Debates - Structure
Debates - Structure
Debates - Structure
Max. of two
in a speech
• Regardless of the style of debate used, each team
has one last chance to reinforce their arguments,
counter any attacks made by their opponents, show
the other side’s weakness and the strengths of their
own case.
In conclusion, the affirmative has shown clear needs for
change (summary)… and a workable solution
(summary) … that will have convinced you that you
must support the resolution in this debate.
In conclusion, I have begun the negative case by
clashing with the Affirmative case and by making strong
points for the negative: 1. that etc. Concluding
quotation or observation about the Affirmative case. I
am sure that the judges will agree that their case must
The Time
Essential Learnings
• Independent Learning
• Communication Skills
• Critical and Creative Thinking
• Personal and Social Values and Skills