Elements of Music

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The Elements of Music

Chapters 1 - 9
Sound: Pitch, Dynamics, and
Tone Color
 Pitch- The high or low quality of sound
 Dynamics- The loud or soft quality of
 Tone color- Also known as timbre,
refers to the unique quality of sound

 Forte--f,ff,fff-loud
 Piano--p,pp,ppp-very soft
 Mezzo---mf,mp--medium
 Crescendo--gradually louder
 Decrescendo,diminuendo--gradually

 Women’s Voices  Men’s Voices

– Soprano – Tenor
– Mezzo-soprano – Baritone
– Alto – Bass
Orchestral Instruments: Strings
pictures on p. 13-14

 Violin- highest pitched of string family

 Viola- medium pitched, takes role of
supporting actor
 Cello- larger and lower pitched than
viola, held between knees
 Bass- largest and lowest pitched of
string family, played while standing
 Harp-47 strings and 7 foot pedals
Orchestral Instruments: Woodwinds
pictures on p. 17-19

 Piccolo- highest pitched

 Flute- blown across tone hole
 Oboe- highest pitched of double reeds
Orchestral Instruments: Woodwinds

 English horn- low oboe sound

 Clarinet- single reed
 Bassoon- lowest pitched of the double
reed instruments, aka “clown” of the
orchestra. Produces deep, nasal tone
 Saxophone- made of brass, single reed
Orchestral Instruments: Brass
pictured on page 21

 Trumpet- highest pitched of the brass

 French horn-not as bright as a trumpet,
consists of coiled tubing and is often
used for hunting calls
 Trombone- incorporates a movable
slide to change pitches
 Tuba- the lowest pitched of the brass
Orchestral Instruments: percussion
pictured on pp. 22-23

 Pitched percussion instruments

– Timpani: large kettle drums
– Glockenspiel: metal bars hit struck with
– Xylophone: wooden bars struck with
mallets, producing a dry brittle sound
– Celesta: small upright piano that sounds
like a glockenspiel
– Chimes: a set of metal tubes hung from a
frame which are struck by a hammer
Orchestral Instruments: Percussion
pictured on pp. 23-24

 Unpitched percussion instruments

– Bass drum
– Snare drum
– Cymbals
– Gong
– Triangle
– Tambourine
Orchestral Instruments: Keyboards
Pictured on pp. 26-27

 Piano: keys activate hammers that hit

 Harpsichord: keys activate plectra which
pluck the strings
 Pipe organ: keys control valves that
channel air through various pipes
The flow of music through time; the pattern of
durations of notes and silences in music

 Beat - the pulse of music

 Meter- the grouping of beats
 Tempo - the speed of the beat (pg. 34)
 Accent - a pitch that is played more
loudly, held longer or is higher in pitch
than the nearby notes
 Syncopation- When an accented note
comes where we would normally not
expect it
Tempo Markings
Tempo Markings

 Molto-much
 Non troppo-not too much (fast or slow)
 Accelerando- gradually faster
 Ritardando- gradually slower
Music Notation

 Notating pitch
– Staff: the five lines and four spaces on
which music is written
– Note: an oval which represents a specific
– Clef: placed at the beginning of the staff,
the clef assigns pitch names to the lines
and spaces (pg. 36)
Music Notation (cont.)

 Notating Rhythm
– Durations: the color of the note and the
presence of stems or flags and beams and
dots affect the duration of a note (pg. 37)
– Rests:symbols for pauses with specific
durations (pg. 36)
Music Notation (cont.)

 Notating meter
– Time signature: placed next to the clef, the
top number of the time signature indicates
the grouping of beats and the bottom
number indicates what kind of note will
receive one beat.
A succession of pitches which add up to a
recognizable whole

 Intervals: the distance between two

 Sequence: the repetition of a melodic
pattern at a higher or lower pitch
 Cadence: a resting spot
the vertical aspect of music

 Chord: a combination of three or more

notes sounded simultaneously
 Consonance: harmony that is stable
and restful to the ear
 Dissonance:tense and unstable
harmony that demands onward motion
to stable harmony (resolution)
Key - Tonality
the homing instinct of music

 Major scale: a succession of eight pitches

arranged from low to high, based on the
intervals of the white keys of a piano (pg. 46)
 Minor scale: a succession of eight pitches
arranged from low to high, based on a
specific pattern of whole and half steps which
results in a dark quality of melody and
Key-Tonality (cont.)

 Chromatic scale: a series of 12 pitches

based on the black and white keys of
the piano
 Modulation: the shifting from one key to
layers of sound

 Monophonic: a single unaccompanied

melody line
 Polyphonic: two or more independent
melody lines happening simultaneously
 Homophonic: melody plus
Musical Form
the shape, structure and organization of music

 Binary form: AB
 Ternary form: ABA
 Rondo: ABACAD…
 Theme and Variations:A A’ A’’ A’’’ A’’’’…
 Ballad form: AABA
 Strophic:stanzas or verses
 Call and response

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