Leadership Involves An Interaction Between The Leader, The Followers, and The Situation
Leadership Involves An Interaction Between The Leader, The Followers, and The Situation
Leadership Involves An Interaction Between The Leader, The Followers, and The Situation
Slide 2-1
Values Task
Norms Stress
Cohesiveness Environment
Followers Etc. Etc.
Slide 2-7
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There is an increasing pressure on all kinds
of organizations to function with reduced
The nature of problems faced by many
organizations is becoming so complex and
the changes so rapid that more and more
people are required to solve them.
Irwin/McGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 1999
The Situation
Slide 2-9
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She expanded her network of professional
associations, thereby increasing her
visibility to others.
For many, her appointment was initially
looked upon as good politics but not a
choice of substance.