Criminalistic S
Criminalistic S
Criminalistic S
A. Night
B. Light
C. A and B
D. None of the Above
Answer: B
Can a strong acid destroy the
fingerprint permanently?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Slightly
Answer: B
A system of identification which was used
earlier than the fingerprint system, made by
measuring various bony structure of human
body. Developed by Alphonse Bertillion.
A. Portrait Parle
B. Tattoo
C. Anthropometry
D. Photography
Answer : C
Is the basic principle involve in personal
Identification which states that the greater the
number of similarity or difference the greater
the probability for the identity or non identity to
be conclusive.
A. Law of individuality
B. Law of multiplicity of evidence
C. Law of infallibility
D. Law of constancy
Answer: B
Which of the following personal
identification is not easy to change?
A. Hair
B. Speech
C. Dress
D. Personal Pharapernalia
Answer : B
Is the science of fingerprint
A. dactyloscopy
B. dactylomancy
C. dactylography
D. dactylo-analysis
Answer: C
• Dactyloscopy – (derived from the Latin
words Dactyl = finger and Skopien – to
study or examine) is the practical
application of the science of fingerprints.
• Dactylography – is the scientific study of
fingerprint as a means of identification.
• Dactylomancy – is the scientific study of
fingerprint for purposes of personality
Is the person who discover the two main layer
of the friction skin (Epidermis and Dermis)
and to whom one of the thin layer of the
friction skin was named.
A. Herman Welcker
B. Marcelo Malpighe
C. Nehemiah Grews
D. Dr. Henry Faulds
Answer: B
• Herman Welcker = proved the
principle of permanency by printing is
palm twice with a lapse of 41 years.
• Nehemiah Grew = the first to wrote a
treaty on the study of ridges and
sweat pores
• Dr. Henry Faulds = a surgeon who
gives value to latent prints.
How many standard fingerprint
patterns are there?
A. Three
B. Eight
C. Two
D. Nine
Answer: B
What are the depressed portions or
canal structure of the friction skin
(found between ridges).
A. Pores
B. Indentions
C. Furrows
D. Duct
Answer: C
What type of a pattern possesses an
angle, an upthrust, or two of the three
basic characteristics of the loop?
A. Plain Arch
B. Tented Arch
C. Accidental Whorl
D. Ulnar Loop
Answer: B
What is the type of a pattern in which
the looping or slanting ridges flows
towards the little finger?
A. Loop
B. Radial Loop
C. Ulnar Loop
D. Tented Arch
Answer: C
What type of a pattern consisting of two or more
deltas, one or more ridge forming a complete
circuitry and when an imaginary line is drawn from
left delta to right delta it touches or cross the
circuiting ridge/s considered as the most common
type of whorl.
A. Plain Whorl
B. Central Pocket Loop Whorl
C. Double Loop Whorl
D. Accidental Whorl
Answer: A
In an accidental whorl type of
pattern, what pattern is not included
in the combination?
A. Ulnar Loop
B. Plain Whorl
C. Tented Arch
D. Plain Arch
Answer: D
The core and delta are also termed
as _____?
A. Inner Terminus
B. Outer Terminus
C. Focal Point
D. Pattern Area
Answer: C
When a ridge bifurcates, sending two
ridges across the imaginary line, how is it
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Six
Answer: B
Ridge forms in the person’s fingers and
feet during its infants stage which
usually starts:
Answer: B
Who used surgery to destroy his friction
ridges and was known as the Man without
Answer: A
The principle in fingerprint study that states
that fingerprint cannot be forged. Fingerprint
is a reliable and a positive means of
A. principle of infallibility
B. principle of permanency
C. principle of individuality
D. principle of constancy
Answer: A
Is that appears as tiny black line with
white dots (called pores) in an inked
finger impression?
A. sweat pores
B. furrows
C. ridges
D. sweat duct
Answer: C
It refers to all fingerprints left at the crime
scene including those left accidentally or
A. Chance Impressions
B. Latent Prints
C. Smudge Prints
D. Fragmentary Prints
A. Answer: B
In ridge counting a plain whorl or central
pocket loop whorl in the little finger it is
derived by:
A. Wilson Harrison
B. Alfred Dreyfus
C. Albert Osborn
D. Abe Micho
Answer: C
If a document is disputed by one or more
persons because of the materials used in
their production, then such document is
A. Questioned Document
B. Holographic Documents
C. Disputed Documents
D. Falsified Document
Answer: C
What are the 3 stages involved in
scientific document examination?
A. Counterfeiting
B. Falsification
C. Reproduction
D. Uttering
Answer: D
A fraudulent signature whereby, there are no
apparent attempt at simulation or imitation, or the
person (suspect) merely signs the name in his
name and or used another signature and possess
the document before the fraud is discovered.
A. Fraudulent Forgery
B. Spurious Forgery
C. Simulated Forgery
D. Traced Forgery
Answer: B
What is the modern term of a handwriting
specimen obtained personally from a known
source that can be used by the examiner as
the basis for his ID or non-ID of the writings
found in a QD?
A. Handwriting standards
B. Samples
C. Collected standard
D. Exemplar
Answer: C
A person who can write either with
his left or right hand is called –
A. Ambidextrous
B. Analogous
C. Bicephalous
D. Dextrous Or Dexterous
Answer: A
Is a light examination in which the source of
illumination strikes the surface of the paper
from the back or at the bottom, usually
designed in identification of water markings?
A. Direct Light
B. Side Light
C. Oblique Light
D. Transmitted Light
Answer: D
Majority of questioned document cases
are concerned with _________?
A. Documents Age
B. Disproving Alibis
C. Proving Authorship
D. Counterfeiting
Answer: C
There are materials which contain marks, signs or
symbols, either visible or partially visible, that may
convey a meaning or message to someone. These
are called?
A. Questioned documents
B. Disputed document
C. Documents
D. Handwritings
Answer: C
It is the science of mobility of the
A. Forensic Ballistics
B. Applied Physics
C. Ballistics
D. Applied Science
Answer: C
Is that branch of ballistics which treats
the motion of the projectile while it is in
its flight?
A. Interior
B. Terminal
C. Exterior
D. Forensic
Answer: C
What initiates the combustion of the
gunpowder in a shell.
A. Bullet
B. Trigger
C. Primer
D. Flash Hole
Answer: C
Is the rate of speed of the bullet per
unit of time, expressed in ft/sec?
A. Muzzle Energy
B. Muzzle Blast
C. Velocity
D. Trajectory
Answer: C
What type of a firearm propels a
projectile with more than one inch
A. Small Arms
B. Artillery
C. Machine Gun
D. Cannon
Answer: B
A type of a firearm which propels a
number of lead pellets in one
charge to a smooth bore barrel.
A. Rifle
B. Machine Gun
C. Shotgun
D. Musket
Answer: C
What type of a firearm is fed by
A. Sec. 788
B. Sec. 878
C. Sec. 787
D. Sec. 877
Answer: D
What instrument is used in obtaining
test bullet:
A. Caliper
B. Bullet Comparison Microscope
C. Bullet Recovery Box
D. Water Tank
Answer: C
It refers to the characteristics of a
firearm which are determinable even
before the manufacture of the
A. Class Characteristics
B. Individual Characteristics
C. Repetitive Mark
D. Accidental Mark
Answer: A
The importance of individual marks
left on a bullet by a gun barrel is that
it is useful in directly identifying the:
Answer: C
Fired bullets found at the scene of the
crime are usually marked at the ______.
A. Ogive
B. Base
C. Nose
D. Any of the above
Answer: D
Fired Cartridge case/shell are usually
mark at the _________?
A. At the base
B. Side or body of the shell
C. At the rim
D. Any of the above
Answer: B
What instrument is used in measuring
the pitch of rifling of a firearm?
A. Calipher
B. Tortion Balance
C. Helixometer
D. Chronograph
Answer: C
A fired bullet with six lands and grooves
twisted to the right is fired from the barrel of a
firearm with identical class characteristics as
that of:
A. Browning
B. Colt
C. Smith and Wesson
D. Steyr
Answer: A
• Steyr Type – used in early model of handguns and was
encountered in the Philippines during the American
Occupation. 4RG=L (4RGL) – four lands and grooves,
right twist with equal with for lands and grooves.
• Carbine Type – 4RG2X – four lands and grooves, right
twist, grooves is two times wider than the lands.
• Smith and Wesson Type – 5RG=L (5RGL); S&W cal.
38,S&W ca. 32 revolvers, S&W cal. 357 magnum.
• Browning Type – 6RG2X
• Colt Type – 6LG2X
• Winchester Type – 6RG3X
• Webley Type – 7RG3X
A type of a bullet designed to be fired at
night which emits a bright flame at its
base and usually colored red-tip.
A. armor piercing
B. tracer bullet
C. inciendiary bullet
D. explosive
Answer: B
Is a complete unfired unit consisting of bullet,
primer, gun powder and shell:
A. Ammunition
B. Shotgun Cartridge
C. Cartridge
D. Missile
Answer: A
How many parts does a camera
generally has, with all other parts
treated as accessories?
• Five
• Six
• Four
• Three
Answer: A
Is that part of the camera which controls the
passage of light reaching the sensitized
material? It compared to the eyelid of the
human eye.
A. Lens
B. Shutter
C. Lens Opening
D. Film Plane
Answer: C
What type of a camera is ideal to police
Answer: B
What emulsion speed indicator is
express in an arithmetic form?
Answer: C
What photo paper is ideal to be used in a
normal exposed film?
A.# 1
B.# 3
C.# 2
D.# 4
Answer: C
• # 0 and # 1 are for overexposed
• # 3, #4 and #5 are for
What kind of diaphragm opening should a
photographer used in order to get a wider
depth of field?
Answer: C
A type of a lens that would make an object to
be exaggeratedly closes to the photographer
and is ideal in stake out surveillance
Answer: B
The word Photography was coined
by _____?
A. John F. W. Herschel
B. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
C. Henry Fox Talbot
D. Leonardo Da Vinci
Answer: A
What is the most dangerous component
found in a tobacco cigarette?
A. Carbon Monoxide
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nicotine
D. Codeine
Answer: C
What is the common preliminary test
conducted in determining the presence of
blood in a specimen?
A. Takayama Test
B. Benzidine Test
C. Luminol Test
D. Simons Test
Answer: B
What is the suitable material in making
foot mark cast in soil?
A. Shellac
B. Plaster of Paris
C. Paraffin Wax
D. Carbon Dioxide
Answer: B
The medical dissection and examination
of a body in order to determine the
caused of death is?
A. Autopsy
B. Necropsy
C. Exhumation
D. Saponification
Answer: A
It refers to a crack in a glass that extends
outward like the spoke of a wheel from the
point at which the glass was struck?
A. Radial Fracture
B. Concentric Fracture
C. Ulnar Fracture
D. Diagonal Fracture
Answer: A
Contemporary handwriting standards
means that the age of the standards
should be within?
A. 8 years from the date of the question document
B. 10 years prior to the date of the questioned
C. 5 years prior to the date of the questioned
D. 15 years prior to the date of the questioned
Answer: C
What occurs when a cartridge fails
to explode on time or if delayed in
A. Hangfire
B. Misfire
C. Ceasefire
D. Onfire
Answer: A
Who is the father of Criminalistics?
A. Hans Gross
B. Alphonse Bertillon
C. Francis Galton
D. Hippocrates
Answer: A
What component of the polygraph
records the blood pressure and the
pulse rate of a subject?
A. Pneumograph
B. Galvanograph
C. Kymograph
D. Cardiosphygmograph
Answer: D
What refers to the deviation from the normal
tracing of the subject caused by a relevant
A. Specific Response
B. Normal Response
C. Diastole
D. Systole
Answer: A
What is the symbol used to indicate
start of the polygraph test marked in
the chart?
A. X
B. Y
C. W
Answer: A
A hand gun in which a rotating cylinder
successively places cartridge into
position for firing is known as?
A. Pistol
B. Revolver
C. Rifle
D. Machinegun
Answer: B
What is considered as the utmost
used of photography in police
A. For identification
B. For preservation
C. For record purpose
D. For court presentation
Answer: B
In polygraphy, test Questions are
usually answerable by?
A. Yes
B. No
C. A And B
D. None Of The Above
Answer: C
Refers to the brief confrontation between
the subject and the polygraph examiner
done every after taking each chart.
A. Initial Interview
B. Pre-Test Interview
C. Chart Probing
D. Post-Test Interview
Answer: C
“Did you shoot Rose last night?” is an
example of what question?
A. Irrelevant Question
B. Control Question
C. Relevant Question
D. None Of The Above
Answer: C
Is the type of question designed to
established normal response from
the subject?
A. Relevant
B. Irrelevant
C. Control
D. Knowledge
Answer: B
When the subject is highly nervous,
what should the examiner do?
A. Reschedule the examination
B. Prolong the period of the pre-test interview
C. Call for a doctor or request for an ambulance
D. Do not do not continue with the pre-test and
ask the subject for his available date for
Answer: B
How many hours does the stomach
completely digest a medium meal?
A. 2-3 hours
B. 3-4 hours
C. 5-6 hours
D. 1 hour
Answer: B
It refers to a physical injury found at
the site and opposite site of the
application of force.
A. Coup Injury
B. Contre-coup injury
C. Coup-contre-coup injury
D. Extensive Injury
Answer: C
Their presence in the cadaver would
indicate that death has occurred not
more than 24 hours hence are useful to
approximate the time of death.
A. Flies
B. Bees
C. Earthworms
D. Butterflies
Answer: A
Rigor mortis is very important in
determining the approximate time of
death for it starts at about 2 to 6 hrs and
completes at ______?
A. 36 hrs
B. 24 hrs
C. 12 hrs
D. 48 hrs
Answer: C
Is the stiffening of certain group of muscles
occurring at the moment of death,
usually associated with violent death due to
extreme nervous tension, or even fatigue?
A. Heat Stiffening
B. Cadaveric Spasm
C. Rigor Mortis
D. Cold Stiffening
Answer: B
What refers to the cutting of a body part
of another person to weaken his
A. Castration
B. Mayhem
C. Mutilation
D. Amputation
Answer: B
A wound produced by blunt
instrument such as piece of wood or
A. Punctured Wound
B. Lacerated Wound
C. Incised Wound
D. Abrasion
Answer: B
In gunshot wounds, when there is evident
burning of tissues and blackening of the skin,
it may be ascertained that it is a near contact
fire meaning that the distance of the body to
the gun is approximately.
A. 6 inches
B. 18 inches
C. 12 inches
D. 24 inches
Answer: A
One important characteristic of the
gunshot exit wound is?
A. That the edge is everted
B. That the size is bigger than the
C. That the edge is inverted
D. That the shape is round or oval
Answer: A
If the powder has produced gray or
yellow marks in a gunshot wound, it
A. The individual died after the shooting
B. The individual was dead before the
C. The person shot himself
D. The person was shot 36 meters away
from the shooter
Answer: B
Is the distance of recognition in broad
daylight of a person who is almost a
A.100 yrds
B.16-17 yrds
C.25 yrds
D.10-13 yrds
Answer: A
What type of a firearm is commonly used by
cavalry. (riding a horse)
Answer: A
A type of a firearm which propels a number
of lead pellets in one charge to a smooth
bore barrel.
Answer: C
Generally applied to all home made gun, just
as the one used by juvenile delinquent in
United States.
A. zip gun
B. freakish gun
C. grease gun
D. paltik
Answer: C
Is that part of a firearm which houses all the
other parts.
Answer: B
Father of percussion ignition.
A. Alexander John Forsyth
B. Roger Bacon
C. Bethold Schwartz
D. Veillie
Answer: A
A shaving marks on a bullet is due to:
A. Poor alignment of the cylinder to the bore
of the barrel
B. Oversized barrel
C. Oily barrel
D. Delayed combustion
Answer: A
Marks Found on Fired Bullets
• Land Marks – appear as slight depressions
• Groove Marks – bearing surface marks
• Skid Marks – usually found in revolvers and barrels
with worn out rifling, located usually at the anterior
portion of the fired bullet.
• Stripping Marks – marks found on loose fit barrel as it
jumps forward in the barrel.
• Shaving Marks - common in revolvers due to poor
• Slippage Mark – caused by oily barrel or if not
oversized barrel.
It refers to the characteristics of a firearm
which are determinable even before the
manufacture of the firearm?
A. Class Characteristics
B. Individual Characteristics
C. Repetitive mark
D. accidental mark
Answer: A
Are small grooves, channels or ridges on
the surface of the bullet due to the tool
marks or other irregularities in the interior
surface of the bore?
A. Land marks
B. Groove marks
C. Striation
D. Accidental marks
Answer: C
Thank you……