Who Am I in The Cyberworld

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Digital Self
“how can we expect another to keep our secret if we
cannot keep it ourselves” – Francois de la

• the digital self is the aspect of the self that is

expressed or shared with others through online
interactions on the internet specifically in social net
working sites.
• On such sites, users normally disclose personal
information such as their name, age, birthdate,
address and contract details.
• Some users also provide very personal
information about themselves such as their
likes and dislikes, hobbies, favorite food,
movies, places they have visited, relationship
status, thoughts and feelings, and important
events in their lives.
• This sharing of personal information
on social networking sites may be
related to the strong desire of
adolescents for social approval and
acceptance. Similar can be said
about adults.
Tim Berners-Lee
Made the world wide web
available to the public. The internet has
already become an integral part of
everyday life for most of the world’s
• Almost two-thirds of the worlds population now has a mobile
• More than half of the world’s web traffic now comes from mobile
• More than half of all mobile connections around the world are now
• More than one in five of the world’s population shopped online in
the past 30 days.
• Media users in the Philippines grew by 12 million or 25%.
• The number of mobile social users increased by 13 million or 32%.
• The categories people use to specify who they are that is
to locate themselves relative to other people.
• You are who you are and what you do.
• Simply put, your identity is the sum of your characteristics,
including your birthplace and birthday, the schools you
attended, your shoe size, and so on. Some of those
characteristics never change, such as your birthday, and
some change over time, such as your hair color.
Online Identity
• Is actually the sum of all our characteristics and our
• Because you interact differently with each website you
visit, each of those websites will have a different picture of
who you are and what you do.
• Sometimes the different representations of you are
referred to as partial identities, because none of them has
the full and true picture of who you are.
Partial Identity
• Is a subset of characteristics that make up our Identity.
• Each identity of a person comprises many partial identities of
which each represents the person in a specific context or role.

• Is the partial identity we create that represents ourselves in a
specific situation (theatrical mask)
• the particular type of character that a person seems to have
and that is often different from their real or private character.
• The process of controlling how one is perceived by other people.
• The key to relationship inception and development.
Personal Identity
• Is the interpersonal level of self which differentiates the
individual as unique from others.
Social Identity
• Is the level of self whereby the individual is identified by his or
her group memberships.

Self Presentation

Refers to an individual's attempt to

control how he or she projects himself or herself
in social interaction.
Types of Self - Presentation

1. Authentic - goal is to create an image

consistent with the way we view
2. Ideal - goal is to establish an image
consistent with what we wish we were.
3. Tactical Self - Presentation - goal is to
establish a public image consistent with
what others want or expect us to be.
Impression Management

It is a goal-directed conscious or unconscious

attempt to influence the perceptions of other people
about a person, object or event by regulating and
controlling information in social interaction.
Types of Impression Management

1. Constructive - helps in the formation of self-identity

2. Strategic - helps in the attainment of some

interpersonal goal.
Influence of Internet
• On Sexuality and Gender
o Sex – biological state that corresponds to what we might
call a “man” or a “woman”
o Gender – the social understanding of how sex should be
experienced and how sex manifests in behavior,
personality, preferences, capabilities and so forth.
o Sexuality – an individual expression and understanding
of desire.
• Gender and sexuality studies are mainly concerned
with gender identity and gender representation of
o Preference
o Culture representation
• Note: Internet abuse the ability of being able
completely change and hide who they are.
Performing Gender Online

Free culture – Individuals are empowered to

engage in cultural production using raw materials,
ranging from homemade videos from mainstream
television characters to create new culture, memes, and
• Apps for men:
o 4chan
o Digg
o Reddit
• Apps for women:
o Facebook
o Flicker
o LiveJournal
o Tumblr
o Twitter
o YouTube
• Apps for both women and men
o Wikipedia
Facebook or YouTube – female students more likely to create,
edit distribute digital video.
Wikipedia – 87% male contributors
Blog – 14% (men and women) of internet users
 Food, fashion, parenting – women
 Technology, politics – men
Impacts of Online Interactions on the Self

Online Self
• Presentation can be considered a strong power

• Is a virtual world that connects people.
• Internet makes communication easier and faster and make modes of
communication more diverse.
Positive Effect Negative effect

• Keeping in touch • Abusing the use

• Doing business • Development of social skills
• Reaching a broader audience Mental
• Social anxiety Physical
• Vision problems
• Hearing loss
• Neck strain
Setting Boundaries
• Is this post/story necessary?
• Is there a real benefit to this post – is it funny, warm
hearted, teachable – or am I just making noise online
without purpose?
• Have we (as a family or parent/child) resolve this issue? An
issue still being worked out in the home, or one that is
either vulnerable or highly emotional, should not be made
• Is it appropriate? Does it stay within the boundaries of our
family values?
• Will this seem as funny in 5, 10, or 15 years? Or is this post
better suited for sharing with the small group of family
members? Or maybe not at all?
Proper Way of Demonstrating Values and Attitude
• Stick to safer sites.
• Guard your passwords.
• Limit what you share.*
• Remember that anything you put online or post in a
site is there forever, even if you try to delete it.**
• Do not be mean or embarrass other people online.***
• Always tell if you see strange or bad behavior
• Be choosy about your online friends.
• Be patient.
• Control/limit your time in using your gadget.
1. It is the aspect of the self that is expressed or shared with others
through online interactions on the internet specifically in social
net working sites.
2. Because of him the internet has already become an integral part
of everyday life for most of the world’s population.
3. Mari joy is very active in social media especially in Instagram,
but before she change her profile picture she always enhance it
and never posted her natural picture. What kind of identity
Mari joy has been performing.
4. Anne thinks that she is peculiar in their community, because of her red hair, flat
nose, and dark skin.

5. Edmond is known for his long and dark hair, masculine body and angelic face.

6. Is the level of self whereby the individual is identified by his or her group

7. Nicole is considered as a woman because she posses the characteristics of being a


8. An individual expression and understanding of desire.

9. Jenny likes to wear cloths that are suitable for men, because it reflects her
10.Is actually the sum of all our characteristics and our interactions.
11.Is a subset of characteristics that make up our Identity.
12.Because of it Michelle got to communicate with her mother that is
working abroad.
13.It has 14% (men and women) of internet users.
14.Kyle put in her Facebook account all the details of her personality
that perfectly reflect her identity. What kind of self – presentation
is it.
15.Its objective is to create a public image consistent with what
others want or expect us to be.
1. Digital self 9. Gender
2. Tim Berners – Lee 10.Online Identity
3. Persona 11.Partial Identity
4. Personal Identity 12.Internet
5. Identity 13.Blog
6. Social Identity 14.Authentic
7. Sex 15.Tactical Self - Presentation
8. Sexuality

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