Velasco / Betcher / Flores / Wail My Position, Contact Information or Project Description
Velasco / Betcher / Flores / Wail My Position, Contact Information or Project Description
Velasco / Betcher / Flores / Wail My Position, Contact Information or Project Description
• Definition of law
- General definition
• Different perspective of law
• Functions of law
• Types of law
• Kinds of law
General definition of law
• No specific definition on what is law- many
interpretation of law according to belief, value,
customs etc.
• Law is a system of rules where it guides and directs
our activities in much of day to day life (framework
of life)- our life is built upon the foundation of legal
• Law is a set of rules that guide our conduct in society
and enforceable by public agency- everyone has to
follow or otherwise they have to face sanctions or
penalty as consequences of its breach.
Definition of law by jurist
a) Jean Jacques Rousseau
• Natural law jurist
• Rules which permit or prohibit certain action
and must be for the benefit of the public-
prescribe the proper behavior of human being
• Any man-made law which is in conflict with
natural law is not a true law. In order for a law
to be part of a legal system it should be in
conformity with current and moral principles.
Definition of law by jurist
b) John Austin
• Positive law jurist
• Define law as the command of the sovereign authority and the
command is backed with sanctions.
• Rules created by ruler who can give penalties if the rules are
c) John Salmond
• Realistic view jurist
• Rules of conduct laid down by the person acting as judicial
organ- law is what judge declared
• Realism means relating to the real world as the world operates.
d) Roscoe pound
• Sociological view jurist
• Law is an instrument of social engineering-
to maximize the fulfillment of interest of the
community, provides smooth running of
the machinery of society
• A controlling device use by upper class on
the lower class.
Functions of law
• Administration of justice- what is lawful and
• Granting powers tom certain bodies/ institutions.
• Maintaining standards.
• Maintenance of peace and social order.
• Resolving disputes/conflicts.
• Social control- prescribed punishment and remedies
in the event of breach.
• Determination of legal personality.
Sources of law
Several factors have contributed of the evolution of law
a) Custom
• Base on a general usage of the family, clan or tribe-
shape by the cooperative action of the whole
community and not by legislation
• Initially not law as states recognizes as customary
rules as binding
b) Religion
• Christian law
• The Mohammedan law- Qur an
Sources of law
c) Judicial decision/case law
• Judge made law- related with the common law
d) Legislation
• Law enacted by the parliament- where sovereign
power will issue a decree for new matters.
Primary legislations (statutes, act of parliament.
Second legislation (regulations and by-laws)
Types of Law
a)Public law
• The law that govern relationship between individuals
and government.
• Includes:
Constitutional law- based on constitution and
supreme court decisions
Criminal law- a system of law concerned with the
punishment of those who commit crimes.
Administration law- laws that affect daily life made
by government agencies.
Types of Law
b) Private law
• Governs the relationship between individuals-
compensate the injured parties, to recovered
properties and enforce obligation
• Includes; family, tort, contract and trust.
c) Substantive law
• Law that classifies right and responsibilities of
d) Procedural law
• Lays down the rules governing how things should be
ex. How summon should be serve
How to arrest should be made
e) International law
• Law that covers a relation of country inter-sectors
ex; treaty law, law of sea, international criminal law,
the laws of war or international humanitarian law,
international human rights law, and refugee law.
Types of Law
f) National law
• Law that governs a relation between states
• Extends over the territory and people of states
1. Divine law
it is formally promulgated by GOD, revealed
to mankind by means of direct revelation like
Ten Commandments
2. Natural law
Promulgated in our conscience and body. It is
the divine interpretation in man in the sense of
justice, fairness, right and equity.