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Structures for the Control of

Recorded Information
National Bibliographies
National Collections

Library Catalogs
Indexes & Abstracts
Bibliographic control

bibliographic identification verification location

• acquisition of collections (wholesalers and dealers in the

book trade supply materials on an ongoing basis -- brokers,
publishers contract; building a collection in an area)
• reordering
• interlibrary loan
• answer to a patron’s inquiry
Bibliographic control

• need to identify the title of an item (print or non-print)

• making or tracing the inventory record is bibliographical

• sources needed for identification and verification (of

accuracy of a citation) or determining location of an item

• levels from local to international and results in the concept

and apparatus of “national bibliography”
Bibliographic control
• concept: a system for the management of all intellectual
and creative activity

• process: mastery over written and published records which

is provided for and by the purposes of bibliography

• operationalization: synonymous with effective access

through bibliographies to all forms (of resources in which
knowledge is retrieved and contained) and formats (print,
non-print, near-print)
Bibliographic control

• bibliographic apparatus is the means to achieve control

• in practice, it is a series of publications (i.e. an apparatus or
pieces in the system) by which the world’s literature is
organized for the purposes of access, management and
communication through bibliographies, catalogs and other
• scope: bibliographic control for any nation, subject
domain, type of material, linguistic record
Bibliographic control
structuring for access

• means by which information is helped or impeded in its

flow (by information policies, laws, networks, and
institutions, cataloging and classification schemes,
mechanical and electronic means)

• habitual use of particular resources (ways to organize and

interrogate these sources to retrieve information)
Bibliographic control
• legacy of early printers’ advertisements and official control
of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries -- Stationers’
Company register (trade bibliographies & universal
• universal bibliography bibliographers from the late 19th
through the mid-20th century still believed in universal
• union catalogs: major libraries making copies of their
catalogs available and all bibliographies contributing to a
knowledge of book and other stocks
Bibliographic control
history (1960s)
• Henriette Avram engineered the creation of the MARC
format (in the LC), enabling the machine readability of
bibliographic records
• Fred Kilgour began OCLC as its first director (first name:
Ohio College Library Center) -- cataloging information via
cable and terminal to all its member libraries, who in turn
were able to put their original cataloging online for the use
of all other members.
• another major network came into being in 1977 to serve
research libraries -- the Research Libraries Information
Network (RLIN)
Universal Bibliographic Control

• catalog the item only once
• catalog the item closest to the source of publication
• make the basic data on publications available
universally, promptly, and in a form that is internationally
(national) Bibliographic control

• record of any nation’s intellectual and creative output is

organized for the purpose of access and management

• composed of the bibliographical apparatus or organization

which aims at assembling the “record of a nation”
(national) Bibliographic control
• catalogs
• national union catalogs
• national bibliographies
• current, retrospective, for various formats of publication
• other tools
• books in print and for sale
• the bibliographies of serials (directories)
• bibliographies of periodical articles (i.e. indexes and abstracts)
• subject specific bibliographies
National Collections
• reflect a record of the nation

• collections are built through legal deposit or copyright acts

(in English-speaking countries)

• copyright requires record of publication to be deposited in

the form of a record with a national institution (Library of
Congress, from 1871)

• publication of the national collections’ holdings in various

National Collections

pamphlets >49 pages

government documents (federal, state, municipal level of
theses (master’s, doctoral)
music scores and sheet music
electronic, sound, and video recordings
electronic serials?
National Bibliographies and National
Library Catalogs

• to verify holdings
• locate items
• catalog and classify
• provide a record of publishing activity in a country
• collect information on what is published about that country
National Bibliographies and National
Library Catalogs
• compiled by a national library, or groups of libraries
(Library of Congress in the United States accomplishes
some of these functions)

• LC bibliographies can be used for acquisition,developing

collections, compiling bibliographies (retrospective) and

• bibliographic utilities (OCLC, RLIN) largely represent a

record of the nation
National Bibliography - United States
Library of Congress Catalog(s)
• The Main Catalog of the Library of Congress 1898-1980.
New York: Saur, 1980-1987 (1984-89) microfiche edition

• various print editions, tape, CD-ROM and fiche editions

give varying access (author, title, subject) to the cataloged
holdings of the Library of Congress

• holdings of the Library of Congress also in the National

Union Catalogs of North American libraries produced by
National Bibliography - United States
National Union Catalog(s)

• National Union Catalog Books, 1983- Washington: Library

of Congress. NUC in multi-volume print sets from the
1950s-1983. Coverage is for contributing North American

• National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints. Prepared at

the Library of Congress. London: Mansell, 1968-1982. 754
volumes. (lists of the Library of Congress and other
contributing North American libraries.)
National Bibliography - United States
• 1493-1892 Sabin. Dictionary of Books Relating to America
• 1639-1800 Evans. American Bibliography
• 1800-1819 Shaw & Shoemaker. American Bibliography
• 1820-1875 A Checklist of American Imprints
• 1872- Publisher's Weekly
• 1873- Publishers' Trade List Annual
• 1876-1910 American Catalogue of Books
• 1899-1980 Books in Series
• 1899-1980 Books in Series
• 1899-1928 United States Catalog
• 1898- Cumulative Book Index
• 1948- Books in Print
• 1957- Subject Guide to Books in Print
• 1960- American Book Publishing Record
• 1966- Forthcoming Books
• 1967- Subject Guide to FB

• 1974- Weekly Record


• library holdings, special and other collections

• union catalogs and union lists of serials record the holdings

of several collections
Book and Serial Trade Publications
• trade bibliographies present a collective record of
commercial sources for the many forms and formats
produced for sale in a country

• for books, these publications are referred to as "in print" or

"out of print."

• Books in Print (Bowker) and Ulrich's International

Periodicals Directory include periodicals and magazines,
some newspapers and serials published in the form of
Book and Serial Trade Publications
• Books in Print, 1948-. New York: R.R. Bowker. (annual; author, title, subject
access in several volumes, index)

• Publishers' Weekly, 1872- New York: Bowker (weekly; international, US

publishing news)

• The Serials Directory, 1986- Birmingham, AL: EBSCO (annual)

• Whitaker's Books in Print, 1965- London: J. Whitaker & Sons. (annual)

• Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, 1932- New York: R.R. Bowker

(annual; in print international source for magazines, journals, irregular serials)

• original meaning (Gk: biblio-graphia): the writing of books

long obsolete
• discipline (the practice of studying and creating
bibliographic works, treatment of books in all aspects,
whether as physical objects or as carriers of ideas)
• product of the discipline: bibliographies or ordered lists of
references / citations

• science or product of the art of recording published


method of compilation, typology

• de visu (“upon sight”) method of compilation

• retrospective bibliography / current bibliography

• systematic / enumerative
• descriptive / analytical (or critical)
• general / subject

• retrospective bibliography

record of past publication

as separately published monograph, it may be compiled at a later date
from existing records
library catalogs of major libraries are important sources of
retrospective bibliographic control

• current bibliography

recording of publications at or close to their date of publication

record usually cumulates in a publication that is itself current
(serialized), e.g. trade news publications
trade bibliographies or directories, along with national bibliographies
and library catalogs are important for the acquisition and
identification of available and “in print” materials

• systematic / enumerative

listing according to some system or reference scheme of books that

have a formal relationship
• analytical (or critical)

• recording of the material aspects of the book

• concentrates on the physical appearance of books

• recording and interpreting evidence about production processes as

preserved in the physical features of books of various periods
• analytical (or critical)
• historical bibliography (tracing provenance / history of ownership, or
view of the physical process of book manufacture in any century or

• textual bibliography (textual work studies of the writing of particular

authors or particular texts in comparison, integrity and authority of
works, transmission of editions and variant versions over time as
authors, editors, compositors alter text deliberately or inadvertently)

• descriptive bibliography (accurate description of a copy recording all

relevant details, for rare, unique or historically interesting items from
the printing trade)
Indexes and Abstracts

• book indexes
• periodical and newspaper indexes
• concordances

• abstracts

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