Hydropower Development: Outline of The Contents
Hydropower Development: Outline of The Contents
Hydropower Development: Outline of The Contents
4. Power House
Layout of power house
Types of Power House
5. Electromechanical Equipment
Hydropower is the energy extracted from the natural potential
of usable water resources.
It is the capture of the energy of moving water for some
useful purpose.
The energy of moving water has been exploited for centuries;
in Imperial Rome, water powered mills produced flour from
grain, and in China and the rest of the Far East, hydraulically
operated "pot wheel" pumps raised water into irrigation
In the 1830s, at the peak of the canal-building era,
hydropower was used to transport barge traffic up and down
steep hills using inclined plane railroads.
Any water resource program of which a hydropower
scheme may form part has environmental and social
impacts, which must be taken into consideration at
the initial planning stage.
Also, legal and political implications must be
carefully considered.
The latest technological advancements in
hydroelectric power generation permit the selection
of proper designs incorporating environmental and
social requirements.
Hydro Electric Power Plant
Ethiopia has substantial hydropower potential from
which less than 2% has been utilize
Abay 78,880
Awash 4,500
Baro Akobo 18,900
Genale Dawa 9,300
Tekez Angereb 6,000
Wabe Shebell 5,400
Omo Gibe 35,000
Rift valley Lakes 800
TOTAL 158,780
Existing Hydropower sites in Ethiopia
Plant Name
HP utilized (MW)
Koka 43.20
Awash II 32.00
System Layout
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Exceedence percentage
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% of tim e pow e r is e qua l or ex ce e de d
Average Load
Base Load
0 6 12 18
C.F . 0.6 or 60 %
100000 *100
NOTE: The capacity factor for hydroelectric plant is generally
b/n 0.25 & 0.75.
Therefore, if the peak load = plant capacity, then capacity factor
= load factor. If the plant is not used to its full capacity, then
load factor ≠ capacity factor.
Thus in the above example, if the maximum load was 75 MW
instead of 100 MW then
•Firm and Secondary Power
The term “firm” is given to supply which can be guarantied at
all times or a large percentage of the time (e.g. 90% of the
This type of supply is distinguished from the supply governed
by the availability of water, which is often termed
“secondary”. Supply available as a result of seasonal excess
of water or abnormal runoffs is termed “surplus” as the
alternative to generation is letting the water run off (spilling).
Firm Power: Also called primary power is the power
which always ensured to a consumer at any hour of the
day and is thus completely dependable power.
Such a power corresponds to the minimum stream flow
and is available for all times.
Secondary Power
0% 100%
Flow Regulation
Increased firm power
Firm Power
(Without storage)
0% 100%
Base Load - Peak Load
Power is needed for a variety of purposes, such as domestic,
commercial, industrial, municipal, agricultural, public transport
The energy demand (local, regional, trans-regional) is subject
to considerable temporal fluctuations.
These variations could be from hour to hour within a day, from
day to day within a week/month, from month to month within a
year, etc.
Day-time Night-time
6 12 18 24 6
Time (hrs)
Typical Daily Load Curve
At certain times the demand may reach the highest value, known as
the peak-load. This maximum demand usually determines the size of
a plant. Generally, the peak-load is defined as that part of the load
carried at intensity greater than 4/3 times the mean load intensity.
To cover the fluctuating energy demand, the following types of power
plants are interconnected to each others and work together:
Base load power stations (coal, oil, nuclear and run-of-river scheme
power stations);
Average load power stations (temporary, gas and reservoir power
Peak load power stations (pumped storage and peak load hydro
power stations).
Base load power stations having high utilization times, they produce
electric energy on a very economical basis.
The energy prime costs of peak load power stations are higher due to
shorter utilization times; their emphasis lies on instant availability.
These differences affect considerably the price of base load and peak
load power.
Time (months)
On plant Capacity
On operating head
On Construction Features
Ethiopia’s Hydropower?
Classification based on operating head
The most popular & convenient classification is
the one based on head on turbine.
On this basis:
Low head plants < 15m
a) Block power plant b) Twin block plant c)Island plant d) pier head plant e) Submersible
Run-off-river plants (low to medium head plants)
Run-off-river plants (low to medium head plants)
The normal flow of the river is not distributed
There is no significant storage
A weir or barrage is built across a river & the low head created is
used to generate power. It also acts as a control spilling device.
The power house is normally in the main course of the river
Power house
Accumulated Volume
Storage Required
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Storage Components Storage (1)
Dam (2)
Appurtenant Structure: Intake
and Spillage Structures:
Spillage Structure:
Spillway (5)
Intake: Service Intake
(3) and Bottom Outlet (4)
Surveillance Structure (in
Dam, in Foundation as well
as Valley Sides)
Diversion (6)
Service Road (7)
Plant Capacity Determination
Basic procedures
Limits of use of turbine types
Determination of number of units
Selection of most economical units
Minimum capacity/installation is determined by the dependable flow
Q (m3/s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Exceedence percentage
•Determination of number of units
It is most cost effective to have a minimum number of
units at a given installation
However, multiple units may be necessary to make the
most efficient use of water where flow variation is high
Factors such as space limitations by geologic
characteristics of existing structure may dictate larger or
smaller units.
Difficulty of transporting and installing larger units
Larger units require construction in segments and field
fabrication with special care
Field fabrication is costly and practical only for multiple
units where the cost of facilities can be spread over
many units.
•Selection of Most economical installation/unit
Total Inv. Cost M. Br. 146.08 158.64 168.63 177.88 188.06 197.93 206.6 214.85
Cap.R. (An.Fac.) % 8.39% 8.39% 8.39% 8.39% 8.39% 8.39% 8.39% 8.39%
Total Annual Cost M. Br. 12.25 13.30 14.14 14.92 15.77 16.60 17.33 18.02
Incr. Cost M. Br. 1.05 0.84 0.78 0.85 0.83 0.73 0.69 -
Annual firm energy Mill. kWh 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12
Annual sur. ene. Mill. kWh 77.02 88 99.39 106.63 114.92 122.16 127.34 130.44
Val. of firm ene. M. Br. 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74
Va. of sur. Ene. M. Br. 16.17 18.48 20.87 22.39 24.13 25.65 26.74 27.39
Tot. ene. value M. Br. 37.92 40.22 42.61 44.13 45.88 47.40 48.48 49.13
Incr. Benef M.Br. 2.31 2.39 1.52 1.74 1.52 1.09 0.65 -
WATER Conveyance Structure
1.Intake Structure
2. Tunnel/canal
3. Surge tank/fore bay
4. Penstock
5. Power House
6. Draft Tube
7. Tail Race
Intake Structures
Intake structure is a structure to divert water into a conduit leading
to the power plant or water ways and provided as an integral
part or in isolation from the diversion, weir or dam.
A water intake must be able to divert the required amount of
water into the power canal or into the penstock without
producing a negative impact on the local environment and with
the minimum possible head loss.
The intake serves as a transition between a stream that can
vary from a trickle to a raging torrent, and a controlled flow of
water both in quality and quantity.
Its design, based on geological, hydraulic, structural and
economic considerations, requires special care to avoid
unnecessary maintenance and operational problems that
cannot be easily remedied and would have to be tolerated for
the life of the project.
A water intake designer should take three criteria into
Hydraulic and structural criteria common to all
kind of intakes
Operational criteria, e.g. percentage of diverted
flow, trash handling, sediment exclusion, etc- that
vary from intake to intake
Environmental criteria, fish diversion systems,
fish passes- characteristics of each project.
Functions of Intakes
To control flow of water in to the conveyance system,
To provide smooth, easy and vortex or turbulence free
entry of water
To prevent entry of coarse river born trash matter
To exclude heavy sediment load of the river
General Classification of Intakes:
Spiral flow
Ground/bottom flow