Management Thoughts
Management Thoughts
Management Thoughts
Know the contributions of Robert Owen, Charles Babbage , F.W.Taylor .Henry Gnatt and the
Gilbreths to scientific management .
Understand the principles of scientific management and also criticisms leveled against them .
Analyze the contribution contributions made by Henry Fayol and Max weber to
administrative management .
Henry Gnatt
After studying this chapter ,you should be able to :-
Appraise the Fayol’s Principles of management and criticism leveled against them
particularly due to globalization and information technology.
Comment on the contributions of Mark Parker follet ,Chester I Bernard and elton Mayo to
Human Relations School .
Evaluate the contributions of human relation approach to management thought.
Understand the contributions of systems approach to management , Contingency approach
to management , HRMapproach and Management Science Approach to management.
2. Administrative management
3. Bureaucracy .
Scientific Management
Babbage stressed that good machines and efficient workers do not ensure
success in business .Good management that directs and controls machines and
workers is the most crucial element in successful business .
He suggested that the use of time study techniques should be done along
with division of labour .
Thus ,this study developed the best way of doing the job, replacing the old rule of
Science ,but not rule of thumb
TheEmployees who produced lessthan the standard production received low piece rate.
Employees who produced above the standard production received higher piece rate .
Differential piece rates were introduced in order to motivate the employees to produce
more than the standard level and enhance productivity.
Group Harmony
F.W.Taylor emphasized upon group
harmony which can be achieved through
satisfying the needs of the group members
Management should understand the workers ‘ needs and take steps to satisfy
them .
Henry Gnatt
Henri Gnatt
He also introduced bonus to supervisors for each worker who could complete
a day’s work and additional bonus, if the worker reached it ,with a view to
enable the supervisors to train their workers to do a better job .
Managers must be able to give orders.Authority
gives them this right..
Fayol’s Principles of Management
Employees must obey and respect the rules that
govern the organization.
Good discipline is the result of effective leadership,
Clear understanding between management and
workers regarding the organization's rules
The judicious use of penalties for infractions of the
Fayol’s Principles of Management
Unity of command.
Every employee should receive orders from only one
Unity of direction.
Each group of organizational activities that have the same
objective should be directed by one manager using one plan.
Fayol’s Principles of Management
Subordination of individual interests to the general interest.
The interests of any one employee or group of employees should
not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a
Fayol’s Principles of Management
Workers must be paid a fair wage for their
Centralization refers to the degree to which
subordinates are involved in decision making.
Whether decision making is centralized (to
management) or decentralized (to subordinates) is
a question of proper proportion. The task is to
find the optimum degree of centralization for
each situation.
Fayol’s Principles of Management
Scalar chain ( Hierarchy )
Managers should be kind and fair to their
Esprit de corps.
Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity
within the organization
Max Weber (1864-1920)
The Weberian bureaucracy has its origin in the works by Max
Weber (1864-1920),
Tradition Oriented
Neo- Classical Approaches
Humanrelations movement
Behavioral approach
Human Relation Approach
The theme of Human Relations approach says that :-
First, illumination was one factor in output but not the most important. More
important to the tests was the realization there was not a simple answer to
the issue of illumination and worker productivity and that other factors that
were not controlled presented a problem with the test results—the issue of
human factors. In retrospect, researchers from the NRCand the Illuminating
Engineering Society (which together formed the Committee on Industrial
Lighting) stated they were not surprised by the test results. They even
predicted that other factors would affect the results, but their mandate was
to isolate other variables, and the Hawthorne studies continued.
Read more: Hawthorne Experiments
The Interview Process
Under Mayo and Roethlisberger’s direction, the Hawthorne
experiments began to incorporate extensive interviewing.
Source :-
A small group of workers were placed in a separate
room and a number of variables were altered –like
wages were increased ,rest periods of varying lengths
were introduced ,the workday and the work week were
shortened .
The work was tiring and required the workers to stand for long periods of time.
Pay incentives and productivity measures were removed, but a researcher was
placed into the test room as an observer and the workers were interviewed.
The purpose of the bank-wiring tests was to observe and study social
relationships and social structures within a group, issues raised by two other
significant members of the research team, W. Lloyd Warner and William J.
Neo- Classical Approaches
Behavioral approach
Behavioral Approach, Management Theory
Quantitative approach ,
Contingency approach
It is based on systemanalysis.
This approach is both analytical and situational, with the purpose of developing a
practical answer to the question at hand.