Presentation1AGSOY 1
Presentation1AGSOY 1
Presentation1AGSOY 1
Constitutional Commissions
Prepared by:
Agsoy Rechell BSED IV-HET
A.Common Provisions
Section 1:The Constitutional Commissions ,which
shall be independent are the:
2.Commission on Election
3.Commision on Audit
There are some constitution that provides specific protection
mechanism to their independence.These are:
1.At least 35 years of age
2.Natural –born filipino citizen
3.With proven capacity for public administration
4.Must not be a candidate for elective position in the immediately
preceding election.
Appointment and Term of Office
A .Members are appointed by the President with the consent of the
Commission on Appointments
B.The term of Office is 7 years without reappointment.
C.Those first appointed shall have staggered term of 7,5,3
D.Appointmenr to any vacancy shall only be for the remaining term of
E.The Congress shall provide for the standardization of salaries taking
into account the nature of responsibilities and qualification.
F.Candidates who lost in election shall not be appointed to any office
within one year after such election.
Section 2.(1)The civil services all branches
,subdivisions,instrumentalities,and agencies of the
Government,including government –owned or controlled
corporations with original characters.
(2)Appointments in the civil service shall be made only
according to the merit and fitness to be determined ,as far as
practicable ,and except to positions which are policy-
determining ,primarily confidential ,or highly technical,by
competitive examination.
(3)No officer or employee of the civil service shall be removed
or suspended except for cause provided by law.
(4)No office or employee of the civil service shall engage
,directly or indirectly,in any electioneering or partisan political
campaign .
(5)The right of self –organization shall not be denied to
government employees.
(6)Temporary employees of the Government shall be given such
protection as may provided by law.
Section 3.The Civil Service Commission ,as the central
personnel agency of the Government ,shall establish a carreer
service and adopt measure to promote morale ,efficiency
,integrity,responsiveness,progressiveness ,and courtesy in the
civil service
Section 4.All Public officers and employees shall take an oath
or affirmation to uphold and defend this Constitution.
Section 5.The Congress shall provide for the standardization of
compensation of government officials and employees ,including
those in government-owned or controlled corporations with
original character ,taking into account the nature of the
responsibilities pertaining to,and the qualifications required for
their positions.
Section 6.No candidate who has lost in any election shall,with
in one year after such election,be appointed to any office in
the Government or any government-owned or controlled
corporations or in any of its subsidiaries.
Section 7.No elective official shall be eligible for appointment or
designation in any capacity to any public office or position during his
tenure .
Section 8.No elective or appointive public officer or employee shall
receive additional ,double,or indirect compensation ,unless
specifically authorized by law,nor accept without the consent of the
Congress,any present ,emolument,office or title of any kind from any
foreign government.
The Constitution (Sec.5,Art 1X)directs the Congress to provide for the
standardization of compensation of government officials and employees with the
end in view of solving problems arising from salary disparities .Pursuant to this
constitutional mandate ,the Congress,on July 24,1989 passed R.A..No.6758
prescribing a revised compensation and positions classification system,as provided in
P.D.No.985 ,as mended.
Prohibition Against Double Compensation
Public officers or employees whether elective or appointive are prohibited from receiving
additional,double ,or indirect compensation (Sec .8,Art 1X-B.
The oath is made before any officer or employee authorized to administer oath.