Hintoism: Reporters
Hintoism: Reporters
Hintoism: Reporters
Reporters: Seth
Anthony Bantoto
In the late 19th century and
early 20th centuries.
Shinto was established as the
state religion of Japan.
Shinto came from
Shen means divine
beings or kami
Dao means “the way”
Shintoism means “the
way of the Kami”
Shintoism and its many rituals
connect millions of contemporary
Japanese with their ancestral
Shinto is founded on the worship
of and belief in kami, which are
understood to be sacred and
divine beings, as well as spiritual
Composed of three books:
the first is the age of kami, which
narrates the mythology,
the second and third books
discuss the imperial lineage,
narrating the events concerning
the emperial family up to the
death of the thirty-third ruler,
Empress suiko.
the third book is concerned
mainly with revolts and love
stories of successive rulers
intertwined in a song-story
2. Morality
Good Good Good
3. Purpose To achieve Live at peace and To keep away
harmony, the recognize that evil spirits by
most important everything that purification,
social value. happens in life prayers and
should be accepted offering to the
as part of the eternal “kami”.
force which binds
and moves through
all things.
4. Destiny Holds that in the It’s main rule is to Live their life
course & follow the faith (flow of improving and
culmination of life) without resistance helping to
human life, there and sometimes just develop Japan
exists some drifting going with the to the best
objective certainly flow. county it can be.
that is both
transcendent and
beyond human
5. Views [Women lived Is a gender Female priests
on separately from men neutral religion. are allowed, but
women by custom. Women This is implied by remain rare and
were also assigned the concept of Yin take on the
the rule of providing a Yang which male role of
male heir to ensure teaches that priest from
the continuation of the masculine and recent history,
tradition that male feminine are more so than
children should complementary the traditional
perform the ancestral inseparable and shamanistic
rites.] Capable of equal. The tao te role of women
loyalty, courage and ching uses female in early Shinto.
devotion but also of image such as the
intrigue manipulation mother of the
& selfishness. universe and the
mother of all