Abdul Basit 3.5
Abdul Basit 3.5
Abdul Basit 3.5
Create Urgency Form a Powerful Create a Vision Communicate
Coalition for Change the Vision
Put in place the structure for change, and Make continuous efforts to ensure that
Create short-term targets – not just one Each success provides an opportunity to
continually check for barriers to it. • the change is seen in every aspect of your
long-term goal. • Each "win" that you build on what went right and identify what
Removing obstacles can empower the organization. • It's also important that
produce can further motivate the entire you can improve. • What you can do: – After
people you need to execute your vision, your company's leaders continue to
staff. • What you can do: – Look for sure- every win, analyze what went right and
and it can help the change move forward. support the change. This includes existing
fire projects that you can implement what needs improving.
Identify, or hire, change leaders whose staff and new leaders who are brought in.
without help from any strong critics of
main roles are to deliver the change. – • What you can do: – Talk about progress
the change. – Don't choose early targets
Recognize and reward people for making every chance you get. - Include the change
that are expensive.
change happen. - Identify people who are ideals and values when hiring and training
resisting the change. new staff. .