Authentic Advertisements Good

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The concept of “advertising” made its
way into our life to fulfill a very specific need:
introducing products or services to the
market, as well as promoting them and our
brand’s image.
Advertisements are the ones that
decide the future of a company’s multiple
hours of work: success or failure. Therefore,
we must pay attention to the way we decide to
promote ourselves and what we offer.
Nowadays, the chances of seeing actual people distributing promotional materials
on the streets has decreased since mass-media platforms have become more popular, but the
possibility of making our products and services noticed has risen spectacularly.
1. Advertising & advertisements
1.1. Definitions
An advertisement is “a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade
people to buy a product or service.”1, “When I write an advertisement, I don’t want
you to tell me that you find it “creative”. I want you to find it so interesting that you
buy the product”2
Advertising is defined as “the business of trying to persuade people to buy
products or services.”3 but the businessman William Bernbach states that
“Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science,
but an art.”

1 Colin McIntosh, Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, University of Cambridge, U.K., 2013, page 23.

2 David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising, First Vintage Books Edition, New York, March 1985, page 7
3 Colin McIntosh, op.cit., page 23.
1.2. Main steps for a successful advertisement

Method Position

2 4 6
Product Research Image

1 3 5
2. Skittles

2.1. Brief History

‣ Made its debut in 1974. Founded by an unknown British company, it was first introduced
in North America in 1979 as an import confectionery, later on in 1982 becoming a
domestic production in the U.S.A.
‣ Wrigley Company, a division of Mars Inc. currently produces and markets the fruit-
flavored candy, which is now shipped internationally, but the popular “Taste the Rainbow”
theme was created by New York ad agency “D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles”.4

4, accessed at 13:45, 01.05.2017.

2.2 Products
2.3. “Taste the rainbow” The need of
consuming a
Their simple yet effective theme is what
made Skittles increase their incomings year after
With the “Taste the rainbow” campaign, the various
the brand made its entrance on the market with a assortments of
very specific purpose: offering the possibility of Skittles
tasting a large amount of flavors that represent,
individually, one color of the rainbow.
Each candy color is associated to a
particular flavor: yellow - lemon, red -
strawberries, blue - blueberries, and so on. "Taste the
3. The authenticity of advertisements

Creating an authentic advertisement can be an enormous challenge even to the

greatest specialists in this field. To put it in simple words, in order to make an
advertisement authentic and appealing to the public, we need to keep in mind the next

1. Writing the idea 2. Building/shaping it 3. Making a strategy

4. Adapt the strategy 5. Release to the public
3.1. Skittles advertisements

This brand uses mostly social

media platforms in order to reach out to
their customers. Therefore, most of the
advertisements are done through pictures
or videos.
Since the target market is
composed of mostly teenagers and
children, their ideas and strategies follow
a hilarious path.
3.2. Advertising through pictures

It’s easy to tell which Best part about Surrealist There are two things Rodger
houses are going to be Skittles Art? Even if you loves: eating Strawberry
the most popular with don’t get it, you can still eat Skittles and riding his bike to
trick-or-treaters. it. get more.
This guy uses Skittles to trap kids “If I fits, I sits” - #SkittlesCloud
like an eight-legged sir.
3.3. Advertising through videos
We were all born to be creative in our own way, and whether we put that into
practice or not is up to us.
Creativity is considered a process, since we allow ourselves to generate ideas
and develop them gradually. Human beings are capable of taking everyday objects /
concepts and extending them to unbelievable horizons, resulting in improvement.
This is exactly what the process of composing an advertisement is.

Idea Process Advertisement

1. David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising, First Vintage Books Edition, New York, March 1985.
2. Denis Higgins, The Art of Writing Advertising: Conversations with William Bernbach, Leo
Burnett, George Gribbin, David Ogilvy, Rosser Reeves, NTC Business Books, Illinois, 1965.
3. Luke Sullivan, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads, Jon
Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2012.
4. John Caples, Tested Advertising Methods, Prentice Hall, Paramus, New Jersey, 1997.

Internet sources
* Skittles, accessed at 13:45, 01.05.2017.
* Skittles products, accessed at 14:05, 01.05.2017.
* Skittles Official Website, accessed at 15:35, 01.05.2017.
* Facebook Leans In, accessed at 16:07, 01.05.2017.

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