Stages of Sleep

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Stages of sleep

• Sleep is unconsciousness from which a person

can be aroused by sensory or other stimuli
Stages of sleep
Subdivided :
1. Stage 1 (NREM 1)
2. Stage 2 (NREM 2)
3. Stage 3 According American Academy of
4. Stage 4 Sleep, stage 3 and 4 became
• Deep, restful sleep
• Occurs the 1st hour of sleep
• Decreased peripheral vascular & vegetative
function (↓BP, ↓RR, ↓BMR)
• Dreamless sleep
• Transtitional phase between wakefulness and
more definite sleep.
• Arousal threshold is low
• Brain wave : diminished alpha wave, diffused
• Experience “hypnic jerks” : brief muscle jerk that
may happen along with falling sensation
• Lasts 5 minutes
• 5 % sleep time
Awake stage (eye closed)
Stage 1
Stage 2
• Phenomenological experience of falling asleep
• Lasts 10-15 minutes
• 50 % sleep time
• Brain wave : sleep spindle (burst brain actvity,
13-16 Hz) & K complex (high amplitude)
Stage 2
Stage 3&4 (NREM 3)
• Deep sleep, slow-wave sleep
• Brain wave : delta wave / slow wave (high
amplitude, 0.5 – 4 Hz)
• Difficult to wake, if someone awakened from
NREM 3 (after 30”-1’) is extremely groggy and
• Lasts 20-40 minutes
• 20% sleep time
• Likely to occur nightmares, sleep walking, sleep
Stage 3&4
• Disebut juga paradoxical sleep atau
desynchronized sleep
• Type of sleep in which brain is quite active
• Not so restful sleep, vivid dreaming
• Enter REM sleep about 90 minutes after falling
sleep & going through all NREM stages.
• Lasts 5-30 minutes
• 25% sleep time
Characteristic REM sleep
• Rapid eye movement (associated with
• ↑HR, ↑BP, ↓body temperature, ↑RR
• Muscle tone decreased (prevent people acting
out their dreams)
• Brain metabolism ↑ 20%
• Brain wave : diffuse theta (similar to NREM 1)

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