Got Data, Now What? Analyzing Usability Study Results: Lynn Silipigni Connaway June 26, 2005
Got Data, Now What? Analyzing Usability Study Results: Lynn Silipigni Connaway June 26, 2005
Got Data, Now What? Analyzing Usability Study Results: Lynn Silipigni Connaway June 26, 2005
Evaluation tool
Identify problem areas
“Determine the fit of the design to the intended users”
(Norlin and Winters, 2002, p. 5)
Usability Testing: Suitable Questions
Natural environment
• Better holistic representation of real people doing real
Usability Testing: Methodology
Analyze the data
• Diagnose and recommend corrections
• Categorize and identify problems with the product
• Identify solutions
• Qualitative analysis
• Textual notes from debriefing
• Read responses
• Summarize findings
Usability Testing: Methodology
Executive summary
• Describe methodology
• Who, what, when, where, and how
• Describe how tests were conducted
• Profile users and describe sampling
• Detail data collection methods
• Succinctly explain the analysis
• Provide screen captures
• Include tables and graphs
• Provide examples
• Identify strengths and weaknesses
• Recommend improvements
Usability Testing: Making the Data Work
Read report
Determine what worked and what did not work
Redesign product/system based upon findings
May be necessary to conduct another usability test
Usability Testing: Limitations