Music of The Medieval Period

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Music of the

Medieval Period
The Medieval Period (700-1400)
• Also known as the Middle Ages or “Dark
• Pope Gregory made approved music of the
Catholic Church.
Characteristics of Gregorian Chants:
• Monophonic-consisting of a single musical line,
without accompaniment.
• Free meter-The word FREE is written downwards
across the stave. This is mostly used when the piece
changes to free time after having had a time signature.
• Modal-relating to mode or form as opposed to
• Usually based on Latin liturgy-sometimes equated in
English as "service", refers to a formal ritual, which
may or may not be elaborate.
• Use of Neume notation- is the basic element
of Western and Eastern systems of
musicalnotation prior to the invention of five-
line staff notation
Troubador Music:
• Usually monophonic
• Sometimes with improvised accompainment
• Tells of chivalry and courtly love
• Originated in France
• Written in the French languange
Adam de la Halle,France,1237-1288
• He was also known as Adam le Bossu (Adam
the Hunchback)
• He was the son of a well-known citizen of
Arras Henri de la Halle
He works include:
• Le Jeu de robin et de marion
• La Chanson du roi di Sicile
Music of the
Renaissance Period
Music of the Renaissance Period
• From the word renaiture which means
“rebirth”,”revival”, and “rediscovery
• Is a period of “looking back” to the Golden
Age of Greece and Rome
Characteristics of Renaissance music:
• Mostly polyphonic- the way that melodic,
rhythmic, and harmonic aspects of a musical
composition are combined to shape the
overall sound and quality of the work.
• Imitation among the voices is common-
In music, imitation is the repetition of a
melody in a polyphonic texture shortly after
its first appearance in a different voice.
• Use of word painting in texts and music
• Melodic lines move in a flowing manner-an
artistic form of auditory communication
incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a
structured and continuous manner
• Melodies are easier to perform because these
move along a scale with a few large leaps
Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period
• Mass-is a form of sacred musical composition
that sets texts of the Eucharistc liturgy into
Characteristics of the Mass
• Polyphonic-producing many sounds
simultaneously; many-voiced.
• May be sung a capalla or with orchestral
• Text may be syllabic(one note set to each
syllable),neumatic(a few notes set to one
syllable),or melismatic (many notes to one
Five main Sections of Mass:
• Kyrie “Lord Have Mercy”
• Gloria “Glory to God in the Highest”
• Credo “Apostle’s Creed” or “Nicean Creed”
• Sanctus and Benidictus “Holy,holy,” and
“Blessed is he”
• Agnus Dei “Lamb of God”
• Madrigal-is a secular vocal polyphonic music
composition which originated from italy
Characteristics of the Madrigal:
• Polyphonic-producing many sounds
simultaneously; many-voiced.
• Sung a capella-is specifically group or
solo singing without instrumental
accompaniment, or a piece intended to be
performed in this way.
• Through-composed-not based on repeated
sections or verses, especially having different
music for each verse.
• Frequently in 3 to 6 voices
Giovanni Pierlugi da
Palestrin,Rome,1525-February 2,1594
• Said to be the greatest Master of Roman
Catholic Church

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