Presented By: Agunod, Wengel Banasihan, Samantha Nicole A. Garcia, Lester Maitim, Princess Anne Oarga, Matelyn S
Presented By: Agunod, Wengel Banasihan, Samantha Nicole A. Garcia, Lester Maitim, Princess Anne Oarga, Matelyn S
Presented By: Agunod, Wengel Banasihan, Samantha Nicole A. Garcia, Lester Maitim, Princess Anne Oarga, Matelyn S
Agunod, Wengel
Banasihan, Samantha Nicole A.
Garcia, Lester
Maitim, Princess Anne
Oarga, Matelyn S.
1. To deepen the knowledge of the audience about breastfeeding
2. To know the impotance of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is promoted by different health
organizations not just in the Philippines but all over the
The Department of Health leads the advocacy on
breastfeeding and internationally it is advocated by the
World Health Organization.
There are certain laws that promotes breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is beneficial for both of the mother and
the infant.
Breastfeeding promotes healthy growth and
development of the baby.
C. What are the benefits that mother can get from
Breast milk provides optimal nutrition for babies. It has the
right amount of nutrients, is easily digested and readily
available. However, the rate of breastfeeding is as low as 30%
in some groups of women. While some women are unable to
breastfeed, others simply choose not to.
1. Breastfeeding may help you to lose weight.
While some women seem to gain weight during
breastfeeding, others seem to effortlessly to lose weight.
o Lack of antibodies.
None of the antibodies found in breast milk are in
manufactured formula. So formula can't provide a baby with the
added protection against infection and illness that breast milk
o Can't match the complexity of breast milk.
Manufactured formulas have yet to duplicate the
complexity of breast milk, which changes as the baby's
needs change.
Unlike breast milk — which is always available,
unlimited, and served at the right temperature — formula
feeding your baby requires planning and organization to make
sure that you have what you need when you need it. Parents
must buy formula and make sure it's always on hand to avoid
late-night runs to the store.
And it's important to always have the necessary supplies
(like bottles and nipples) clean, easily accessible, and ready to go
— otherwise, you will have a very hungry, very fussy baby to
answer to. With 8-10 feedings in a 24-hour period, parents can
quickly get overwhelmed if they're not prepared and organized.