P3 Send Home-Powerpoint (Two Factors)

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By the end of this PowerPoint you should know:

 What EGC and MRI stands for and what it shows

How X-rays, ultrasound and blood and temperature monitors work
 What RMS stands for and how it improves quality of care
What blood analysis are and the two different types of blood analysis
 What EEG stands for, why and how it works, and what all results would suggest and preparations that
would need to take place before the test
 The understanding of urine analysis, and the procedures that would need to take place
• What are X-Rays?
• X-Rays are actually electron rays which get fired in a line. They are called X-Rays because when they were discovered, the
scientists had no idea what these rays were; so they were called X-Rays.
• As electrons are small, a material with a high density is needed in order to protect people from radiation. This is why nuclear
waste is enclosed in lead barrels, as lead is dense.
• X-Rays can be used for detecting radiation.
• X-Rays are harmless, whereas alpha, beta and gamma radiation is.
• More about radiation
• Radioactive materials do not stay radioactive forever as they have a half life which is a period of time in which the
radioactive material halves. For some materials this takes minutes, and some take thousands of years.
• Radiotherapy works by shooting alpha radiation through the body to kill the cells which are infected by cancer
once the radioactive cells have been located.
• In the olden days people used radioactive creams as moisturisers as it made their skin “glow”.
• A US company has developed the world's first lightweight radiation-proof fabric, which provides as much
protection as a lead vest.
• Traditional lead vests offer protection because heavy metals have large atoms and therefore have large numbers
of electrons. When certain types of radiation hit these electrons they are slowed down and absorbed by the metal.

• However, gamma rays and X-rays are highly penetrating forms of radiation,
• which can only be stopped if the electrons in a material are able to absorb
• enough of their energy.
• Ultrasound works by using the reflections of a high frequency sound in order to construct an image.
• Ultrasound works much like a bat’s sonar.
• The frequency given is higher than the human voice.
• The picture which the sound gets converted to is called a sonogram.
• This is used to scan for babies.

• Obstetric ultrasound is primarily used to:

• Date the pregnancy (gestational age)
• Confirm fetal viability
• Determine location of fetus, intrauterine vs ectopic
• Check the location of the placenta in relation to the cervix
• Check for the number of foetuses (multiple pregnancy)
• Check for major physical abnormalities.
• Assess fetal growth (for evidence of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR))
• Check for fetal movement and heartbeat.
• Check for mental illnesses or disorders.
• Determine the sex of the baby

• Ultrasound has another use which is to work as a sonar which is useful for firefighters and rescue helicopters.
•Ultrasound was around since the 1950s.
•Currently used equipments are known as real-time scanners, with which a
continuous picture of the moving foetus can be depicted on a monitor screen.
Very high frequency sound waves of between 3.5 to 7.0 megahertz (i.e. 3.5 to 7
million cycles per second) are generally used for this purpose.

•Conventional ultrasound displays the images in thin, flat sections of the body.
Advancements in ultrasound technology include three-dimensional (3-D)
ultrasound that formats the sound wave data into 3-D images.
•Four-dimensional (4-D) ultrasound is 3-D ultrasound in motion.

The colour is showing the blood flow in heat vision.

Colour doppler Power doppler

• Blood pressure is a measurement of the force applied to the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body.
The pressure is determined by the force and amount of blood pumped, and the size and flexibility of the arteries.
• Blood pressure is continually changing depending on activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, posture, physical state, and
medication use.
• Blood pressure readings are measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and usually given as 2 numbers. For example, 110
over 70 (written as 110/70).

• A blood pressure reading can be used to check if someone….

– Has diabetes by measuring their glucose levels.
– Has taken too much alcohol.
– Has taken aspirin.

• A blood pressure monitor should not be used until 30 minutes after someone has taken caffeine, alcohol or coffee as that
alters with the result making an inaccurate blood pressure reading.

• How thermometers work
• A thermometer contains a chemical which has a low boiling point.
• It’s low boiling point makes it ideal for measuring someone’s temperature very quickly.

• Dangers of mercury
• Many countries such as the United Kingdom have banned thermometers
• Such as mercury as it is a lethal chemical.
• Modern thermometers now use galinstan, which is a liquid metal with a
• Low boiling point which contains galium, indium and tin.

• Uses for thermometers

• Thermometers can be used to check whether food is cooked.
• They check whether someone has a temperature or fever.
Across 1. GLOW—Radioactive creams makes skin....
3. SONAR—Ultrasound is the same as a bat's.... 2. GENDER—Ultrasound can determine this of the baby
5. ELECTRON RAYS—X-Rays are actually made of 4. ABSORBS—Lead is a substance which successfully ___
8. MILLIMETERS—Blood pressure is measured in radiation.
this small unit. 6. SICK—Themometers can check if someone is ....
12. LEAD BARRELS—What nuclear waste is 7. REFLECTIONS—Ultrasound picks up this off from bouncing off
disposed in objects with a high frequency wave.
13. COOKED—Cooks can use these to make sure a 8. MERCURY—If a themometer is dangerous, it is made of this.
food is 9. LOW—Chemicals in a themometer have a ___ boiling point.
14. X-RAYS—Electron rays are known as 10. ARTERIES—Blood flows through these
16. COFFEE—This non-alcoholic drink affects 11. FEVER—If someone has a high temperature, they can be said
someone's blood pressure reading. to have a
18. FIREFIGHTERS—These emergency service uses 15. FAT—People who have too much of this in their diets get blood
ultrasound to locate people. pressure. (Due to eating too much carbohydrates.)
19. CHANGES—Blood pressure does not stay the 17. HIGH—The frequency a ultrasound gives is very....
same. It always
What is EEG?
An electroencephalogram is a test to detect problems in the electrical activity of
the brain. Electrodes, which are usually small metal discs, are placed on the
scalp where good mechanical and electrical contact is made. These electrodes
are carefully placed along the head at regular intervals and will sense the
Why is this test carried out?
electrical changes in the nerve cells once recording has begun

The most common reason an EEG is performed is to

How EEG works diagnose and monitor attacking disorders. EEGs can
also help to identify causes of other problems such
EEG, is a tool we use to image as sleep disorders and changes in behaviour. EEGs
the brain while it is performing a are sometimes used to evaluate brain activity after a
cognitive task. This allows us to severe head injury or before heart or liver
detect the location and the transplantation.
magnitude of brain activity
involved in the various types of
cognitive functions we study.
EEG allows us to view and What are the risks and benefits?
record the changes in your brain
activity during the time you are EEG are non-invasive and do not involve any x-rays, radiation, or
performing the task injections. The electrodes record activity without producing any
sensation. Slight redness may occur in the locations where the
electrodes were placed, but this will wear off after a few hours.
However, there may be risks depending on your specific medical
condition, so you would be screened for disorders such as
What do abnormal results means?

Abnormal findings may suggest the following:

• attacking disorders i.e. epilepsy
• Structural brain abnormality i.e. brain tumour How would the test
• head injury make you feel?
• Attention shortage problems
• Inflammation of the brain This test would not cause any
• Haemorrhage- which is the bleeding caused discomfort. Although having electrodes
by a blood vessel stuck onto your skin may feel strange,
they only record activity and do not
• Cerebral infarct- which is a dead tissue produce any sensation
because of the blockage of the blood supply
• sleep disorders
•Drug or alcohol abuse How would you need to
• migraines Prepare for your test?
• hallucinations

You would need to wash your hair the night before the test. You would not be
allowed to use any oils, sprays, or conditioner on your hair before this test.
You may need to stop taking certain medications before the test however, you
do not change or stop taking these medications before talking to your health
provider. You would need to avoid all foods containing caffeine for 8 hours
before the test. Sometimes it maybe necessary to sleep during the test
therefore, you may be asked to reduce your sleep time the night before
What is Urine analysis?

Urine analysis screens for a variety of

disorders. The tests check colour and
degree of cloudiness of the urine. They
also detect and measure a variety of
cells and substances in the urine.
Examples are protein, sugar, liver
products, and blood cells.

The procedure
What do abnormal findings indicate?
This procedure is quite simple. There is usually no fluid
or food restriction before the test. The patient collects
Abnormal findings may indicate certain problems. For a urine sample, either at home or at a medical clinic. If
example, protein in the urine suggests kidney disease. possible, the first urine in the morning is collected. The
Sugar often indicates diabetes. Certain substances sample is then sent to the lab for analysis.
indicate liver disease. A variety of problems cause
bleedings in the urinary tract. White blood cells may
indicate an infection in the urinary tract. Bacteria or
yeast also indicate infection. These results also
provide an early warning for certain diseases and a
way to monitor other diseases.
Match the correct statements to the

Statements Definitions
EEG stands for… sleep disorders, Drug or alcohol abuse, migraines,
Abnormal findings of urine analysis include: Slight redness which would last for a couple of hours
however; you maybe screened for disorders such as
For an EEG test, how would you deal with your medications
that you maybe currently taking? protein, sugar, liver products, and blood cells.

Why is an EEG test carried out? You may need to stop taking certain medications before the
test however, you do not change or stop taking these
medications before talking to your health provider.
Abnormal findings of EEG include: Electroencephalogram

What does an urine analysis test check for? There are typically none, as to either food or fluid

Are there any restrictions before taking the urine analysis identify causes of other problems such as sleep disorders
test? and changes in behaviour. They are sometimes used to
evaluate brain activity after a severe head injury or before
heart or liver transplantation.
What are examples of a variety of cells and substances in Kidney disease, diabetes, liver disease and bleedings
the urine?
What are the risks of EEG? colour and degree of cloudiness of the urine
What is Remote Monitoring Who uses this system?
System? How does it improve quality of

Remote Monitoring It monitors and Doctors and nurses

System is a special watches closely in hospitals use this
system that is very patients with particular system.
simple to use. It has the illnesses such as Carers alongside
ability to improve the chronic disease, family members can
quality of care whilst cardiovascular also have the chance
“reducing costs”. disease or to use this as well.
diabetes. It also Furthermore, the
alerts medical RMS has the ability
staff if there is a to capture and
“dangerous” transmit important
change in a health data to these
patients status. specific groups.

“People with long term illnesses need

monitoring of their health condition
until it becomes stable” - quote from
project director Mariella Devoti.
What is Blood
Analysis? Types of Blood Analysis

Blood Analysis is a type of

diagnostic technology that Dried Layered Blood Analysis
provides a main solution for
the detection and awareness
of bacteria, infections and
also viruses in blood within
individuals. Live Blood Analysis
• Dried Layered Blood Analysis • Live Blood Analysis

• Dried layered blood analysis are used to identify

“abnormalities” in the blood. Abnormalities include • Live Blood Analysis are used to identify things
things such as toxic metals, inflammation and amino such as yeast infections and bacteria. This type of
acid. This particular test is used to establish the short diagnostic technology has the ability to provide a
term and also the long term nature of health problems broad view of the quality of a person's blood.
within individuals.
Circle and fill in the missing space

1) Blood analysis provides a solution for the detection of bacteria, infection and
( germs/ viruses)

What are Live Blood analysis able to identify?

Abnormalities in the blood include things such as

What does a dried layered blood analysis look like? (Please tick next to chosen box)

In your own opinion, which blood analysis do you think is more reliable? Give two reasons.


d o c t o r s b h d r y t o l p n v s z
k e q d d n s g h t d u j g y u o l p o
s a d g h r d g t k h g g n w e t g d s
c v b m a r i e l l a i y u g h j d e x
r f g t d s a v n y f d e r l o p h f d
f e d r g y e s a c f e y s g t y h f s
a w d r t h u u k g d v a e a a g t l o
r e d u g t h y u i t o p s g h d e r y
a w s d c g t y h b d t h u t d x o p h
d f r f g i a d r g t y h f e f y c v o
a q e f t g n b t h u f s e a v t h i s
d f f t d f t g j u t f s g t g b d a p
s e f t h y o l c g r f c v g t d s s i
s e v f t h u h n o n y f d s w r g g t
l o h f d c v y f s s a f h e g r c v a
e h y n g d r h k l f t d g h l t g b l
d t h u j d f c g h k l s w r g b l o s
g h y f s v y m t e s f g g t h p a i l
e d g t h u u t g h s f b g t h u a t a
a d r t f s a d v h y y j i l o a e r s

•Reducing costs
•Who is the project director? (first
An ECG stands for electrocardiogram

An ECG stands for electrocardigram; this is a simple and a useful test which
records the rhythm and electrical activity of the heart.
ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that measure's the electrical activity of the

What can an ECG show?

An ECG can detect problems which the person may have with the heart
rhythm, it can also tell if someone is having an heart attack or if they’ve had
a heart attack in the past.

Is ECG dangerous?
When the patient is at rest it is completely harmless
If an exercise test is performed, the patient may get chest pains,
however this examination must be supervised by a medical doctor.

An ECG can be used to assess if the patient has had a heart attack
or evidence of a previous heart attack.
An ECG can be used to monitor the effect of medicines used for
coronary artery disease.
An ECG reveals rhythm problems such as the cause of a slow or
fast heart beat.
What can the ECG test show?
The ECG test can show that your heart needs more blood and
oxygen when you are active and the exercise ECG can show if your
heart is not getting enough blood from the coronary arteries during
physical activity.

There are no risks. No electricity is sent
through the body, so there is no risk of

Anyone aged 40 years or older should have an ECG.

Common symptoms that frequently require an ECG include

the following::

Chest pains or discomfort

Shortness of breath
What can an MRI scan show?
An MRI is good at showing the structure of your heart and blood vessels around
it. The MRI also measures the flow of blood through the heart and some of the
major arteries.
An MRI scan is also able to provide clear pictures of parts of the body that are
surrounded by bone tissues, so this technique is useful when examining the
brain and spinal cord.

MRI scans can show muscles, joints, bone marrow,

blood vessels, nerves and other structures within your

MRI is the best scan available for most conditions and can be used
to investigate the entire body.
It an be used for:
 Spinal, joint
 Measuring blood flow in blood vessels
 Assessment of the heart function
 Assessment of brain function after a stroke.
Is MRI scan dangerous?
MRI magnetic resonance There are no dangers or side effects connected to
imaging can help diagnose and and MRI scan. The test is not painful; you cannot
monitor many different medical feel it.
conditions. It's suitable for every
part of the body, including the
bones, soft tissues (such as
blood vessels, and muscles) and Risks
the brain. MRI doesn't use X- The powerful magnetic field used during and
rays. MRI does not hurt or cause damage to your
MRI doesn't cause pain or body.

MRI machine is shaped like a large cylinder with a hole through

the centre. The patient lies on a platform that moves into the
machine, which makes a loud sound as it scans the body.
MRI can detect brain and spinal disease and several forms of
cancer and several cardiovascular conditions.
Fill in the missing blanks:

•ECG stands for electrocardiogram

•An ECG can detect problems which the person may have with the heart rhythm.
•ECG is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.
•An ECG can be used to assess if the patient has had a heart attack or evidence of a
previous heart attack.
•The ECG test can show that your heart needs more blood and oxygen when you are
•MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging
•The powerful magnetic field used during and MRI does not hurt or cause damage to
your body
•An MRI is good at showing the structure of your heart and blood vessels around it.
•MRI scans can show muscles and joints.
•MRI machine is shaped like a large cylinder with a hole through the centre.

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