On Corporate Governance Under Companies Act
On Corporate Governance Under Companies Act
On Corporate Governance Under Companies Act
3. Internal Audit.
4. Compliance Report.
Resident Director : (Section 149 (3) ) Person who has stayed in India for a
total period of not less than 182 days in the previous calendar year.
Independent Directors : (Section 149(4) of CA-2013 & (6) and R.4 of the
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.)
Public listed company: At least one third of the board to be comprised of
independent directors.
At least 2 (two) independent directors for public companies which have paid
up share capital of Rupees one hundred million, a turnover of Rupees one
billion, having in the aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures and deposits
exceeding Rupees five hundred million. (R.4)
An independent director shall possess appropriate skills, experience and
knowledge in one or more fields of finance, law, management, sales,
marketing, administration, research, corporate governance, technical
operations or other disciplines related to the company’s business. (R.5)
Women Director: (Section 149 (1) & R.3) At least One Women Director for
all Listed Companies and Non-listed public companies having paid up share
capital of Rs.100 crores or more or having turnover of Rs.300 crores or
2. Constitution of a number of Committees
Audit Committee
Both private and public company have to constitute audit
Committee. With minimum with three independent directors on
the board along with the chairperson who should be able to read
and understand the financial statement. (Section 177 of the
Companies Act,2013)
All listed and following class of companies should have Audit
Committee (Rule 6 of Companies (Meetings of Board and its
powers) Rules,2014).
All public companies with a paid-up capital of Rs.10 Crores or
All public companies having turnover of Rs.100 Crores or more;
Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
(S.178(1) of CA-2013 and R.6 of the Companies (Meetings of
Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 Companies (Meetings of Board
and its Powers) Rules, 2014)