Introduction To The Social Dimensions of Education

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Introduction to the

Social Dimensions of
Sociologist see education as one of the major
institutions that constitute society. While theories
guide research and policy formulation in the
sociology of education, they also provide logical
explanations for why things happen the way they

These theories help sociologists understand

educational systems.
Consensus and Conflict Theory
In order for us to understand why
sociological theories could be classified into
“consensus” and “conflict” perspectives let
us examine the definitions of consensus and
Dahrendorf (1959,1968) as cited by Ritzer
(2000) is the major exponent of the position
that society has two faces (conflict and
consensus) and that sociological theory
therefore should be divided into two parts,
conflict theory and consensus theory.
Consensus theories see shared norms and values as
fundamental to society, focus on social order based on tacit
agreements, and view social change as occurring in a slow
and orderly fashion. In contrast, Conflict theories emphasize
the dominance of some social groups by others, see social
order as based on manipulation and control by dominant
groups, and view social change as occurring rapidly and in a
disorderly fashion as subordinate groups overthrow dominant
groups (Ritzer, 2000)
Consensus theorists examine value integration in
society, and conflict theorists examine conflicts of
interest and the coercion holds society together in the
face of these stresses. Dahrendorf recognizes that
society can not exist without both conflict and
consensus, which are prerequisites for each other.
Thus, we cannot have conflict unless there is some
prior consensus.
Consensus is a concept of society in which
the absence of conflict is seen as the
equilibrium state of society based on a
general or widespread agreement among all
members of a particular society. Conflict is a
disagreement or clash between opposing
ideas, principles, or people- this can be a
covert or overt conflict.
The conflict theory, according to Horton and Hunt
(1984) focuses on the heterogenous nature of society
and the differential distribution of political and social
power. A struggle between social classes and class
conflicts between the powerful and less powerful
groups occur. Group which have vested interest and
power work for rules and laws, particularly those that
serve their own interests, to be passed to the
exclusion of others.
Conflict theorists ask how schools contribute to the
unequal distribution of people into jobs in society so
that more powerful members of society maintain the
best positions and the less powerful groups (often
women, racial and ethnic groups) often minority
groups, are allocated to lower ranks in society. The
larger issue for conflict theorists is the role that
education plays in maintaining the prestige, power, and
economic and social position of the dominant group in
society (Ballantine and Space, 2004).
The conflict perspective assumes that social
behavior is best understood in terms of
conflict or tensions between competing
groups. Such conflict need not be violent; it
can take the form of labor negotiations,
party politics, competition between
religious groups for members, or disputes
over the budget.
Conflict theory grew out of the work of Karl
Marx and focuses on the struggle of social
classes to maintain dominance and power in
social systems. It is a theory or collection of
theories which places emphasis on conflict in
human society (Jary and Jary, 2000:105).
Conflict theory focuses on the struggle
of social classes to maintain dominance
and power in social system

Consensus theory emphasizes on

social order, stability and social
The consensus and conflict sociological theories
are reflected in the works of certain dominant social
theorists such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and
Max Weber and other prominent social theorists
such as Talcott parsons & Robert Merton, & Ralph
Dahrendorf and Herbert Mead & Herbert Blummer.
The works of Marx in his early years was
interpreted by some social theorists as
emphasizing the role of human beings in
social conflict. They explained change as
emerging from the crisis between human
beings and their society. They argued that
Marx theory was a theory characterized by
class conflicts or the conflict between the
bourgeoisie and proletariat.
Max Weber argues that schools teach and
maintain particular “status cultures” that is,
group in society with similar interests and
positions in the status hierarchy. Schools are
often rather homogenous in their student
bodies and teach to that constituency, thus
perpetuating that status culture.
Education systems may train individuals in
specialties to fill needed positions or prepare
“cultivated individuals” those who stand up others
because of their superior knowledge and reasoning
abilities. Individuals who had access to this type of
education in early China were from the educated
elite, thus perpetuating their family status culture.
(Sadovnik et al, 1994)

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