Audiolingual Method
Audiolingual Method
Audiolingual Method
This approach to learning is similar to the Direct
Method, in that the lesson takes place entirely in the
target language.
Emphasis is on the acquisition of patterns in common
everyday dialogue.
The Audio-lingual Method was widely used in the
1950s and 1960s, and the emphasis was not on the
understanding of words, but rather on the acquisition
of structures and patterns in common everyday
These patterns are elicited, repeated and tested until
the responses given by the student in the foreign
language are automatic.
Some characteristics of this method
Drills are used to teach structural patterns
Set phrases are memorised with a focus on intonation
Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum
Vocabulary is taught in context
Audio-visual aids are used
Focus is on pronunciation
Correct responses are positively reinforced
Observations and Principles :
1) Observation :The teacher introduces a new dialogue.
Principle : Language forms occur most naturally within a
2)Observation :The language teacher uses only the target
language in the classroom. Actions, pictures, or realia are used
to give meaning otherwise.
Principle : The native language and the target language have
separate linguistic systems.
3)Observation :The language teacher introduces the dialogue
by modeling it two times; 1: she introduces the drills by
modeling the correct answers; 2: she corrects
mispronunciation by modeling the proper sounds in the target
Principle: Language teacher’s major role is that of a model of
the target language. Teachers should provide students with an
accurate model.
4) Observation :The students repeat each line of the new
dialogue several times.
Principle :Language learning is a process of habit formation.
5) Observation: The students stumble over one of the lines of
the dialogue. The teacher uses a backward build-up drill with
this line.
Principle:It is important to prevent learners from making
6)Observation: The teacher initiates a chain drill in which
each student greets another.
Principle : The purpose of language learning is to learn how
to use the language to communicate.
7) Observation :The teacher uses single-slot and multiple-
slot substitution drills.
Principle: Particular parts of speech occupy particular ‘slots’
in sentences.
8) Observation: The teacher says, ‘Very good,’ when the
students answer correctly.
Principle: Positive reinforcement helps the students to
develop correct habits.
9) Observation: The teacher uses spoken cues and picture
Principle: Students should learn to respond to both verbal
and nonverbal stimuli.
10) Observation: The teacher conducts transformation
and question-and-answer drills.
Principle: Each language has a finite number of patterns.
Pattern practice helps students to form habits
11) Oservation : When the students can handle it, the
teacher poses the questions to them rapidly.
Principle : Students should ‘overlearn,’ i.e. learn to answer
automatically without stopping to think.
12) Observation:The teacher provides the students with cues; ;
she calls on individuals; she smiles encouragement; she holds
up pictures one after another.
Principle: The teacher should be like an orchestra leader—
conducting, guiding, and controlling the students’ behavior in
the target language.
13) Observation: New vocabulary is introduced through lines
of the dialogue; vocabulary is limited.
Principle: The major objective of language teaching should be
for students to acquire the structural patterns; students will
learn vocabulary afterward.
14)Observation: Students are given no grammar rules;
grammatical points are taught through examples and drills.
Principle: We do not need to memorize rules in order to use
our native language. The rules necessary to use the target
language will be figured out or induced from examples.
15) Observation: The teacher does a contrastive analysis of
the target language and the students’ native language in
order to locate the places where she anticipates her
students will have trouble.
Principle: The major challenge of language teaching is
getting students to overcome the habits of their native
16) Observation: The students do some limited written
work with the dialogue and the sentence drills
Principle: Speech is more basic to language than the
written form. The ‘natural order of skill acquisition is:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
17 ) Observation : The supermarket alphabet game and a
discussion of American supermarkets and football are
Principle: Language cannot be separated from culture.
Culture is not only literature and the arts, but also the
everyday behavior of the people who use the target
Reviewing the Principles :
Goals of teacher:
Teachers want their students to be able to use the target
language communicatively. In order to do this, they believe
students need to overlearn the target language, to learn to
use it automatically without stopping to think.
Role of the teacher & students:
The teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and
controlling the language behavior of her students. Students
are imitators of the teacher’s model or the tapes she
supplies of model speakers. They follow the teacher’s
directions and respond as accurately and as rapidly as
Characteristics of teaching/learning process:
New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialogues.
The dialogues are learned through imitation and repetition.
Drills (such as repetition, backward build-up, chain, substitution,
transformation, and question-and-answer) are conducted based upon the
patterns present in the dialogue.
Students’successful responses are positively reinforced.
Grammar is induced from the examples given; explicit grammar rules are
not provided.
Cultural information is contextualized in the dialogues or presented by the
teacher. Students’ reading and written work is based upon the oral work
they did earlier.
Nature of student-teacher and student-student interaction
There is student-to-student interaction in chain drills or when
students take different roles in dialogues, but this interaction is
teacher-directed. Most of the interaction is between teacher and
students and is initiated by the teacher.
The way language/culture is viewed:
Every language is seen as having its own unique system.
The system comprises several different levels:
phonological, morphological, and syntactic. Each level has
its own distinctive patterns. Everyday speech is emphasized
in the Audio-Lingual Method.
Culture consists of the everyday behavior and lifestyle of
the target language speakers.
Language/language skills emphasized:
Vocabulary is kept to a minimum while the students
are mastering the sound system and grammatical
patterns. A grammatical pattern is not the same as a
sentence.The oral skills receive most of the attention.
Pronunciation is taught from the beginning, often by
students working in language laboratories on
discriminating between members of minimal pairs.
Role of students’ native language
The habits of the students’ native language are
thought to interfere with the students’ attempts to
master the target language. Therefore, the target
language is used in the classroom, not the students’
native language. A contrastive analysis between the
students’ native language and the target language will
reveal where a teacher should expect the most