Drill Stem Testing: Mari Petroleum Company Limited

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Mari Petroleum Company Limited

(Formerly, Mari Gas Company Limited)
 On completion of drilling till Well TD

 Open hole logs are recorded and based on the results of

logs, number of DST’s will be decided

 Then Production Liner / Casing will be and cemented

 CBL/VDL logs will be performed to check the isolation

between formations.

 Then Production Liner / casing will be pressure tested.

Flex Trip
Final Flex-Trip String Diagram

 Objectives of Flex trip Tool String Description

 To clean the tubing SLB 10K psi Control Head

MPCL 3-½" PH-6 Tubing (393 joints)

 To pressure test the tubing MPCL X-Over

MPCL 3 1/2" HWDP (2 Stands)

 Why to perform Flex Trip? MPCL

4 3/4" Drill Collars (8 Stands)

Single Shot Reversing Valve

 Used / rental tubing is utilized for MPCL 4 3/4 " Drill Collar (1 Stand)


DST operation, so in order to SLB
Hydraulic Jar( Fully closed)
Pipe Tester Valve
clean and check the integrity of SLB
Safety Joint
tubing flex trip is performed. SLB
Hydraulic Hold Down (Fully closed )
7" 32# FLXP-F (Top to Mid Element)
Mechanical Packer
7" 32# FLXP-F # (Mid Element to
Bottom) Mechanical Packer
SLB Perforated PUP joint

MPCL 2-7/8" EUE Tubing ( 1 joint)

SLB Perforated Mule Shoe

 In order to create communication between formation and
well bore, perforations has to be performed

 Common types of perforations:

 Wireline perforations

 Tubing conveyed perforations

Wireline Perforation
 When the perforation interval is
less than 20 m than wire line
perforating guns were used.

 Wire line perforating guns have

limitation of carrying 09 m guns,
therefore for long perforations we
have to RIH more than once.

 Wire line perforating guns have

following BHA:
 Perforating charges (4-1/2",
5 SPF, 72o phasing,
Connex Charges)
 Detonator
 CCL log (for correlation)
Tubing Conveyed Perforation (TCP)
 TCP guns are used to D E S C R IP T IO N P urpo s e

Flow Head with 01 joint

perforate intervals having
more than 20 m length
3-1/2" PH6 tubings (131 stands+ 31
singles+ 1.619 m Pup joint)

 Guns (4-1/2", 5SPF, 72o X-Over

RA Marker Sub
phasing) Bottom to center of RA Marker - used for depth co-relation

02 x 2-7/8" EUE tubing joint

- There is ceremic plate, that helps

Debris Sub ( Flow area 4.9 in2 )
in slipping the settled particle in mud
Debris Sub ( Flow area 4.9 in2 )

02 x 2-7/8" EUE tubing joint

- To activate/shoot the guns with

Mechanical Firing Head
mechanical impact
- It is used as when we are
Safety Spacer
connecting mechnical firing head

4 1/2" 5 SPF Guns (6 m loaded) - To perforate the formation

- To activate/shoot the guns with

Hydraulic Firing Head + Bottom Nose
hydraulic pressure
Slick Line
 Slick line is a non-conducting wire and was used for
detonating the mechanical firing head.

 Slick line consists of following equipment's:

 Shooting Nipple
 Riser pipe (lubricator)
 Sheaves
 Spool
 Slick line
DST Objectives
 Determine the hydrocarbon potential, quantity and quality of
the formation fluids.

 Determination of reservoir pressure and temperature.

 Evaluation of reservoir permeability and skin.

 Collect representative formation fluid samples for PVT


 Investigate formation characteristics.

 Evaluate boundary effects, if any.

DST Schematic

Tool String Description Purpose


10K psi Control Head

3-½" PH-6 Tubing joint

DST Objectives
MPCL 3 1/2" Pup Joint (2.987 m & 2.762)

MPCL 3-½" PH-6 Tubing (102 stands + 1 single)

Slip joint (Fully open) '- It accomadates the tube movement
SLPJ-F during flowing and shut-in conditions
Slip joint (Fully open)

MPCL 3 1/2" HWDP (2 Stands)

- Provides the weight for DST Packer
MPCL 4 3/4" Drill Collars (9 Stands)

- Used to establish communication

SLB between annulus and tubing during well
Single Shot Reversing Valve

MPCL 4 3/4 " Drill Collar (1 Stand)

Pressure Controlled Tester Valve
- It provide downhole control during flow
Pressure Operated Reference Tool
- It has Memory gauges that records
Pressure and temperature
JAR-F - Helps in jarring effect in case of stuck
Hydraulic Jar (Open) string
Pipe Tester Valve
SLB - Helps in realseing in case of stuck string
Safety Joint
- Provides compatibility within two
SLB X-Over
different sizes and threads
9-5/8" Packer 43.5-53.5 # (Top to Mid
Element) - Provide isolation between annulus and
9-5/8" Packer 43.5-53.5 # (Mid Element tubing
to Bottom)

SLB Perforated PUP joint

SLB Mule Shoe - Helps in entering the Liner

DST Tools
DST Objectives
Wireline logging

 Wire line logging was used for correlation purpose

of perforation and bridge plug setting.

 For perforation, length from top of perforation to

CCL must be noted. For bridge plug, length from
mid of plug element to CCL must be noted.

 For correlation, top of liner and pup joint in casing

are important marks.
Surface Well Testing (SWT)
 The major function of surface well testing is to measure
the following parameters:
 Flow rates of oil, gas and water
 Well head pressure and temperature
 API gravity
 BS&W

 Following equipments were used for surface well testing:

 Choke manifold
 Three phase separator
 Surge tanks
 Gauge tank
 Pump
Surface Lay out (Sujawal Deep-1)
Flow Rate Calculations
 Crude Oil Rate
Flow rate= (final volume-initial volume)×tank factor×1440/(Time taking to reach the final level)

 Gas Flow Rate

 Gas flow rate is measured by using formula through orifice meter.
We have to give six variables to find gas flow rate which are
 Separator pressure
 Separator temperature
 Orifice ID
 Differential pressure
 Gas gravity
 Meter tube ID

 Water Rate
Water flow rate=volume of water produced/time taken by well to produce
that water
Coil Tubing Unit
 Coil tubing was used for kickoff
and stimulation. Coil tubing
consists of following equipment's:
 Reel
 Injector Head
 Stripper
 Pumping Manifold
 Power Pack
 Tanks
 BHA for kickoff and stimulation is
given below:
 Roll on connector
 Double flapper check valve
 Hydraulic disconnector
 Spin cat
Pumping Unit
 Pumping unit was used for pressure testing
various lines and pressurizing annulus for
tester valve opening.

 Pumping unit was also used for squeeze

cementing job.

 Pumping unit consists of two triplex pumps

that can be used simultaneously.
Bridge Plug

 Bridge plug was used to isolate two

different formations. It is easy to drill as it
is made up of fiber material. It was set
using wire line.

 BHA for setting bridge plug using wire

line is given below:
 CCL log (for correlation)
 Setting Sleeve
 Bridge Plug

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