Update - Subcommittee On Bridges and Structures: Kelley Rehm, PE July 2011
Update - Subcommittee On Bridges and Structures: Kelley Rehm, PE July 2011
Update - Subcommittee On Bridges and Structures: Kelley Rehm, PE July 2011
Kelley Rehm, PE
July 2011
Subcommittee on Bridges and
• http://bridges.transportation.org
• Twenty Technical Committees
• Responsible for over 75 publications
including the LRFD Bridge Design Guide
• Annual meeting in May of each year to
ballot changes to all Bridge and Structure
related documents
May 15-19th in Norfolk, VA
Latest Bridge Publications News
• Publication of the AASHTO Guide Manual
for Bridge Element Inspection
Replaces CoRE Element Guide
CoRE Guide will be sun-setted after this year
New Website that will hold information about
the implementation of the Element Inspection
Guide –
Other Bridge Publications
Pub Code Title Current Status
BWC-6-I1 2011 AASHTO Interim Revisions to Bridge Tech rev.
Welding Code
MBE-2-I1 2011 Interim Revisions to the Manual for Bridge In prod. est.
Evaluation, 2nd Edition 7/18
Bridge Preservation
Actions or strategies that prevent, delay or reduce deterioration of bridges or bridge
elements, restore the function of existing bridges, keep bridges in good condition and
extend their useful life. Preservation actions may be preventive or condition-driven.
Bridge Preservation
Actions or strategies that prevent, delay or reduce deterioration of bridges or bridge
elements, restore the function of existing bridges, keep bridges in good condition and
extend their useful life. Preservation actions may be preventive or condition-driven.
Adopted Bridge Preservation
Effective bridge preservation actions are intended to address bridges while they are still in good or fair condition and
before the onset of serious deterioration. An effective bridge preservation program:
• employs long-term network strategies and practices that are aimed to preserve the condition of bridges and
extends their useful life;
• has sustained and adequate funding sources;
• has adequate tools and processes to ensure that the appropriate treatments are applied at the appropriate time.
• An effective bridge preservation program may include, but is not limited to, the following components:
• Qualifying parameters for bridge types and related conditions, i.e. bridge elements or components that are in fair
to good condition such as concrete decks, coated steel elements, substructure elements in a marine environment,
• Appropriate treatments such as cleaning, installation of deck overlays, coating of steel elements, installation of
cathodic protection and prevention systems, etc.
• Regular needs assessment to identify, prioritize, and estimate the cost of planned work
• Best practices for Bridge Preservation include:
• The method of identification of needs is uniform, specific and repeatable; and based on element level condition
• First level national performance measures are used to set program funding levels and second level agency
specific performance measures are used to set objectives for the full range of actions (maintenance, preservation,
rehabilitation, replacement) to optimize bridge conditions.
• Prioritization process integrates agency objectives for network condition levels and individual bridge risk.
• Verification and feedback on work completed.
• A significant portion of resources determined by agency network goals are directed to preservation actions.
• Agency management champions the preservation of assets.
Bridge Technical Service
• Bridge Specification Maintenance
28 States Participating
28 States Participating
As of June 1
Alabama Missouri
Arizona Nevada
California New Hampshire
Colorado New York
Connecticut North Carolina
Florida North Dakota 39 Participating States
Georgia Ohio
Hawaii Oklahoma
Idaho Oregon $20,000 per state
Illinois Pennsylvania As of June 1
Indiana South Dakota
Iowa South Carolina
Kansas Tennessee
Kentucky Texas
Louisiana Utah
Maryland Vermont
Michigan Virginia
Minnesota West Virginia
Mississippi Wisonsin
• NTPEP is very close to launching the Polymer Concrete
Overlay program with both field and laboratory
evaluation of these products.
Field evaluation will be done in KY – Materials and Maintenance
have been working together to determine locations for the
• If there are products or items that SCOM would like to
have evaluated – you can ‘champion’ them (i.e. provide
someone with the technical expertise to jump start the
process) – this does not mean you have to join another
committee – but do need to provide expertise to develop
a work plan for evaluations or manufacturing audits.
New Technology and Research
• T-11 Research
All done without mobilizing ground crews and without any traffic control