P3 Send Home-Powerpoint (Two Factors)
P3 Send Home-Powerpoint (Two Factors)
P3 Send Home-Powerpoint (Two Factors)
• However, gamma rays and X-rays are highly penetrating forms of radiation,
• which can only be stopped if the electrons in a material are able to absorb
• enough of their energy.
• Ultrasound works by using the reflections of a high frequency sound in order to construct an image.
• Ultrasound works much like a bat’s sonar.
• The frequency given is higher than the human voice.
• The picture which the sound gets converted to is called a sonogram.
• This is used to scan for babies.
• Ultrasound has another use which is to work as a sonar which is useful for firefighters and rescue helicopters.
•Ultrasound was around since the 1950s.
•Currently used equipments are known as real-time scanners, with which a
continuous picture of the moving foetus can be depicted on a monitor screen.
Very high frequency sound waves of between 3.5 to 7.0 megahertz (i.e. 3.5 to 7
million cycles per second) are generally used for this purpose.
•Conventional ultrasound displays the images in thin, flat sections of the body.
Advancements in ultrasound technology include three-dimensional (3-D)
ultrasound that formats the sound wave data into 3-D images.
•Four-dimensional (4-D) ultrasound is 3-D ultrasound in motion.
• A blood pressure monitor should not be used until 30 minutes after someone has taken caffeine, alcohol or coffee as that
alters with the result making an inaccurate blood pressure reading.
• How thermometers work
• A thermometer contains a chemical which has a low boiling point.
• It’s low boiling point makes it ideal for measuring someone’s temperature very quickly.
• Dangers of mercury
• Many countries such as the United Kingdom have banned thermometers
• Such as mercury as it is a lethal chemical.
• Modern thermometers now use galinstan, which is a liquid metal with a
• Low boiling point which contains galium, indium and tin.
You would need to wash your hair the night before the test. You would not be
allowed to use any oils, sprays, or conditioner on your hair before this test.
You may need to stop taking certain medications before the test however, you
do not change or stop taking these medications before talking to your health
provider. You would need to avoid all foods containing caffeine for 8 hours
before the test. Sometimes it maybe necessary to sleep during the test
therefore, you may be asked to reduce your sleep time the night before
What is Urine analysis?
The procedure
What do abnormal findings indicate?
This procedure is quite simple. There is usually no fluid
or food restriction before the test. The patient collects
Abnormal findings may indicate certain problems. For a urine sample, either at home or at a medical clinic. If
example, protein in the urine suggests kidney disease. possible, the first urine in the morning is collected. The
Sugar often indicates diabetes. Certain substances sample is then sent to the lab for analysis.
indicate liver disease. A variety of problems cause
bleedings in the urinary tract. White blood cells may
indicate an infection in the urinary tract. Bacteria or
yeast also indicate infection. These results also
provide an early warning for certain diseases and a
way to monitor other diseases.
Match the correct statements to the
Statements Definitions
EEG stands for… sleep disorders, Drug or alcohol abuse, migraines,
Abnormal findings of urine analysis include: Slight redness which would last for a couple of hours
however; you maybe screened for disorders such as
For an EEG test, how would you deal with your medications
that you maybe currently taking? protein, sugar, liver products, and blood cells.
Why is an EEG test carried out? You may need to stop taking certain medications before the
test however, you do not change or stop taking these
medications before talking to your health provider.
Abnormal findings of EEG include: Electroencephalogram
What does an urine analysis test check for? There are typically none, as to either food or fluid
Are there any restrictions before taking the urine analysis identify causes of other problems such as sleep disorders
test? and changes in behaviour. They are sometimes used to
evaluate brain activity after a severe head injury or before
heart or liver transplantation.
What are examples of a variety of cells and substances in Kidney disease, diabetes, liver disease and bleedings
the urine?
What are the risks of EEG? colour and degree of cloudiness of the urine
What is Remote Monitoring Who uses this system?
System? How does it improve quality of
1) Blood analysis provides a solution for the detection of bacteria, infection and
( germs/ viruses)
What does a dried layered blood analysis look like? (Please tick next to chosen box)
In your own opinion, which blood analysis do you think is more reliable? Give two reasons.
d o c t o r s b h d r y t o l p n v s z
k e q d d n s g h t d u j g y u o l p o
s a d g h r d g t k h g g n w e t g d s
c v b m a r i e l l a i y u g h j d e x
r f g t d s a v n y f d e r l o p h f d
f e d r g y e s a c f e y s g t y h f s
a w d r t h u u k g d v a e a a g t l o
r e d u g t h y u i t o p s g h d e r y
a w s d c g t y h b d t h u t d x o p h
d f r f g i a d r g t y h f e f y c v o
a q e f t g n b t h u f s e a v t h i s
d f f t d f t g j u t f s g t g b d a p
s e f t h y o l c g r f c v g t d s s i
s e v f t h u h n o n y f d s w r g g t
l o h f d c v y f s s a f h e g r c v a
e h y n g d r h k l f t d g h l t g b l
d t h u j d f c g h k l s w r g b l o s
g h y f s v y m t e s f g g t h p a i l
e d g t h u u t g h s f b g t h u a t a
a d r t f s a d v h y y j i l o a e r s
•Reducing costs
•Who is the project director? (first
An ECG stands for electrocardiogram
An ECG stands for electrocardigram; this is a simple and a useful test which
records the rhythm and electrical activity of the heart.
ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that measure's the electrical activity of the
Is ECG dangerous?
When the patient is at rest it is completely harmless
If an exercise test is performed, the patient may get chest pains,
however this examination must be supervised by a medical doctor.
An ECG can be used to assess if the patient has had a heart attack
or evidence of a previous heart attack.
An ECG can be used to monitor the effect of medicines used for
coronary artery disease.
An ECG reveals rhythm problems such as the cause of a slow or
fast heart beat.
What can the ECG test show?
The ECG test can show that your heart needs more blood and
oxygen when you are active and the exercise ECG can show if your
heart is not getting enough blood from the coronary arteries during
physical activity.
There are no risks. No electricity is sent
through the body, so there is no risk of
MRI is the best scan available for most conditions and can be used
to investigate the entire body.
It an be used for:
Spinal, joint
Measuring blood flow in blood vessels
Assessment of the heart function
Assessment of brain function after a stroke.
Is MRI scan dangerous?
MRI magnetic resonance There are no dangers or side effects connected to
imaging can help diagnose and and MRI scan. The test is not painful; you cannot
monitor many different medical feel it.
conditions. It's suitable for every
part of the body, including the
bones, soft tissues (such as
blood vessels, and muscles) and Risks
the brain. MRI doesn't use X- The powerful magnetic field used during and
rays. MRI does not hurt or cause damage to your
MRI doesn't cause pain or body.