(Fluorid) Application in Dental Fields
(Fluorid) Application in Dental Fields
(Fluorid) Application in Dental Fields
Fluoride Administered by Dental Personnel:
The fluoride is not only the most effective method
known at present for preventing dental caries but it
is also the most
It is widely believed that fluoridation should be the
corner-stone for any local or national caries-
preventive programme.
Systemic Topical
•Water fluoridation Home use:
•Salt fluoridation Dentifrices
•Milk fluoridation Mouth rinse
•Fluoride supplements: Professionally applied:
Tablets Fluoride gels
Drops Solutions
Types of topical solution or gel of fluoride administered by dental
a- Sodium fluoride solution (2%)
- need a series of four applications at
about weekly intervals was required.
b- Stannous fluoride solution (8%)
- it is necessary to prepare a fresh
solution for each treatment (it is unstable)
- it produce a brown stain
c- Acidulated phosphate-fluoride (APF)
- it is stable when restored in plastic or polythene containers
- its taste is less disagreeable than that of stannous fluoride
- it does not stain enamel
- it is available as either solution or gel
- Varnish are available which are applied directly to the teeth
d- prophylaxis paste
- Various fluoride have been incorporated into prophylaxis paste
- Prophylaxis with the paste should not be considered as an alternative
treatment to the application of solution gel, or varnish
Technique: topical fluoride application:-
A:- Direct technique, solution, gel or varnish:
a- Ask the child to brush his teeth or you can do scaling and polishing
b- Isolated teeth ⅓ of mouth or ½ of the mouth
c- Dry the isolated teeth
d- Apply solution, gel or varnish with a small brush to all tooth surfaces
e- Keep the teeth covered with solution or gel for 4 minutes. If using varnish
apply thin layer to surfaces showing enamel demineralization then allow
contact with saliva or drip water on to the varnish
f- After 4 minute remove solution or gel from accessible tooth surfaces (leave
g- Advise the patient not to eat or drink for ½ hours
B:- Indirect (tray) technique: gel
a- Ask the child to brush his teeth or do scaling and polishing.
b-Select and prepare a tray
c- Place enough gel to cover the base of the tray
d- Dry the teeth
e- Isolate the maxillary or mandibular arch by retracting the checks, and dry with
compressed air, only.
f- Sit the patient nearly upright and insert the tray
g- Insert the saliva ejector
h- After 4 minutes remove the tray and remove excess gel
i- Advise the patient not to eat or drink for ½ hour