Communicable Diseases: Rubella, Rubeola, Roseola, Fifth's Disease, Chicken Pox, Scarlet Fever, Mononucleosis
Communicable Diseases: Rubella, Rubeola, Roseola, Fifth's Disease, Chicken Pox, Scarlet Fever, Mononucleosis
Communicable Diseases: Rubella, Rubeola, Roseola, Fifth's Disease, Chicken Pox, Scarlet Fever, Mononucleosis
Rubella, Rubeola, Roseola,
Fifth’s Disease, Chicken Pox, Scarlet Fever, Mononucleosis
Review terminology r/t communicable
◦ Incubation period
◦ Prodromal symptoms
◦ Period of communicability
◦ Types of Isolation: contact, respiratory
Immunizations can prevent many of these
diseases—primary prevention strategy
Careful handwashing to prevent transmission
in essential for healthcare practitioners and
for families
Infection Control: pp. 1019-1020 & Box 27-3
(9th ed.); pp. 193-195 & Box 6-1 (10th ed.)
Early identification of symptoms so that
treatment can be initiated is also paramount
to a good outcome.
If a child is admitted to the hospital with an
UNDIAGNOSED EXANTHEMA, strict isolation is
instituted until a diagnosis is confirmed.
Prevent complications
High-risk children exposed to chickenpox
should receive VZIG (varicella zoster immune
Prevent complications
Alleviate itching that is one of the most
common discomforts of rashes
◦ Cool/tepid baths without soap, may use oatmeal
◦ Calamine/Caladryl lotions must be applied sparingly
to prevent toxic levels being absorbed. They
contain diphenhydramine.
◦ Wear lightweight, loose clothing, keep cool
◦ Keep nails short, wear mittens on young children
◦ Suggest po. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Offer antipyretics (acetominophen or
ibuprofen) for fever and general malaise
Lozenges, saline rinses for sore throats
Suggest quiet activities
Provide comfort
Provide accurate information re: period of
communicability and period of recovery.
Provide support and encouragement.
Review importance of compliance with
No Salicylate products with all viral
diseases because of link to
Reye Syndrome (p.1462-3 10th ed.)—
metabolic encephalopathy: fever, profoundly
impaired consciousness, and liver dysfunction.
Fifth Disease
Chicken pox
Scarlet Fever
Etiology: Epstein Barr Virus
Natural Hx:
◦ Typically self-limiting & uncomplicated
◦ -7Incubation period: 30-60 days
◦ Preclinical stage: 3-5 days
◦ Acute illness: 7-20 days
◦ Convalescence: 2-6 weeks
◦ Viral excretion may occur many months after
◦ Often asymptomatic and difficult to diagnose
Mononucleosis (cont’d)
Signs and Symptoms
◦ General malaise
◦ Sore throat, gelatinous film over palate and
uvula, red macules on palate
◦ Tonsillar enlargement, white exudate on
tonsils, red pharynx
◦ Fever
◦ Macular rash (trunk)
◦ Abdominal pain
◦ Cervical lymphadenopathy
◦ Splenomegaly
◦ Hepatomegaly
Mononucleosis (Cont’d)
Population most affected:12-26 yr olds
Nursing concerns
◦ Potential for secondary infection
◦ Potential for injury
◦ School absenteeism
◦ Possible complications:
Aseptic meningitis
Guillian Barré Syndrome
Splenic rupture
Mononucleosis (cont’d)
Primary prevention
◦ General health promotion measures
Secondary prevention
◦ Prompt medical attention for sore throats to r/o strep
◦ Screening to r/o secondary bacterial infection
Tertiary prevention
◦ Palliative:
Fever (rest, calories, fluids, Acetominophen
Saline gargles
Soft foods
◦ No contact sports
◦ Referral for home-bound teacher, if pt has to
stay home for lack of energy and malaise
◦ Can go to school if feels up to it
That should do it!