Organizational Structure Review

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Prepared and Presented by:


A. Kinds of Structure
1. Line Structure
a. Pure-line structure
b. Departmental line structure or
2. Line and Staff
3. Flat and Tall Structure
4. Matrix Structure
Activities to be performed:
1. Preparation of illustrations of
different organizational structure
changes it means of charts
Discussion of the Different
2. Study the organizational structures
a. St. Vincent’s College
Organizational Structure
b. City Division Organizational
c. Provincial Division Office
Organizational Structure
d. Regional Organizational
Kinds of Structure
1.Line Structure
Authority comes directly from top
management down through the
levels of the organization.
Easy for
everyone to

Authority Advantages Lines of

relationships responsibility
Of Line
are clear are clear

Decisions can be
quickly made at
each level
Managers at each
level are loaded
with detail work

Little Disadvantages Supervisors

coordination of Line need many skills
exists among and broad
Structure knowledge

If a manager resigns
he may be difficult to
a. pure-line structure
 all the persons at a given level
perform same type of work. The
divisions are solely for the purpose
of control and direction.
Pure –line structure
b. Departmental line structure
or functional-line
 Managers would not longer be responsible
for performing a wide range of activities, but
rather could direct all effort toward a
particular functional responsibility.

 A system in which the various functions

involved in supervising a worker are divided
into separate tasks performed by specialists.
Departmental Line Structure or Functional-Line Structure
2. Line and Staff
 Line and staff structure combines the line
structure where information and approvals
come from top to bottom, with staff
departments for support and specialization.
 Are more centralized
 Managers of line and staff have authority
over their subordinates, but staff managers
have no authority over line managers and
their subordinates.
3. Flat and Tall Structure
 Flat Organizational Structure
Flat organizations focus on empowering
employees rather than adhering to the chain
of command. By encouraging autonomy and
self-direction, flat structures attempt to tap
into employees’ creative talents and to solve
problems by collaboration.
 Tall Organizational Structure
 One long chain of command similar to the
As an organization grows, the number of
management levels increases and the
structure grows taller.
 Managers form many ranks and each has a
small area of control.
 Have more management levels than flat
4. Matrix Structure
 Matrix Organizational Structure is one that
combines horizontal and vertical lines of
authority and also functional and product-
Matrix Structure

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