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Maintenance Engineering (ME6012)

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Maintenance Engineering (ME6012)


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,Cbe

To enable the student to understand the principles, functions and practices

adapted in industry for the successful management of maintenance

To explain the different maintenance categories like Preventive

maintenance, condition monitoring and repair of machine elements.

To illustrate some of the simple instruments used for condition monitoring

in industry.
Upon completion of the programme, the students can able to implement
the maintenance function and different practices in industries for the
successful management of maintenance activities

To identify the different maintenance categories like Preventive

maintenance, condition monitoring and repair of machine elements
1. Srivastava S.K., “Industrial Maintenance Management”, S. Chand and
Co., 1981
2. Venkataraman .K “Maintancence Engineering and Management”, PHI
Learning, Pvt. Ltd., 2007

1. Bhattacharya S.N., “Installation, Servicing and Maintenance”, S. Chand
and Co., 1995
2. White E.N., “Maintenance Planning”, I Documentation, Gower Press,
3. Garg M.R., “Industrial Maintenance”, S. Chand & Co., 1986.
4. Higgins L.R., “Maintenance Engineering Hand book”, 5th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 1988.
5. Armstrong, “Condition Monitoring”, BSIRSA, 1988.
6. Davies, “Handbook of Condition Monitoring”, Chapman & Hall, 1996.
6. “Advances in Plant Engineering and Management”, Seminar
Proceedings - IIPE, 1996.
Unit 1-Principles and Practices of
Maintenance Planning
Basic Principles of maintenance planning – Objectives and principles of
planned maintenance activity – Importance and benefits of sound
Maintenance systems – Reliability and machine availability – MTBF, MTTR
and MWT – Factors of availability – Maintenance organization –
Maintenance economics
Maintenance Engineering
 It is the art that is intended to retain an machine or an equipment or
restore it to, a state in which it can perform a required function or an

 It is the discipline and profession of applying engineering concepts to the

optimization of equipments, procedures to achieve better reliability and
availability of equipments.

 It is the art, science and philosophy that aides in increased productivity and
has become the most important component of plant maintenance.
 In general,
All actions necessary for retaining an item, or restoring to it, a
serviceable condition, include servicing, repair, modification,
overhaul, inspection and condition verification.

 Increase availability of a system.

 Keep system’s equipment in working order are the main role of

maintenance Engineering.
It’s purpose
 The main purpose of maintenance in an industrial perspective is to
reduce the business risks.
 Production capacity, productivity and business profit mainly depends on
maintenance operations.
 Its main purpose is to support ,configure, diagnose , repair, update and
mange a equipment throughout it’s life cycle.
 In general maintaining all equipments at its full functionality and helping
productivity is the main function of maintenance engineering.
1. Attempt to maximize performance of production equipment
efficiently and regularly.
2. Prevent breakdown or failures.
3. Minimize production loss from failures.
4. Increase reliability of the operating systems.
 With the increased complexity, Sophistication and automation of the
equipments and systems , a heavy burden falls on maintenance
engineers regarding the quality and quantity of maintenance ,
maintenance aids, documentation etc.,

 The current scenario is that today’s jobs and problems cannot be

solved with yesterday’s tools and techniques. So continuous
development is needed in maintenance areas to tackle today’s need
and also anticipated need of tomorrow.
Principle Objectives in Maintenance
1. To achieve product quality and customer satisfaction through adjusted
and serviced equipment.

2. Maximize useful life of equipments.

3. Keep equipments safe and prevent from hazards.

4. Minimize frequency and severity of interruptions.

5. Maximize production capacity – through high utilization of facility.

Some of the important facts and figures directly or indirectly
associated with engineering maintenance are as follows:
 Each year over $300 billion are spent on plant maintenance
and operations by U.S. industry, and it is estimated that
approximately 80% of this is spent to correct the chronic
failure of machines, systems, and people.
 In 1970, a British Ministry of Technology Working Party
report estimated that maintenance cost the United Kingdom
(UK) was approximately £3000 million annually.
 Annually, the cost of maintaining a military jet aircraft is around
$1.6 million; approximately 11% of the total operating cost for an
aircraft is spent on maintenance activities.

 The typical size of a plant maintenance group in a manufacturing

organization varied from 5 to 10% of the total operating force: in
1969, 1 to 17 persons, and in 1981, 1 to 12 persons.

 The U.S. Department of Defense is the steward of the world’s

largest dedicated infrastructure, with a physical plant valued at
approximately $570 billion on approximately 42,000 square miles
of land, i.e., roughly the size of the state of Virginia.
 The operation and maintenance budget request of the U.S. Department
of Defense for fiscal year 1997 was on the order of $79 billion.

 Annually, the U.S. Department of Defense spends around $12 billion for
depot maintenance of weapon systems and equipment: Navy (59%), Air
Force (27%), Army (13%), and others (1%).

 In 1968, it was estimated that better maintenance practices in the U.K.

could have saved approximately £300 million annually of lost production
due to equipment unavailability.
1.Maintenance Planning
 Maintenance planning consists of set of tasks of organizing resources to
carry out a job satisfactorily at reasonable cost within a specified period
of time.

It involves
 Assignment of jobs to the crew on the basis of job scheduling.
 Also ensures methods to tackle emergency maintenance
 It ensures smooth operation of the system.
Main classification of planning in engineering system are as follows,
1. Long range planning
2. Short range planning
3. Planning for immediate activity

1. Long Range planning : for a period of five years at least. Involves capital
budgeting, strategies and operational programmers.
2. Short range: up to one year. Made to achieve short term goals.

3. Immediate Activity Planning : it is done frequently whenever required.

Objectives of maintenance planning
Some important objectives are
 Maximising production or increasing facilities availability at the lowest
cost and at the highest quality and safety standards.
 Reducing breakdowns and emergency shutdowns.
 Optimising resources utilisation.
 Reducing downtime.
 Improving spares stock control.
 To keep time schedule of delivery to the customers.
 To control the cost of maintenance related activities.
 Improving equipment efficiency and reducing scrap rate.
 Minimising energy usage.
 Optimising the useful life of equipment.
 Identifying and implementing cost reductions.
 To provide effective and trained supervision.
Principles of Maintenance :
They are followed in a system to guide the staff to work efficiently and
effectively to achieve the overall objectives of the maintenance system,

Main areas of work governed by this principles are

 Plant management in Maintenance work
 Production and maintenance objectives
 Establishment of work order and recording system
 Information based Decision making
 Adherence to planned maintenance strategy .
 Manpower for Maintenance
 Planning for maintenance functions
 Role of Spare parts
 Training.
Sound maintenance system-
 Profit depends mainly on return on the investments.
 Higher investments- possible –machineries and equipments in proper
working condition.
Some benefits of sound maintenance are,
 Minimization of downtime
 Provide Adequate back up supply
 Extended life of equipment
 Increased reliability of the system
 Safety of the personal involved.
2.Machine Failures
Reliability may be defined in several ways:
 The idea that an item is fit for a purpose with respect to time.

 In the most practical sense: "Items that do not fail in use are reliable"
and "Items that do fail in use are not reliable".

 The capacity of a designed, produced or maintained item to perform as

required over time.

 The resistance to failure of an item over time.

 The probability of an item to perform a required function
under stated conditions for a specified period of time.

 In line with the creation of safety cases for safety, the goal is to
provide a robust set of qualitative and quantitative evidence
that an item or system will not contain unacceptable risk.

 The basic sorts of steps to take are to:

 First thoroughly identify as many as possible reliability
hazards (e.g. relevant System Failure Scenarios item Failure
modes, the basic Failure mechanisms and root causes) by
specific analysis or tests.

 Assess the Risk associated with them by analysis and testing.

 Propose mitigations by which the risks may be lowered and
controlled to an acceptable level.
 Select the best mitigations and get agreement on final
(accepted) Risk Levels, possible based on cost-benefit
 Reliability is defined as the probability that a device will
perform its intended function during a specified period of
time under stated conditions.
 Mathematically, this may be expressed as,

Where is the failure probability density function and is

the length of the
 period of time (which is assumed to start from time zero).
 Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time
between inherent failures of a system during operation. MTBF
can be calculated as the arithmetic mean (average) time between
failures of a system.
 The MTBF is often denoted by the Greek letter θ, or
 The MTBF can be defined in terms of the expected value of the
density function ƒ(t)

where ƒ is the density function of time until failure – satisfying the

standard requirement of density functions
 MTBF value prediction is an important element in the
development of products. Reliability engineers / design
engineers, often utilize Reliability Software to calculate
products' MTBF according to various methods/standards
(MIL-HDBK-217F, Telcordia SR332, Siemens Norm,
FIDES,UTE 80-810 (RDF2000), etc.).
 The M can stand for any of minimum, mean or maximum, and
the R can stand for any of recovery, repair, respond, or restore.
 The most common, mean, is also subject to interpretation, as
there are many different ways in which a mean can be calculated.
 Mean time to repair
 Mean time to recovery/Mean time to restore
 Mean time to respond
 Mean time to replace
 Mean time to repair (MTTR) is the average time required to
troubleshoot and repair failed equipment and return it to normal
operating conditions.
 It is a basic technical measure of the maintainability of equipment
and repairable parts.
 Maintenance time is defined as the time between the start of the
incident and the moment the system is returned to production
(i.e. how long the equipment is out of production).
 This includes notification time, diagnostic time, fix time, wait
time (cool down), reassembly, alignment, calibration, test time,
back to production, etc..
 Mean time to repair ultimately reflects how well an organization
can respond to a problem and repair it.
 Expressed mathematically, it is the total maintenance time
divided by the total number of maintenance actions over a
specific period.

 Over the lifetime of an asset, each failure will vary depending on

the severity of the issue.
 Some issues will require a simple parts swap, while others could
take days to diagnose and repair.
 Prediction of the number of hours that a system or component
will be unavailable whilst undergoing maintenance is of vital
importance in reliability and availability studies.
 Mean time to repair yields a lot of information that can help
reliability engineers make informed decisions such as repair or
replace, hire, optimize maintenance schedules,
Mean Waiting Time
The mean waiting period for a actual repair to begin is known as
mean waiting time.

Maintenance Action Rate

It is the number of maintenance action that can be carried out on
an equipment per hour.
µ = 1÷MTTR
3. Maintainability , Availability:
Maintainability :
 It is can be defined as the probability that a system or a unit
will be restored to specific working conditions within a given
period, when maintenance action is taking place.
- As per accordance with prescribed procedures and resources.
- It includes minimum cost as well as accuracy.
 It is the ratio of the time at which equipment is available for the
designated operations to the total time of operation and
maintenance of the equipment.
- Ratio of equipment uptime to downtime over a specified period of
Availability Classifications
 Instantaneous (or Point) Availability
 Average Uptime Availability (or Mean Availability)
 Steady State Availability
 Inherent Availability
 Achieved Availability
 Operational Availability
Instantaneous or Point Availability, A(t)
 Instantaneous (or point) availability is the probability that a
system (or component) will be operational (up and running) at a
specific time, t.
 This classification is typically used in the military, as it is
sometimes necessary to estimate the availability of a system at a
specific time of interest (e.g., when a certain mission is to
Average Uptime Availability (or Mean Availability),
 The mean availability is the proportion of time during a mission
or time period that the system is available for use. It represents
the mean value of the instantaneous availability function over the
period (0, T) and is given by:
Steady State Availability, A(∞)
 The steady state availability of the system is the limit of the
availability function as time tends to infinity. Steady state
availability is also called the long-run or asymptotic availability.
A common equation for the steady state availability found in
literature is:
Inherent Availability :
It is the probability that a system or equipment will operate
satisfactorily when used under a prescribed conditions without
any scheduled or preventive maintenance at any given time.
Inherent Availability= MTBM/MTBM+MTTR

Achieved Availability :
It is the probability that a system or equipment will operate
satisfactorily when used under a prescribed conditions with any
scheduled or preventive maintenance at any given time.
Achieved Availability = MTBM/MTBM+M
Operational Availability :
In industry, a certain downtime always take place due to
supplies or administrative works etc.,
It is the probability that a system or equipment will operate
satisfactorily when used under a prescribed conditions in an
actual environment without any scheduled or preventive
maintenance at any given time.
Operational Availability= MTBM/MTBM+MDT
4. Maintenance Organisation
It’s Classification are
DeCentralized Maintenance:
 This model is the most common.
 Here, you have a self-standing facility management organization and
structure for each of the major business groups:
 The Central Plant, which handles major heating and cooling, electrical,
and possibly the roads, grounds, and sidewalks;
 A Central Facility Group, which handles classroom and office buildings,
including electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and structures,
 These individual groups often have separate capital programs,
purchasing and supply systems, fleets, maintenance teams and
 They typically enjoy higher customer satisfaction than do those in a
centralized structure, as well as a better team attitude and ownership
Centralized :
 The centralized organization brings all of the facility
management and maintenance groups into one organization, so
control of standards and procedures becomes consistent across
the entire organization.
 A centralized approach undoubtedly is more efficient, the
quality of repairs and installations is higher, and more
consistency exists in the approach to asset and equipment
 The most common negative is typically a reduction in customer
satisfaction. To address this challenge, the leadership team of the
program and process must be very strong and have best-in-class
performance measures in place so everyone can easily see even
the most subtle changes in performance.
 Partially Localized/ Cetnralized Planning: Suppose there
five plants in an organization. For three plants they have central
planning plant and for rest other two they have local planning.
Such type of Maintenance Planning is known as Partially
Centralized Maintenance Planning.
Two types of organization
Line organization is the most oldest and simplest method of
administrative organization.
 According to this type of organization, the authority flows
from top to bottom in a concern.
 The line of command is carried out from top to bottom. This
is the reason for calling this organization as scalar
organization which means scalar chain of command is a part
and parcel of this type of administrative organization
 . In this type of organization, the line of command flows on
an even basis without any gaps in communication and co-
ordination taking place.
Features of Line Organization
 It is the most simplest form of organization.
 Line of authority flows from top to bottom.
 Specialized and supportive services do not take place in these
 Unified control by the line officers can be maintained since they
can independently take decisions in their areas and spheres.
 This kind of organization always helps in bringing efficiency in
communication and bringing stability to a concern.
Merits of Line Organization
 Simplest- It is the most simple and oldest method of
 Unity of Command- In these organizations, superior-
subordinate relationship is maintained and scalar chain of
command flows from top to bottom.
 Better discipline- The control is unified and concentrates on
one person and therefore, he can independently make decisions
of his own. Unified control ensures better discipline.
 Fixed responsibility- In this type of organization, every line
executive has got fixed authority, power and fixed responsibility
attached to every authority.
 Flexibility- There is a co-ordination between the top most
authority and bottom line authority. Since the authority
relationships are clear, line officials are independent and can
flexibly take the decision. This flexibility gives satisfaction of line
 Prompt decision- Due to the factors of fixed responsibility
and unity of command, the officials can take prompt decision
 Over reliance- The line executive’s decisions are implemented
to the bottom. This results in over-relying on the line officials.
 Lack of specialization- A line organization flows in a scalar
chain from top to bottom and there is no scope for specialized
functions. For example, expert advices whatever decisions are
taken by line managers are implemented in the same way.
 Inadequate communication- The policies and strategies
which are framed by the top authority are carried out in the
same way. This leaves no scope for communication from the
other end. The complaints and suggestions of lower authority
are not communicated back to the top authority. So there is one
way communication.
 Lack of Co-ordination-Whatever decisions are taken by the
line officials, in certain situations wrong decisions, are carried
down and implemented in the same way. Therefore, the degree
of effective co-ordination is less.
 Authority leadership- The line officials have tendency to
misuse their authority positions. This leads to autocratic
leadership and monopoly in the concern.
Line and staff organization
 Line and staff organization is a modification of line organization
and it is more complex than line organization.
 According to this administrative organization, specialized and
supportive activities are attached to the line of command by
appointing staff supervisors and staff specialists who are
attached to the line authority.
 The power of command always remains with the line executives
and staff supervisors guide, advice and council the line
executives. Personal Secretary to the Managing Director is a
staff official.
It’s Benefits :
 Relief to line of executives- In a line and staff organization, the
advice and counseling which is provided to the line executives divides
the work between the two. The line executive can concentrate on the
execution of plans and they get relieved of dividing their attention to
many areas.
 Expert advice-The line and staff organization facilitates expert
advice to the line executive at the time of need. The planning and
investigation which is related to different matters can be done by the
staff specialist and line officers can concentrate on execution of plans.
 Benefit of Specialization- Line and staff through division of whole
concern into two types of authority divides the enterprise into parts
and functional areas. This way every officer or official can concentrate
in its own area.
 Better co-ordination- Line and staff organization through
specialization is able to provide better decision making and
concentration remains in few hands. This feature helps in bringing co-
ordination in work as every official is concentrating in their own area.
 Benefits of Research and Development- Through the advice of
specialized staff, the line executives, the line executives get time to
execute plans by taking productive decisions which are helpful for a
concern. This gives a wide scope to the line executive to bring
innovations and go for research work in those areas. This is possible due
to the presence of staff specialists.
 Training- Due to the presence of staff specialists and their expert
advice serves as ground for training to line officials. Line executives can
give due concentration to their decision making. This in itself is a
training ground for them.
 Balanced decisions- The factor of specialization which is
achieved by line staff helps in bringing co-ordination. This
relationship automatically ends up the line official to take better
and balanced decision.
 Unity of action- Unity of action is a result of unified control.
Control and its effectivity take place when co-ordination is
present in the concern. In the line and staff authority all the
officials have got independence to make decisions. This serves as
effective control in the whole enterprise
Organisation Structure of Maintenance

Assistant or

Facilities Foreman Shops Foreman
Planning Field Foreman
Foreman Maintenance Engineering
Facilities Foreman
 Air Conditioning
 Water Supply
 Steam
 Power Required.
Shops Maintenance
 Maintenance of Machines/Equiments
 Repair
 Lubrication
Foreman Planning and Maintenance
 Work order system
 Scheduling
 Backlogs Control
 Performance Reports

Field Foreman
 Buildings
 Yards
 Fire Protection
 Waste Disposal
5. Maintenance Economics
 Life Cycle Cost Analysis
The factors to be considered in the purchase of equipment for
industries include the cost, quality, performance and
maintenance requirements.
Life cycle costing is the cost analysis for the equipment over a
span of time which includes the capital cost, operating cost
and maintenance costs.
It leads to selection of proper and economically viable
 Maintenance cost :
-difficult to measure due to random nature of failures.
-records on maintenance history can be used .
Component of Maintenance Cost :
Fixed cost and Variable cost :
Fixed includes the cost of support facilities, including the
maintenance staff.
Variable cost includes the consumption of spare parts, components
replacements etc.,
 All buildings & capital assets go through a life cycle process
during the course of their life.
 In the asset life cycle class, there are three different phases
identified based on studies.
 Almost all the equipment, that operates under normal
distribution curve (over 99.0%) goes through the following
three phases. As per Six Sigma & Statistical studies, 95% of the
universal processes go under normal distribution curve (bell
 You can take up any process like making a lemonade and selling
on the street or buying a car, the experiences remain the same
and all these activities fall under bell curve.
 Studies from top universities in the world on plant maintenance
have revealed that majority of the asset / equipment
maintenance issues are caused due to dirt & dust, which is
single most key constituent in the equipment break downs;
followed by frictional issues & failure of materials.
 But the mother of all maintenance failures is human error,
which causes 80% of the breakdowns in any organization, for
the equipment failure
 Phase-1 "Start-Up Cycle": Failures occur on materials,
workmanship, installation, and/or operator mis-handling on new
equipment. Some of the costs are partially covered by equipment
warranty. By the nature of this life cycle, there is a lack of
historical data.
 The failures are very hard to predict or plan for, and it is difficult
to know which parts / components to be kept in stock (for back
filling in case of failure)
 Preventative Maintenance Standards are developed in this cycle.
This period could last from one day to several years on a complex
system. Be vigilant in monitoring the mis-application (the wrong
machine for the right job), inadequate engineering and
manufacturer deficiencies.
 Phase-2 "Wealth Cycle":This cycle is where the organization
makes money on the useful output of the machine, building, or
other asset. This cycle is also called the “usage cycle”.

 Phase-3 "Breakdown Cycle":This is the cycle that

organizations find themselves 'in', when they do not follow a
good Preventative Maintenance (PM) practice. Phase-3 is
characterized by wear out failures, breakdowns, corrosion
failures, fatigue, downtime, and other general headaches
 Parts usage change as we move more deeply into life cycle 3.
 The parts tend to be more in number, bigger, more expensive,
and harder to get.
 The goal of most maintenance operations is to identify
when an asset is slipping into this Phase-3 and fix the
problems. Fixing the problem will result in the assets
moving back to life cycle 2, which is getting back to Wealth
Cycle mode.
End of unit 1

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