpt neovaskularisasi &
kaca proliferasi pd fundus okuli

dot and blot haemorrhages;

(D) deep dark haemorrhages
Retinopati Hipertensi
 Kelainan retina & pmbuluh darah retina  Bila kelainan brupa sklerosis dpt tmpak
& pmbuluh darah retina akibat tekanan sbg:
darah tinggi  Copper wire refleks
 Hipertensimmberikan kelainan pd  Silver wire
retina brupa retinopati hipertensi,dgn  Lumen p,d yg iregur
arteri yg besarnya tdk teratur,eksudat
 Fenomena crossing :
pd retina,edema retina dan prdarahan
 Elevasi
 Deviasi
 Kelainan pmbuluh darah dpt  Kompresi
brupapnyempitan umum/stempat
,prcabangan pmbuluh darah yg tajam
 Retinopati hipertensi dpt berupa
 Pnyempitan /spasme pmbuluh darah perdarahan/eksudat retina yg pd daerah
tmpak: makula dpt mmberikan gmbaran spt
 Pmbuluh darah ( a.retina) pucat bintang
 Kaliber pmbuluh yg mnjd lbh kecil atau
 Percabangan arteriol yg tajam
 Eksudat retina b’btk :
 Cotton wool patches ( edema serat saraf retina krn mikroinfark sesudah pnyumbatan arteriole)
 Eksudat yg tersebar
 Eksudat putih pd daerah yg tak tertentu & luas
 Prdarahan retina dpt terjdi primer krn oklusi arteri/sekunder akibat arteriosklerose

 Klasifikasi retinopati hipertensi :

 Grade 1 penyempitan arteri retina ringan
 Grade 2 pnyempitan focal arteri & arterivena terjepit,tmpak gambaran kabel pd dinding arteri
 Grade 3 grade 2 + perdarahan retina ( dot,blot),eksudat ( edema (deposisi dari hard exudate skitar
fovea “ macular star) & cotton wool spot
 Grade 4 grade 3 + pmbengkakan optic disc

copper wiring’; grade 3 retinopathy with macular star; Grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy
 Suatu keadaan dimana kedudukan kedua bola mata tidak ke
satu arah.
 Pada strabismus, sumbu bola tidak berpotongan pada satu titik
benda yang dilihat.
 Pasien dgn strabismus akan mengeluh mata lelah atau
astenopia, penglihatan kurang pada satu mata, lihat ganda
(diplopia), & sering menutup sebelah mata.
 Faktor resiko : Riwayat keluarga , kelainan refraksi & kondisi
 Penyulit supresi dini : terjadinya ambliopia & fiksasi
Klasifikasi Strabismus
1. Apparent squint atau pseudostrabismus
2. Latent squint (Heterophoria)
3. Manifest squint (Heterotropia)
 Pasien kadang-kadang terlihat seperti juling tetapi dengan
pemeriksaan tidak terdapat tanda” juling.
 Mungkin disebabkan adanya epikantus  mengakibatkan
bagian nasal sklera tidak terlihat jelas.
 Pasien terlihat seperti ada juling ke dalam.
 Kelainan ini merupakan gambaran karakteristik pada pas. dgn
ras Mongol.
 Keadaan kedudukan bola mata yg normal namun akan timbul
penyimpangan (deviasi) apabila refleks fusi terganggu.
 Macam-macam heteroforia berdasarkan bidang
penyimpangannya :
 Bidang horizontal : esoforia & eksoforia
 Bidang vertikal : hipo atau hiperforia
 Bidang frontal : insiklofori & eksiklofori
 Penyebab : akibat tidak seimbangnya atau insufisiensinya otot
penggerak mata.
 75-90% penduduk yg menderita heteroforia, biasanya tanpa
 Suatu penyimpangan sumbu  Sudut penyimpangan sama besar
penglihatan ke arah nasal yg saat melihat jauh & dekat = basic
tersembunyi oleh karena masih type.
adanya refleks fusi.  Terapi :
 Esoforia yg punya sudut  Memberikan koreksi
penyimpangan lebih besar pada saat hipermetropia u/ ↓ rangsang
melihat jauh dibandingkan melihat akomodasi berlebihan.
dekat disebabkan o/ suatu
 Memberikan miotika u/
insufisiensi divergen.
menghilangkan akomodasinya.
 Esoforia yg punya sudut  Memberikan prisma base out yg
penyimpangan lebih kecil pada dibagi sama besar mata kanan &
waktu melihat dekat disebabkan oleh kiri.
suatu ekses konvergen.
 Tindakan operasi
Eksoforia / Strabismus Divergen Laten
 Suatu tendensi penyimpangan Bila sudut penyimpangan pada
sumbu penglihatan ke arah waktu melihat dekat lebih besar
temporal.  disebabkan oleh kelemahan
 Pada eksoforia akan terjadi akomodasi.
deviasi ke luar pada mata yg Pengobatan secara umum:
ditutup atau dicegah  Bila ada kelainan refraksi 
terbentuknya refleks fusi. dikoreki.
 Eksoforia kecil tanpa keluhan  Bila mungkin diberikan
sering terdapat pada anak”. latihan ortoptik
 Eksoforia besar sering sering  Bila tidak berhasil, bisa
akan memberikan keluhan diberikan prisma base in
 Bila sudut penyimpangan pada
saat melihat jauh lebih besar 
disebabkan oleh ekses divergen.
Hiperforia / Strabismus Sursumvergen
 Suatu tendensi penyimpangan sumbu penglihatan ke arah atas.
 Umumnya disebabkan o/ kerja berlebihan atau kelemahan
otot-otot rektus inferior & obliqus superior.
 Pengobatan dengan kacamata prisma & puncak di atas
(vertical base down) di depan mata yg sumbu penglihatannya
lebih tinggi.
 Dapat juga dilakukan operasi pada otot” rektus superior dan
 Keadaan penyimpangan sumbu  Bentuk” heterotropia berdasarkan
bola mata yg nyata di mana kedua kedudukan penyimpangannya :
sumbu penglihatan tidak  Bidang horizontal : eksotropia
berpotongan pada titik fiksasi. & esotropia
 Dapat disebabkan oleh kelainan :  Vertikal : hipertrofi
 Herediter  Sagital : insiklotropia (kornea
 Anatomik, kelainan otot luar, jam 12 berputar ke arah nasal)
kelainan ronggan orbita. & esiklotropia
 Kelainan refraksi  Pemeriksaan untuk menentukan
 Kelainan persarafan, sensori adanya heterotropia : uji tutup
mototrik, keadaan yang mata, uji refleks korena
menggagalkan fusi. Hisrchberg, uji Krimsky, uji
Maddox rod.
Esotropia / Strabismus Konvergen
 Penyimpangan sumbu penglihatan  Faktor refleks dekat, akomodatif
dimana salah satu sumbu estropia.
penglihatan menuju titik fiksasi  Hipertoni rektus medius
sedangkan sumbu penglihatan lain kongenital.
menyimpang pada bidang
 Hipotoni rektus lateral akuisita
horizontal ke arah medial.
 ↓ fungsi penglihatan satu mata
 Bentuk” esotropia
pada bayi & anak.
 Esotropia konkomitan (sudut
 Pengobatan:
penyimpangan sama besar pada
semua arah pandangan)  Memberikan lensa koreksi untuk
mengatas keadaan miopinya.
 Esotropia nonkomitan (besar
sudut penyimpangan beda” pada  Tindakan operatif

arah pandang berbeda-beda)

 Penyebab :
Eksotropia / Strabismus divergen
 Penyimpangan sumbu  Anatomi, kelainan rongga
penglihatan dimana salah satu orbita mis: pada penyakit
sumbu penglihatan menuju titik Crouzon
fiksasi sedangkan sumbu yg lain  Pengobatan dgn koreksi refraksi
menyimpang pada bidang pada ekstropia harus dilakukan
horizontal ke arah lateral. dengan hati-hati.
 Bentuk: Eksotropia konkomitan  Operasi pada eksotropia
& nonkomitan tergantung pada jenis
 Penyebab : eksotropianya, biasanya
 Herediter dilakukan resesi otot rektus
lateral & reseksi otot rektus
 Inervasi tapi tidak terdapat
medial mata yg sama pada yg
abnormalitas yg berarti dalam
bidang sensorimotor
LI 5
Penurunan Visus Mendadak: chorioretinopathy
1. Vitreous Hemorrage 6. Papil edema
2. Retinal Detachment 7. Neuritis optic
/ablasio retina 8. Ambliopia toksik
3. RAOD,RVOD 9. Atrofi optik
4. Amaurosis Fugax 10. Migraine
5. Cntral Serous 11. Uveitis posterior
Ambliopia toksik
 Pd keracunan bbrp obat dpt terjd kbutaan
 Neuritis optik toksik dpt terjdi keracunan
alkohol/tmbakau timah dan bahan toksis lainnya
 Biasanya tanda lapang pandang berubah
 Pd uremia dpt tejrdi amblopia uremik dimana
pnglihatan akan brkg
 Brkgnya pnglihatan akibat keracunan
alkoholamblopia alkohol
Amaurosis fugax
 Buta sekjap satu mata yg total & dpt mrupakan gejala dini
berulang obstruksi arteri retina sentral
 Gelap sementara slama 2-5 dtk  Amaurosis fugax mrupakan
yg biasanya hnya mngenai 1 tanda yg paling sering pd insuf
mata pd saat serangan dan arteri karotis/trdptnya emboli pd
normal kembali ssdh bbrp mnit arteri oftalmik retina
/jam disertai dgn gg segmental  Tdk ditemukan kelainan fundus
tnpa rasa sakit dan trdptnya krn pendeknya serangan
gejala sisa
 Monokular amaurosis fugax dpt
terjdi akibat hipotensi
ortostatik,spasme p.d
,aritmia,migren ,anemia,arteritis
& koagulopatia
 Hilangnya pnglihatan jarang

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