1.1 Nature and Purpose of Accounts
1.1 Nature and Purpose of Accounts
1.1 Nature and Purpose of Accounts
Financial position
Changes in financial position
Financial and Management Accounting
Financial accounting seeks to meet the information
needs of all users. Users rely on the information
which management is prepared to provide or is
required to provide under financial reporting
Management accounting seeks to meet the specific
information needs of managers. Managers have a
greater degree of control over the form and content of
the information received.
Financial Management
Type of reports General purpose Specific purpose
Level of detail Broad overview Very detailed
Regulation Usually subject to No external regulation,
accounting designed to meet
regulation. specific need.
Reporting Usually on an Daily, weekly or
interval annual basis. monthly.
Time horizon Past period. Past and future.
Range and Monetary terms Monetary and non-
quality of using objective monetary terms using
information and verifiable less objective &
data. verifiable data.
Accounting Conventions
Accounting conventions are rules that have
evolved over time in order to deal with the
practical problems encountered in preparing
Accounting Regulation
Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
◦ Issues Financial Reporting Standards (FRSs)
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
◦ Issues International Financial Reporting
Auditing Practices Board (APB)
◦ Issues Auditing Standards.
Company Law.
Stock Exchange Rules.
Relevant legislation in relation to statutory bodies.