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Philippine Diabetes Mellitus Prevention and Control Program - Odita and Regunda

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Diabetes Mellitus
Prevention and
Control Program
Presented by: Marwin Odita and Riza Regunda
I. Introduction

Diabetes Mellitus is a genetically and clinically

heterogenous group of metabolic disorders
characterized by glucose intolerance with
hyperglycemia (elevated amount of sugar in the
blood) present at the time of diagnosis.
II. Status
The incidence of diabetes is growing around the world. It is in the top
ten leading causes of deaths. Filipinos are not an exemption to this
incidence as more and more Filipinos are affected by the disease. In
fact, the last 2008 survey was alarming enough to conclude that one out
of every five Filipinos have diabetes.
That means that around 20% of the population have diabetes and this has
significantly increase from only 4% in 1998. Another cause for alarm is that
Filipinos diagnosed with diabetes are getting younger. Children as young as
5-years old have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. With this trend, the
Philippines is expected to belong on the top 10 countries with the most
people with diabetes 15 years from now.
III. Goals and Objectives

A. Goal
Our goal is to reduce the health and social impact of
diabetes among the Filipinos:
 By making at least 90% of Filipinos aware of what diabetes
is by year 2004 to 2010 and thereafter and,
 By reducing the rate of increase of prevalence of diabetes
to 5% per year starting 2004 to 2010.
B. Objectives
In order to reduce the impact of diabetes on the health and socio-
economic life of the Filipinos, the program shall ensure that the following
objectives are met:
 The development of strategies and programs including awareness
campaigns and the continuing education of health personnel and
concerned individuals, to prevent diabetes mellitus and its complications;
 The adoption of cost-effective and appropriate screening methods for
the detection of diabetes mellitus in its early pre-symptomatic stages;

 The investigation into the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment,

prevention and control of diabetes mellitus;
 The evaluation of measures employed, including drug and diet
therapies, in the control of diabetes mellitus;
 Establishment of mechanism to reduce the socio-economic impact of
diabetes mellitus on affected individuals and families;
 The granting of incentives and support for organizations of affected
individuals and families;
 The establishment of coordinated health systems which shall involve
clinicians, researchers, allied health professionals, community-based
health workers and lay volunteers for dealing with diabetes mellitus and
its complications;
 The participation of LGUs, alongside concerned government agencies
and NGOs, in the implementation of programs on diabetes prevention
and control;
 The periodic review of research needs and potential in the control of
diabetes mellitus;
 The systematic utilization of public and private resources to achieve the
objectives enumerated above; and,
 The recommendations of the Commission for Legislation.
IV. Key Strategies and Activities

A. Strategies
Phasing-in of Implementation
The 12-year Program shall be phased into three; (a) preparing
the groundwork in the first 3 years; (b) weakening the bastion of
diabetes in the next 3 years; (c) controlling diabetes and assimilating
healthy lifestyle into the Filipino culture in the last 6 years.
Each phase shall be concluded by an evaluation and planning activity in
order to increase the chances of success in the proceeding phase. It is the
achievement of the goals or outcomes for each stage, which indicate the
beginning of the next phase.
Phases of the National Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
Phase 1999 to 2001 2002 to 2004 2005 to 2010
Preparatory Phase Intensive Phase Maintenance Phase
Other Create and increase Counter initiatives and Sustain, improve and
Activities public awareness on influence favouring update pertinent
diabetes; Identify, development of communication
organize and diabetes; promote strategies; upgrade
mobilize partners; healthy lifestyle; health services
source funds; provide full-scale networks for diabetes;
intensify studies and logistic support; upgrade education
researches implement school materials
Major Train health workers; Implement services Monitor and evaluate;
Activities design multi-level at the community, strengthen specialty
school curricula; schools, workplace, facilities;
initiate legislative and hospital; support institutionalize
agenda; expansion of training; design
diabetes consortia; succeeding program
monitor; continue plans
Expected Information, Influence of factors Filipino adopt healthy
Outcome resources and active favouring diabetes lifestyle and are able
support for the and its complications to access diabetes-
program are is weakened related services
adequately available
In order to ensure that people and community-driven diabetes
prevention and health services occur in continuum, the National
Diabetes Prevention and Control Program recommends and supports
the implementation of a standard package of services specific to four
different venues; community, hospital, school, and workplace.
Program Activities by Interlinked Venues
Community-Based Program
Public Information and Education Hospital-Based Program
Advocacy Screening Management of
Physical Fitness Counseling diabetes
Screening Referral Management of
Counseling Follow-up complications
Referral and Follow-up Diagnosis
Organization of diabetes/community

School-Based Program Program for the Workplace

Health Education Health Education
Physical Fitness Program Exercise and Sports Program
Healthy Foods Promotion Stress Management
Screening and Identification Screening
Clinic Services and Referral Counseling
Organization of Diabetes Clinical services and Referral
DOH provides free diabetes risk screening at the barangay health stations,
rural health units/health centers, public hospitals, and other government health

The department also provides free medicines such as oral anti-diabetes

medicines and insulin to patients diagnosed with diabetes.
Legal Basis for Prevention and Control of Diabetes

Republic Act 8191

An act prescribing measures for the prevention and control of diabetes
mellitus in the Philippines, providing for the creation of a national
commission on diabetes, appropriating funds therefore and for other

Department of Health – Administrative Order No. 16-A s. 1995

“The Diabetes Mellitus Prevention and Control Program in the
Reyala, Nisce, and Martinez et. Al., “Community Health Nursing Services
in the Philippines” 9th Ed., 2000

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