Barrier For Ocular Drug Delivery System
Barrier For Ocular Drug Delivery System
Barrier For Ocular Drug Delivery System
The eye is an isolated, highly complex, and specialized organ for
photoreception. A complex of anatomy and physiology render it
a highly protected organ.
The eye can be divided into two segments: anterior and
anterior segment: consists of front one-third of eye that
mainly includes pupil, cornea, iris, ciliary body, aqueous
humor, and lens.
posterior segment: consists of the back two-thirds of the eye
that includes vitreous humor, retina, choroid, macula, and
optic nerve.
⃰ Aswani Dutt Vadlapuri, Kishore Cholkar, Supriya Reddy Dasari & Ashim K.
Mitra, Ocular Drug Delivery, Chapter-10, Page No:- 219-223.
• Tear film reduces the effective concentration of the
administrated drugs due to dilution by the tear turnover
(approximately 1 L/min), accelerated clearance, and binding
of the drug molecule to the tear proteins.
• It consists of three layers; epithelium, stroma and
endothelium, and a mechanical barrier to inhibit transport of
exogenous substances into the eye.
• Each layer possesses a different polarity and a rate-limiting
structure for drug permeation.
⃰ Neha and Mohamed Yasir, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Oxford College
of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad, UP, India, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, I.T.S
Paramedical college, Ghaziabad, UP, India. Volume 6, Issue 9, 220-265.
Corneal Epithelium
• The corneal lipophilic nature of epithelium and tight junctions
among cells are formed to restrict paracellular drug
permeation from the tear film.
Corneal Stroma
• The stroma is composed of an extracellular matrix of a
lamellar arrangement of collagen fibrils.
• The highly hydrated structure of the stroma acts as a barrier to
permeation of lipophilic drug molecules.
Rinda Devi Bachu, Pallabitha Chowdhury, Zahraa H.F. Al-Saedi, Pradeep K. Karla and
Sai H. S. Boddu, Ocular drug delivery barriers, Journals, Pharmaceutics 2018, volume
10, issue 1, 10.3390. 20.09.2019
⃰Rinda Devi Bachu, Pallabitha Chowdhury, Zahraa H.F. Al-Saedi, Pradeep K. Karla and
Sai H. S. Boddu, Ocular drug delivery barriers, Journals, Pharmaceutics 2018, volume 10,
issue 1, 10.3390. 20.09.2019
Patent no. Inventor Novelty
Recently advance ocular drug delivery system have been
developed to produced controlled drug release into eye
segments such as liposome, nanoemulsion, contact lenses,
implant penetration enhancer etc.
Ocular drug delivery has to overcome unique barriers
Constantly increasing understanding of the absorption
processes offers new possibilities in the future.
It seems that new tendency of research in ophthalmic drug
delivery systems is directed towards a combination of several
drug delivery technologies.
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