Rizal in Dapitan
Rizal in Dapitan
Rizal in Dapitan
To make
retraction of
his religious To issue To undergo
errors; public
exercises of
unmistakably To make a St. Ignatius
pro-Spanish general
confession of
To lead a
his past life
religious and
In Dapitan, he shared with the captains his political beliefs,
that Philippines would be the happiest country in the world
should it be granted
Making the
tion in the
Spanish Reformatio
ion moral Creation of
Cortes Secularizati schools of arts n of the
on of the and trades in administrat
Division of provincial
parishes government ion in all its
jobs equally Freedom of branches
between the religion
Spaniards and
Encouragemen Granting
t of primary
instruction and
teachers of
both sexes Rizal composed a poem for
elimination of
friar better him entitled A DON
intervention Freedom of RICARDO CARNICERO.
speech and
Rizal Builds His Home at Talisay
After two months in the area, he was able to build his own home in Dapitan because his ticket
won Php 1000 in the Spanish lottery. With cash on hand, he immediately bought land in
Talisay which was more than 70 hectares.
It is in Talisay where he used his talents and limited resources to be of service to his
countrymen during the four years of his exile.
Community Leadership in Dapitan
Father Sanchez – his former teacher at Ateneo Municipal that helped him construct a huge
relief map of Mindanao out of stones, earth, and grass.
He conceptualized and implemented plans for beautifying the town, constructed a water
system, and facilitated the putting up of lamp posts at every corner of the town.
He also opened a school for young boys following the Atenean system of education, which
centered on both academic and vocational pursuits.
Dona Teodora, with Trining, had also traveled to Dapitan in order to have her eyes operated.
His experiences in Dapitan led him to conclude that self-improvement and community
development are very vital in the achievement of national integrity and good governance.
Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion
The debate was triggered by the sending of Fr. Pastells of Sarda’s book, with his advice that
Rizal had to abstain from his foolishness of viewing religion from the prism of individual
judgment and self-esteem.
At that time, Rizal was 31 years old while Pastells, the superior or the high ranking Jesuit in
the Philippines, was 45.
For Rizal, he rejects faith and upholds reason as the sole norm of knowledge. He believes in
God by reason, not faith and rejects the Christian revelation running counter to reason. For
him, miracles are impossible; Christ is merely a great man; and the church is the best religious
bodies but not divine. Rather, Rizal believes in God’s living revelation of nature.
On the other hand, Pastells counters reason, damaged by its original sin, must be supported
by faith; that revelation is verified by prophecies and miracles. His argument is from authority,
the Church, which proposes dogmas, is worthy of belief as it is a divine institution, founded by
Jesus Christ who proved himself as Go’s son by miracles, especially by rising from the dead.
Rizal’s rationalistic rhetoric on religion consist of the following elements: (1) the primary of
conscience; (2) a firm belief in God; (3) boundless trust in the Divine Providences; (4) the
profound experience of God as loving Father; (5) a sense of mission; (6) strength of
conviction; (7) Daily Recourse to prayer; and (8) an openness to dialogue.
Rizal and Josephine Bracken
Josephine Leopoldine Bracken – his most beautiful visitor who came with his uncle, Mr.
TAUFFER, who was suffering from an eye ailment.
Rizal saw in her the qualities which made him attracted to Nellie Boustead, and in less than a
month after her arrival, he asked her to become his lifetime partner.
When he asked for the consent of her uncle, he burst in rage. Thinking that she was the only
one left to care for him and that he had lost the hope in regaining his eyesight, he tried to kill
himself, however, Rizal prevented him. After which, he sent them to seek refuge with Rizal’s
mother to whom she brought Rizal’s letter of introduction.
A month after, Josephine went back to Dapitan and there, they tried to arrange their marriage
ceremony, which was rejected by Fr. OBACH and the BISHOP OF CEBU. Thus, wanting to
continue, they pledged themselves before the heaven lives as husband and wife without the
formal matrimony.
Francisco – the first child of Rizal who died a few hours after birth, which he buried under the
Santol tree in Dapitan. She gave birth as a consequence of a quarrel with Rizal.
Josephine left for Hong Kong, with the permission of Rizal, however, seeing that life was
unbearable, he returned to Dapitan accompanied by Narcisa. Though Rizal was irritated by her
return, because he loved her very much, he welcomed her with open arms, the woman who
shall be with him till his last days on earth.
Literary Works at Dapitan