Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Class B
Flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, paint, paint thinners and
Class C
Energized electrical equipment, such as appliances, switches, panel boxes and power
Class D
Certain combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. They
may react violently with water or other chemicals, and must be handled with care.
Class K
Fires involving combustible cooking fluids such as oils and fats.
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Hexafluoropropane HFC-236fa (FE-36)- Clean Agent
• The CO2 Extinguisher Cannisters contain carbon dioxide in liquid form, and
when the extinguisher is let off the liquid is released into the air neutralising
the oxygen that the fire is feeding on, disabling the fires ability to spread.
This is an effective way to put out fires and also prevent fire from reoccurring
because of the lack of oxygen and the ice cold temperature of the CO2 when
released from the extinguisher.
• Being harmless to electrical equipment these extinguishers are ideal for
offices ,workshops or any premises that uses electrical equipment.
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Water Type/ Aquaeuos Film Forming Foam (AFFF)
• This type of fire extinguisher puts out the fire by taking away the
heat element of the fire triangle. Foam agents separate the
oxygen element from the other elements
• Water extinguishers are for Class A fires only – although they can
sometimes be used on Class B fires. The discharge stream could
spread the flammable liquid in a Class B fire if the mixture of the
fire agent is inaccurate, or could create a shock hazard on a Class
C fire.
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Dry Powder
Wet Chemical is a new agent that extinguishes the fire by removing the
heat of the fire triangle and prevents re-ignition by creating a barrier
between the oxygen and fuel elements.
Thank you