Protection of
Children (LCPC)
October 21, 2019
ABC Hall, Municipal, Mulanay, Quezon
(b) The state shall protect the best interests of the child through measures
that will ensure the observance of international standards of child
protection especially those to which the Philippines is a party. Proceedings
before any authority shall be conducted in the best interest of the child and
in a manner which allows the child to participate and to express
himself/herself freely. The participation of children in the program and
policy formulation and implementation related to juvenile justice and
welfare shall be ensured by the concerned government agency”
“(c)The state likewise recognizes the right of children to assistance,
including proper care and butrition, and special protection from all forms of
neglect, abuse, cruelty and exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to
their development (d) Pursuant to Article 40 of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child, the state recognizes the right of every
child alleged as, accused of, adjudged, or recognized as, having infringed
the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of
the child's sense of dignity and worth, taking into account the child's age
and disirability of promoting his/her reintegration. Whenever appropriate
and desirable, the State ll adopt measures for dealing with such children
without resorting to judicial proceedings, providing that human rights and
legal safeguards are fully respected. It shall ensure that children are dealt
with in a manner appropriate to their well-being by providing for, among
others, a variety of disposition measures such as care, guyidance and
supervision orders, counseling, probation, foster care, education and
vocational training programs and other alternatives to institutional care”
Social Protection
Development Report
CY 2018
Survey on
Risks and
The municipal Social Protection and Development Report (SPDR) for 2018
provides updated and vital data which will be useful for policy formulation,
planning, program development, research, monitoring and evaluation for social
welfare and development. It provides the data and statistics at the Barangay and
Municipal level such as demography, soci-economic profile and social welfare and
development profile. The data survey was conducted under the MSWDO Family
Risks and Vulnerability Assessment questionnaires on 2018.
No Indicator No. of respondents
Individual Life Cycle Risks
29 Bahay ay gawa sa light/salvaged material 3,404
Economic Risks
43 Paghiram ng pera sa kamag-anak 3,500
Environment and Disaster Risks
46 Biktima ng bagyo o tagtuyot 3,367
Social and Governance Risks
65 Di nakikilahok sa aktibidades ng komunidad 1,946
The top 1 which is number 29, the respondents affirmed that their house is made from
light/salvaged materials. Their house is prone to and dangerous during natural and
man-made disasters. Also, their house is not conducive to live in.
Economic Risks
The top one among five highest yes in this indicator is number 43 which is
“Paghiram ng pera sa kamag-anak” which has 3,500 respondents, the second
is number 31 which is “walang hanapbuhay” which has 2,792 respondents, the
third is number 38 which is “walang life insurance” which has 2,370
respondents, the fourth is number 39 “walang health insurance” which has
2,216 respondents, and the fifth is number 34 “di nakabayad ng utang” which
has 2,004 respondents.
The data stated above indicates that poverty lingers among the residents of
this municipality. Poverty which results to low quality of life which severely
affects children. Further, poverty results to lack of education as parents of the
children who came from families who are poorest of the poor opts to stop
their children from attending school. This is only one of the many effects of
Environment and Disaster Risks
The top five highest yes answered by the respondents are: (46) Biktima ng bagyo o
tagtuyot with 3,367 respondents, (47) Biktima ng lindol o pagputok ng bulkan with
454 respondents, (50) Tumira sa relocation o resettlement with 270 respondents,
(49) Demolisyon with 250 respondents and (45) Biktima ng sunog with 205
Environment and disaster risks are often experienced by the residents who lives in
lowland areas, riverbanks, coastal barangays, earthquake prone areas, land slide
prone areas and the like.
Social and Governance Risks
The probable reason why 1,946 respondents answered that they “di
nakikilahok sa aktibidades sa komunidad” is because they put first their family
and opts not to join any activities of the community to attend to the needs of
their family first and puts first attending to their sources of living such that of
the farmers who has to work at an early hours.
Three-year Plan for Children
Goal: Reduce Children In Conflict with the Law (CICL) and Children At Risk (CAR) to 90% at the end of 2022
Expected Indicator BaselineYearSo Target Component Responsible LGU Budget and
result(Outcome urce of data Intervention office of agency Fund
, Output) source
No. Or Percentage Geographic
Area or
3 years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Outcome No.of MSWDO data Php. 50,000.00 Php. 50,000.00 Php. 50,000.00 LGU-MULANAY Seminar- MSWDO and LGU LCPC
1:Parent/Guard parents/guardi from 2016-2019 workshop/trainin and Municipal
ian of CICL-CAR an performed g on Parent links and
practice their roles and Effectiveness religious sector
effective responsibilities Service (PES) for
parenting and effectively. the parents of
fulfill their Respect the CICL and
parental role rights of their CAR.Family
and children. Development
responsibilities. Discipline and Service (FDS) to
Output guidance are 4Ps beneficiaries,
1:Enhance being taught to counseling, values
Parenting the children formation
capability inside their activities such as
home to retreat and
become better recollection
children and
active member
of their
an will undergo
PES and will
complete the 9
sessions of the
module then
apply the
knowledge to
their own
families on
what they have
Outcome 12 CICL and MSWDO/PNP 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 LCPC/BCP
2:CICL-CAR 7CAR actively 2016-2019 C
are participated
productive in their
and actively family,
participated community
in their and school
family, school activities.
and They will be
community able to
Output express their
2:Utilize their ideas,
potentials, opinions that
capacities as can
responsible,b contribute to
etter children the
in their development
community of child
through sector in the
programs and community.
services No.of CICL-
available in CAR will
their attend youth
community summit/cam
p that can
help them to
be self-
reliant, build
No.of CICL-
CAR will
Enhanc No.of MSWD LGU
ed parents O data Mulana
Parenti /guardia from y,
ng n 2018- Quezon
Capabili undergo 2019
ty PES and
ed the
nine (9)
of the
Outcome3: 28 barangays CAR/CICL LGU Mulanay, Advocacy
LCPC/BCPC, BCPC, VAW MSWDO data Quezon campaign on
VAW desk were desk will from 2016- children’s laws RA
organized and conduct regular 2019 7610, RA 9262, RA
functional meetings with 9344, RA 10630,
Output 3: minutes of the RA 9208
LCPC/BCPC meeting with
members and annual and
VAW desk financial plan
officers were and budget
trained on how allocated from
to manage an the 1% of IRA.
organization. Members of
Allocation of the council
budget were exercise their
fully utilized for function as
the program of member of the
children council and
able to
cts, and
activities No.of
members have
knowledge and
skills on their
regarding the
of CICL-CAR in
the barangay
level. 1% of
fund will be
utilized for the
program of the
Outcome No.of 28 LGU Training on Barangay
4: LCPC/BCP barangays Mulanay RA 7610, officials,
Implemen C are MSWDO RA 9262, MSWDO
ted/appli capable data RA 9344,
ed RA to handle 2016- RA 10630,
7610, RA and 2019 RA 9208
9262, RA manage And
9344, RA children’s advocacy
10630, cases campaign
RA 9208 who will on the
Output 4: undergo above
LCPC/BCP diversion/ written
C are Interventi laws
aware of on
children’s program
laws and No. Of
their LCPC/BCP
roles and C
responsib members
ilities as oriented
council with
Outcom No.of MSWD LGU Skills MSWDO
e 5: parents O data Mulana training CICL-CAR
Opportu /guardia 2016- y and and their
nity for n will be 2019 livelihood parents
livelihoo involved program
d in for CICL-
assistan livelihoo CAR and
ce d their
Output program families
5:Increa s of the They will
sed govern be
income ment provided
(SLP) with
Decreas livelihood
ed opportun
amount ities
lives will
Outcome 6: PYAP will MSWDO LGU Training on
PAG-ASA regularly data 2016- Mulanay TESDA
Youth conduct a 2019 programs and
Association meeting sports
PYAP was and has Organization
organized in work and of peer
28 financial support group
barangays plan and
and actively minutes of
participate the meeting
in nation No.of CICL-
building CAR were
Output 6: enlightened
PYAP and
members empowered
are about their
subjected to rights and
youth privileges
empowerm through
ent peer groups
and were
joined in
and retreat
for their
Thank you!