Index of Refraction: Outline

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Index of Refraction

Jing Li

•Classical Model
•Typical measurement methods
Definition of Index of Refraction
In uniform isotropic linear media, the wave equation is:

 E   E
t 2

 H   H
t 2
They are satisfied by plane wave
y=A e i(k r- wt) k  k  ω 

y can be any Cartesian components of E and H

The phase velocity of plane wave travels in the direction of k is

vω 1
k 

Definition of Index of Refraction

We can define the index of refraction as

n v 
c  0 0

Most media are nonmagnetic and have a magnetic permeability 0,

in this case

n 

In most media, n is a function of frequency.

Classical Electron Model ( Lorentz Model)
Let the electric field of optical wave in an atom be w0

E=E0 e-iwt + - X

the electron obeys the following equation of

motion E
m d 2 X  m d X  mw0 X  eE
2 2
dt dt

X is the position of the electron relative to the atom

m is the mass of the electron
w0 is the resonant frequency of the electron motion
 is the damping coefficient
Classical Electron Model ( Lorentz Model)
 eE0  iwt
The solution is X e
m(w 0  w 2  iw )

The induced dipole moment is

p  eX  e E  E
m(w 0  w  iw )
2 2

 is atomic polarizability
 e
m(w 0  w 2  iw )

The dielectric constant of a medium depends on the manner in which

the atoms are assembled. Let N be the number of atoms per unit
volume. Then the polarization can be written approximately as

P = N p = N  E = 0 c E
Classical Electron Model ( Lorentz Model)

The dielectric constant of the medium is given by

 = 0 (1+c) = 0 (1+N/ 0)
If the medium is nonmagnetic, the index of refraction is
n= ( /0)1/2 = (1+N/ 0 )1/2

n   1
2 Ne 2

0  0 m(w 0 2  w 2  iw )

If the second term is small enough then

n  1 Ne
2 0 m(w 0  w 2  iw )
Classical Electron Model ( Lorentz Model)
The complex refractive index is
Ne2 (w 0  w 2 ) Ne2w
n  nr  ini  1  i
2 0 m[(w 0  w )  w  ] 2 0 m[(w 0  w 2 ) 2  w 2 2 ]
2 2 2 2 2 2

at w ~w0 ,
Ne2 (w 0  w ) Ne2
nr  ini  1  i
4 0 mw 0 [(w 0  w ) 2  ( / 2) 2 ] 8 0 mw 0 [(w 0  w ) 2  ( / 2) 2 ]


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

Normalized plot of n-1 and k versus ww0

For more than one resonance frequencies for each atom,
n 2  1  Ne  f
 0 m j (w j 2  w 2  iw j ) j

Classical Electron Model ( Drude model)

If we set w0=0, the Lorentz model become Drude model. This
model can be used in free electron metals

n2  1  Ne2
 0 m(w 2  iw )
Relation Between Dielectric Constant and
Refractive Index

By definition,
n2  
n  nr  ini

  1  i 2

We can easily get:

nr  {1 [(1   2 )1/ 2  1 ]}1/ 2 /  0
2 2
ni  {1 [(1   2 )1/ 2  1 ]}1/ 2 /  0
2 2
An Example to Calculate Optical Constants

Real and imaginary part of the index of

refraction of GaN vs. energy;
Kramers-Kronig Relation
The real part and imaginary part of the complex dielectric function  (w)
are not independent. they can connected by Kramers-Kronig relations:
  (w )w 
1 (w )   0  P  2 2
2 dw 
 0 w w 2

  (w )  
 2 (w )  2w P  1 2 0
dw 
 0 w w 2

P indicates that the integral is a principal value integral.

K-K relation can also be written in other form, like

  ( )
n ( )  1 P  d 
 0 1  (  /  ) 2
A Method Based on Reflection

Typical experimental setup

( 1) halogen lamp;
(2) mono-chromator; (3) chopper; (4) filter;
(5) polarizer (get p-polarized light); (6) hole diaphragm;
(7) sample on rotating support (q); (8) PbS detector(2q)
In this case, n1=1, and n2=nr+i n i z
Snell Law become: n2=nr+i n i
k1z  k2 z  2 sin q   n1=1

Reflection coefficient: q
n1 k2 x  n2 k1x k2 x  (nr  ini ) 2 k1x q x
2 2
rp  2 
n1 k2 x  n2 k1x k2 x  (nr  ini ) k1x
2 2

k1x  [( 2 ) 2   2 ]1/ 2

k2 x  [( 2 ) 2 (nr  ini ) 2   2 ]1/ 2

R(q1, , nr, n i)=|r p|2 Reflection of p-polarized light

From this measurement, they got R, q for each wavelength ,

Fitting the experimental curve, they can get nr and n i .
Results Based on Reflection Measurement

Single effective oscillator model

E0 Ed
nr  1 
(Eq. 1)
E0  E 2

Ef  E
Ed E 2 Ed E 4
nr  1   
ln( ) (Eq. 2)
E0 E0
 E  E
2 2

E f  2 E0  E
2 2 2

2 E0 ( E0  E )
3 2 2

FIG. 2. Measured refractive indices at 300 K vs. E0: oscillator energy

photon energy of AlSb and AlxGa1-xAsySb1-y Ed: dispersion energy
layers lattice matched to GaSb (y~0.085 x). E: lowest direct band gap energy
Dashed lines: calculated curves from Eq. ( 1);
Dotted lines: calculated curves from Eq. (2)
Use AFM to Determine the Refractive Index Profiles of Optical Fibers
The basic configuration of optical fiber consists
of a hair like, cylindrical, dielectric region (core)
surrounded by a concentric layer of somewhat
lower refractive index( cladding).

n1 n2

Fiber samples were

There is no way for AFM to measure • Cleaved and mounted in holder
refractive index directly. • Etched with 5% HF solution
People found fiber material with different • Measured with AFM
refractive index have different etch rate
in special solution.
•The optical lever operates by reflecting a
laser beam off the cantilever. Angular
deflection of the cantilever causes a twofold
larger angular deflection of the laser beam.
• The reflected laser beam strikes a position-
sensitive photodetector consisting of two
side-by-side photodiodes.
• The difference between the two photodiode
signals indicates the position of the laser spot
on the detector and thus the angular
deflection of the cantilever.
• Because the cantilever-to-detector distance
generally measures thousands of times the
length of the cantilever, the optical lever
greatly magnifies motions of the tip.
A Method Based on Transmission
For q=0, input wave function a e if ,
tm=aTT’R’2m-1 e i(f-(2m-1)d ) (m=1,2…) r1 r2 r3
d=2dn/ q
The transmission wave
function is superposed by all tm d q1 d n
a T = a T T’ e if S m(R’2m-1 e-i(2m-1)d )
=(1-R2)a e i(fd) /(1-R2e-i2d)
(TT’=1-R2 ; R’=-R)
If R<<1, then t1 t2 t3
a T =a e i(fd)

maximum condition is 2d=2m= 4dn/

n(m)=m m/2d
Result Based on Transmission Measurement

n 2  2.27 2  304.7 2
  294 2
In our lab., we have a simple system to measure the thickness of
epitaxial GaN layer.
Thickness Measurement
n(m)=m m/2d
Steps to calculate thickness

1.2 • Get peak position m

• d=(m m-1)/2/[m-1 n(m)  m n(m-1)]

Intensity (A.U)


• Average d

• get m min= n( max)*2d/  max


• Calculate d : d=m m/2/n(m)

(from m min for each peak)
400 450 500 550 600

Wavelength (nm)

• Average d again
Minimum thickness:~500/n
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