Relational Databases: Relational Algebra (1) Select, Project, Join

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Relational Databases

Relational Algebra (1)

Select, project, join
Originally Prepared by Jennifer Widom
What is an “Algebra”?
Mathematical system consisting of:

 Operands --- variables or values from which new values can be


 Operators --- symbols denoting procedures that construct new

values from given values.

In R1 x R2,
R1 and R2 are the operands while x is the operator . The operator is applied
on operands and new value is constructed.
What is Relational Algebra?
An algebra whose operands are relations. Operators are designed to do the
most common things that we need to do with relations in a database.

This results in an algebra that can be used as a query language for relations.

It's an algebra that forms the underpinnings of implemented languages like

Relational Algebra (1)

Remember: Query (expression) on set of relations

produces relation as a result
Relational Algebra (1)
Examples: simple University admissions database

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Simplest query: relation name

we'll get as a result a copy of the student relation

We will further use operators to filter, slice, combine

University Student Apply
uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Select operator (σcondition R): picks certain rows
sID sName GPA HS
1 Ahmed 3.4 1200

2 Ali 3.75 2000

Students with GPA>3.7

σ GPA>3.7 (Students)
sID sName GPA HS
2 Ali 3.75 2000
Relational Algebra (1)
Select operator (σcondition R): picks certain rows

Students with GPA>3.7 and HS<1000

σ GPA>3.7 ^ HS<1000 (Students)
Applications to Comsats with CS as major
σ major=‘CS’ ^ uName = ‘Comsats’ (Apply)

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Project operator (∏A1,A2,A3,…An R): picks certain columns
sID uName major dec

1 Comsats CS No

1 Comsats EE Yes


ID and major of all applications

∏sID,major (Apply)
sID major

1 CS

1 EE

2 CS
Relational Algebra (1)
To pick both rows and columns…
sID sName GPA HS
1 Ahmed 3.4 1200

2 Ali 3.75 2000

ID and name of students with GPA>3.7

∏sID,sName ( σ GPA>3.7 (Students) )
sID sName
2 Ali
Relational Algebra (1)
sID uName major dec

1 Comsats CS No

1 Comsats EE Yes


List of application’s majors and decisions

∏major,dec (Apply)
major dec


EE Yes

The semantics of relational algebra says that duplicates are always eliminated. So if you
run a query that would logically have a lot of duplicate values, you just get one value for
each result.
Relational Algebra (1)
Cross-product (X): combine two relations
(a.k.a. Cartesian product)
Student Apply
sID uName major dec
sID sName GPA HS
1 Comsats CS No
1 Ahmed 3.4 1200
1` Comsats EE Yes
2 Ali 3.75 2000 X 2 NUST CS No
Student.sID sName GPA HS Apply.sID uName major dec

1 Ahmed 3.4 1200 1 Comsats CS No

1 Ahmed 3.4 1200 1` Comsats EE Yes
1 Ahmed 3.4 1200 2 NUST CS No
2 Ali 3.75 2000 1 Comsats CS No
2 Ali 3.75 2000 1` Comsats EE Yes
2 Ali 3.75 2000 2 NUST CS No
Relational Algebra (1)
Cross-product (X): combine two relations
(a.k.a. Cartesian product)
Names and GPAs of students with HS>1000 who applied to CS
and were rejected

∏sName,GPA ( σ Student.sID=Apply.sID ^ HS>1000 ^ major=‘CS’ ^ dec=‘No’ (Students x Apply))

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Natural Join (⋈)
 Enforce equality on all attributes with same name
 Eliminate one copy of duplicate attributes

Student Apply
sID sName GPA HS uName major dec
sID uName major dec
sID sName GPA HS
1 Ahmed 3.4 1200 1 Comsats CS No
⋈ = 1 Ahmed 3.4 1200 Comsats CS No
1` Comsats EE Yes
2 Ali 3.75 2000 1 Ahmed 3.4 1200 Comsats EE Yes
2 NUST CS No 2 Ali 3.75 2000 NUST CS No
Relational Algebra (1)
Natural Join (⋈)
GPAsof ofstudents
HS>1000who whoapplied
were rejected
and were rejected
∏sName,GPA ( σ HS>1000 ^ major=‘CS’ ^ dec=‘No’ (Students ⋈ Apply ) )

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Natural Join (⋈)
at University
and with enr>20,000 and were rejected
were rejected

∏sName,GPA ( σ enr>20000 ^ HS>1000 ^ major=‘CS’ ^ dec=‘No’ (Students ⋈ Apply ⋈

University) )

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Natural Join (⋈)

Natural Join doesn’t add expressive power to the language

R1⋈R2 = ∏schema(R1) U schema(R2) ( σ R1.A1=R2.A1 ^ ….. (R1 xR2) )

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)
Theta Join (⋈θ)

 Basic operation implemented in DBMS

 Term “join” often means theta join
 Does not add expressive power
 R1⋈θ R2 = ( σθ (R1 xR2) )

University Student Apply

uName city enr sID sName GPA HS sID uName major dec
Relational Algebra (1)

Query (expression) on set of relations produces

relation as a result
 Simplest query: relation name
 Use operators to filter, slice, combine
 Operators so far: select, project, cross-product,
natural join, theta join

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