Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Bale, JF.Viral infection of the nervous system. Dalam: Swaiman KF, Ashwal S, Ferriero DM, Schor NF, penyunting. Pediatric neurology: Principles and practice. Edisi ke-5. China: Elsevier Saunders; 2012. h.1263-90.
Unni SK, Ruzek D, Chhatbar C, Mishra R, Johri MK, Singh SK. Japanese encephalitis virus: from genome to infectome. Microbes and Infection, 2011, 13: 312-21. Available from:
Kari K, Liu W, Gautama K Mammen MP, Clemens JD, Nisalak A, et al. A hospital-based surveillance for
Japanese encephalitis in Bali, Indonesia. BMC medicine; 2006, 4: 8. downloaded from:http
Etiology: JE virus
Tiwari S.2012.Japanese encephalitis: A Review Of The Indian Perspective. Department of Microbiology Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences Uttar Pradesh India.The Brazilian Journal of
Infectious Disease; 16 (6): 564-573.
JEV Life Cycle
Culex tritaeniorhynchus
Distribusi geografis dan penyebaran genotipe JEV.
A, Indonesia (tidak termasuk Papua) dan Malaysia; B, Australia dan Papua;
C, Taiwan dan Filipina; D, Thailand, Kamboja, dan Vietnam; E, Jepang, Korea, dan Cina; F,
India, Sri Lanka, dan Nepal. Wilayah A berisi semua genotipe JEV, termasuk yang tertua.
Solomon T, Haolin N, David WCB, Ekkelenkamp M, Cardosa MJ, Barrett ADT. (2003) Origin and evolution of
Japanese encephalitis virus in Southeast Asia. Journal of virology. 77(5):p3091-3098
Kari K, Liu W, Gautama K Mammen MP, Clemens JD, Nisalak A, et al. A hospital-based surveillance for Japanese encephalitis in Bali, Indonesia. BMC medicine; 2006,
MOH RI. Japanese encephalitis is correlated with the amount of rice field Pig Farming Area and Bird Swamp. 2017.
Suwarba IGN, Andayani AR, Sukrata IW, Sunetra W. Japanese encephalitis incidence and its association with the length of stay and long-term outcome in 2015, Bali-Indonesia. Bali Med J. 2016:5;135-7.
Epidemiology Japanese Encefalitis
Tiwari S.2012.Japanese encephalitis: A Review Of The Indian Perspective. Department of Microbiology Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences Uttar Pradesh India.The Brazilian Journal of
Infectious Disease; 16 (6): 564-573.
Distribution of JE cases in Indonesia
There are Bali, NTT, Yogjakarta, Jakarta, north Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, Batam
MOH RI. Japanese encephalitis is correlated with the amount of rice field Pig Farming Area and Bird Swamp. 2017.
Cases of JE in Indonesia in 2014- 2018
Province 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Sumut 2 - - - - - - NA -
Jateng 5 1 (20%) - - 2 - 19 1 27 -
NTB - - - - 5 - 8 - 9 -
DI Y - - 31 6 (19,3%) 35 6 21 1 31 -
Jabar - - 15 - - - 6 - 8 -
Kepri - - - - 1 1 (100%) 3 - 4 -
Buleleng 11 0 48 8 44 6 15 2 17 0 1 0
Jembrana 13 3 8 3 5 1 1 0 11 2 1 0
Tabanan 4 2 26 1 38 2 25 1 11 0 2 0
Badung 4 0 50 4 40 0 58 0 0 0 0 0
Denpasar 8 0 36 2 36 3 23 0 51 3 48 3
Gianyar 4 0 8 0 19 0 8 0 8 1 3 0
Bangli 3 0 14 1 14 0 4 0 1 0 0 0
Klungkung 3 0 8 1 8 3 11 1 0 0 1 0
Karangasem 5 1 10 2 32 2 27 0 1 1 0 0
Bali is a area with highest JE inciden in Indonesia. We have found JE cases in all of
regency. The first human JE case in bali, we have found in 1989.
Lymph system
Cytotoxic edema
Brain tissue: replication
CNS and organ destroy RES &
ekstraneural (replication) apparatus golgi Areas of the brain affected
can be in the thalamus,
basal ganglia, brain stem,
cerebellum, hippocampus
Blood stream Systemic symptom and cortex serebral.
Click icon to add
Pearce JC, et all. Japanese encephalitis: the vectors, ecology and potential for expansion. JTM. 2018:25;16-26.
Campbell GL, Hills SL, Fischer M, Jacobson JA,dkk. Estimated global incidence of Japanese encephalitis: a systematic review. Bulletin WHO, 2012.
Clinical manifestations
1 Prodromal Stage
2 Acute Stage
3 Sub-acute Stage
4 Convalescent Stage
SK Saxena, Tiwari S, Saxena R, Mathur A, Nair MPN. Japanese encephalitis: an emerging and spreading Arbovirosis. 2012. Available,
Campbell GL, Hills SL, Fischer M, Jacobson JA, Hoke CH, Hombach JM, et al. Estimated global incidence of Japanese encephalitis: a systematic review. WHO Bulletin, 2012. 89:10.
JE case
SK Saxena, Tiwari S, Saxena R, Mathur A, Nair MPN. Japanese encephalitis: an emerging and spreading Arbovirosis. 2012. Available,
Japanese Ensefalitis Ensefalitis
(Ig M anti JE (Ig M anti JE
Gambaran lesi CT scan kepala
Udem serebri fase akut dan lesi thalamus Gambaran lesi setelah 3 bulan, edema
bilateral serebri berkurang dan berkurangnya
resolusi lesi di thalamus
Handique dkk. Temporal lobe involvement in japanese encephalitis: problems in differential diagnosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2006;27:1027-
Gambaran lesi MRI kepala
Keterlibatan kepala dan badan hipokampus Lesi di thalamus bolateral dan basal ganglia
Lesi melebar ke amigdala dan lesi Keterlibatan insular kiri
substansia nigra bilateral
Handique dkk. Temporal lobe involvement in japanese encephalitis: problems in differential diagnosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2006;27:1027-
No specific treatment
(simptomatic and suportive only)
• tumor, intracranial • Increases hidrostatik
• Brain injury traumatis, presure CSF,: hidrosefalus
diffuse axonal injury ,/ hematome, infark,
HIE. abses, and CNS
• Decreas CSF Volume
• hypertonis/hyperosmol
• steroid
Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care, 3rd ed, Rogers,1996. p. 646; figure 18.1.
Allen CH, Ward JD. Crit Care Clin 1998; 14:485
Brain Edema, the sulci
Brain Edema, the sulci
disappears,the ventricle
disappears,the ventricle narrows
narrows, infark
and infarcts in one hemisphere
midline shift
Citotoxic Edema :
Hiperosmoler Fluid
Mannitol is prepared as a 20 % solution.
The recommended dose is 0.25 to 1 g/kg IV bolus in 10-20
Catatan: Catatan:
Kejang Kejang
Dapat ditambahakan Dapat ditambahakan
berlanjut berlanjut
Fenitoin 5-10 mg/kg 5-10’ Fenobarbital 5-10 mg/kg
30 menit
Intervention Control • Mosquitoes (Vector)
of JE • Pigs (Reservoir)
• Human( Susceptible Host)
JE Control Program
Development Plan
JE vaccination has been implemented in Bali on March-April
March-April 2018
Regency/City Target Coverage (%)
JEMBRANA 63.176 103.08
TABANAN 84.272 104.13
BADUNG 148.644 98.22
GIANYAR 109.860 96.55
KLUNGKUNG 38.936 103.18
BANGLI 51.840 103.32
KARANGASEM 100.308 105.04
BULELENG 158.410 99.37
DENPASAR 207.364 97.68
BALI 962.810 100.12
We have immunizid almost 1 million children,with the coverage up to 100.12%. After that the
Indonesia MOH programed it as routine immunisasion in Bali starting from Mei 2018 and maybe
continue in other propince.
Bali provincial health office, 2018
Adverse reaction JE Vaccine
(KIPI) in Bali
• Non serius : 474 (0.05%)
Fever, headache, rash, nausea-vomiting, diarrhea,urticaria,
abdominal pain, weak body
• Serius : (0.0008%)
Peumonia (2), ensefalitis(1), bacterial meningitis (3) kidney failure (1),
neuritis optica(1), ADEM (1)
Base on investigation: non related JE vacccine